Author Topic: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...  (Read 513913 times)

Offline newyearsday

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #230 on: September 16, 2008, 05:22:57 pm »
Hey all,

Have not been here in a loooong while but I wanted to share something I just read that gave me chills.

Alec Baldwin, in answering questions for a Time Magazine piece, had this to say about Heath:

Watch a movie like "Brokeback Mountain," which is an incredible movie. You know, Heath Ledger dying was this huge tragedy because he gave one of the greatest screen performances of a male performer in 50 years, literally. Like with Brando. I would never say that, but he was that great in that movie. Forget Batman and all this other crap. "Brokeback Mountain" was just unbelievable.


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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #231 on: September 16, 2008, 07:11:49 pm »
Hey all,

Have not been here in a loooong while but I wanted to share something I just read that gave me chills.

Alec Baldwin, in answering questions for a Time Magazine piece, had this to say about Heath:

Watch a movie like "Brokeback Mountain," which is an incredible movie. You know, Heath Ledger dying was this huge tragedy because he gave one of the greatest screen performances of a male performer in 50 years, literally. Like with Brando. I would never say that, but he was that great in that movie. Forget Batman and all this other crap. "Brokeback Mountain" was just unbelievable.



Wow, I love that sentence,forget Batman and all this other crap,BBM was just unbelievable and so say all of us.!!!!

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #232 on: September 17, 2008, 02:59:48 am »
Hey all,

Have not been here in a loooong while but I wanted to share something I just read that gave me chills.

Alec Baldwin, in answering questions for a Time Magazine piece, had this to say about Heath:

Watch a movie like "Brokeback Mountain," which is an incredible movie. You know, Heath Ledger dying was this huge tragedy because he gave one of the greatest screen performances of a male performer in 50 years, literally. Like with Brando. I would never say that, but he was that great in that movie. Forget Batman and all this other crap. "Brokeback Mountain" was just unbelievable.



I couldn't agree more. Thank you Alec Baldwin!  :)
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Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #233 on: September 17, 2008, 10:52:53 am »
Hey all,

Have not been here in a loooong while but I wanted to share something I just read that gave me chills.

Alec Baldwin, in answering questions for a Time Magazine piece, had this to say about Heath:

Watch a movie like "Brokeback Mountain," which is an incredible movie. You know, Heath Ledger dying was this huge tragedy because he gave one of the greatest screen performances of a male performer in 50 years, literally. Like with Brando. I would never say that, but he was that great in that movie. Forget Batman and all this other crap. "Brokeback Mountain" was just unbelievable.



Hey Jenny,
so good to see you here! :D How're ya doin gurl?

Thanks for posting this. And of course I completely agree with Alec Baldwin.

Offline newyearsday

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #234 on: September 17, 2008, 12:17:43 pm »
Hey Penthesilea,

Thanks for saying howdy. I'm doin', as they say. Went on a horseback ride this summer through the Hawaiian countryside and thought about Heath and Jake filming on horseback a lot, and Ennis and Jack of course. It was one of the best times I've had this summer. Haven't seen The Dark Knight. Not ready to yet. I'm moving away from NYC at least for the time being, in about a month, so that's a big deal. I'll miss the Brokies here a lot.

Hope people don't mind me saying all this here. It's good to see some old faces still around.

Big Cheers to everyone,


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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #235 on: September 17, 2008, 12:34:29 pm »
For the time being?  So you might go back?  I'm dying to see NYC — never been there.

So where are you going?  Anyway, great to see you, and thanks for the great post about Alec (Baldwin, I mean).


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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #236 on: September 17, 2008, 01:39:15 pm »

Wow, I love that sentence,forget Batman and all this other crap,BBM was just unbelievable and so say all of us.!!!!

What's the point of 'forgetting' and denigrating everything else Heath did?  He evidently didn't believe that his other work was "crap", and that doesn't honor his memory. 

You can amend the statement to "so say all of us minus at least one."  I want no part of that.

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #237 on: September 17, 2008, 05:28:42 pm »
Hey all,

Have not been here in a loooong while but I wanted to share something I just read that gave me chills.

Alec Baldwin, in answering questions for a Time Magazine piece, had this to say about Heath:

Watch a movie like "Brokeback Mountain," which is an incredible movie. You know, Heath Ledger dying was this huge tragedy because he gave one of the greatest screen performances of a male performer in 50 years, literally. Like with Brando. I would never say that, but he was that great in that movie. Forget Batman and all this other crap. "Brokeback Mountain" was just unbelievable.



Great quote Jenny and great to see you here

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #238 on: September 17, 2008, 05:48:46 pm »
What's the point of 'forgetting' and denigrating everything else Heath did?  He evidently didn't believe that his other work was "crap", and that doesn't honor his memory. 

You can amend the statement to "so say all of us minus at least one."  I want no part of that.

I did not read the statement as meaning the rest of Heath's work was crap. I cannot imagine a fellow actor being so rude as to even vaguely suggest that. I just took it to men all the "crap" that surrounded Heath's death.People crawling out te wood work to comment on his alleged heavy drug use, suggesting he had not provided for Matilda etc.
Maybe I am just naieve, but that is how I read it. Is BBM his finest acting role, for me yes, but did I also love Candy, TDK,AKT, Casanova, 10 things, yes I most certainly did.
Could Mr Baldwin be referring to some of the roles that the critics here,panned maybe.I am going to continue to read it as all the general hoopla surrounding Heath.
Sorry if I offended anyone, that was never my intention.

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #239 on: September 17, 2008, 06:50:12 pm »
I thought the quote from Alec Baldwin was honest and honourable to Heath and his acting ability.

It also indicateds that Baldwin, is not just a fan of Heath, but a great fan of the entire movie of BBM.

When he says "forget all that crap"....I think what he means is that Batman falls into insignificance when comparing it to BBM, and that if you want to remember Heath as a great actor, remembering him in Brokeback is a greater compliment to him, than remembering him in Batman.

I BBM Heath played a man, who many many people can relate to and understand, because he was REAL......his character in Batman was that of a, for want of a better word, "cartoon character", anyone who donned all that makeup would have looked like the Joker, but NO ONE could have played the part of Ennis, as well, and as perfectly as Heath did.
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