Author Topic: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...  (Read 513890 times)


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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #240 on: September 18, 2008, 09:45:48 am »
I did not read the statement as meaning the rest of Heath's work was crap. I cannot imagine a fellow actor being so rude as to even vaguely suggest that. I just took it to men all the "crap" that surrounded Heath's death.People crawling out te wood work to comment on his alleged heavy drug use, suggesting he had not provided for Matilda etc.
Maybe I am just naieve, but that is how I read it. Is BBM his finest acting role, for me yes, but did I also love Candy, TDK,AKT, Casanova, 10 things, yes I most certainly did.
Could Mr Baldwin be referring to some of the roles that the critics here,panned maybe.I am going to continue to read it as all the general hoopla surrounding Heath.
Sorry if I offended anyone, that was never my intention.

I wasn't intending to attack anybody here and I certainly don't think that Jenny needs to apologize for anything. But I do think it's disturbing that a fellow actor would refer to Heath's other work as 'crap' and that people would be applauding a statement like that.  Baldwin didn't say the rest of Heath's work 'fell into insignificance' (bad enough, IMO) nor that 'remembering him in Brokeback was a greater compliment to him' nor that his character in TDK was a 'cartoon character.'  There are some good points there; but they're defenses of his statements after the fact, not anything he said.  And what he actually said was "Forget Batman and all this other crap. 'Brokeback Mountain' was just unbelievable."  While I agree that Heath's performance as Ennis was his greatest, Baldwin's being a fellow actor makes a statement like that less defensible, not more.  It's a reflection of this odd belief that you can't praise something without simultaneously devaluing something else and running it down.

Or put it this way: if Matilda was my child, that isn't one of the tributes to Heath I'd save in her scrapbook.  But I don't want to get into any kind of fight over this, so I've said my piece.

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #241 on: September 19, 2008, 12:57:50 am »
And what he actually said was "Forget Batman and all this other crap. 'Brokeback Mountain' was just unbelievable." 

Tell you what: I didn't link the "crap" part of his words to Heath respectively his movies. I took it as a more genereal statement, on the note of "all those meaningless but economically so successful blockbuster/popcorn movies".

Like a grumpy old man snarling about how bad the times are  ;D

And if I think about how successful King Kong was in comparison to BBM, which played at the same time, I can see from where he comes (although BBM was  surprisingly successful and there's nothing wrong with pure entertaining and then forget about it movies).

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #242 on: September 19, 2008, 01:44:48 am »

I BBM Heath played a man, who many many people can relate to and understand, because he was REAL......his character in Batman was that of a, for want of a better word, "cartoon character", anyone who donned all that makeup would have looked like the Joker, but NO ONE could have played the part of Ennis, as well, and as perfectly as Heath did.

I agree completely with your view on this.
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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #243 on: September 19, 2008, 07:56:36 am »

Five leaves, le bar d’Heath Ledger, a ouvert à New York

Son ultime projet

L’acteur australien mort en début d’année avait investi dans un bar, qui ouvre aujourd’hui à New York.
Il aura fallu attendre huit mois pour que le bar d’Heath Ledger, Five leaves, ouvre enfin ses portes aujourd’hui. L’acteur avait choisi le quartier de Brooklyn pour s’installer.

« C’est un endroit très cosy avec des tendances légèrement australiennes et californiennes. Un café qui fait bar à huîtres et propose également des snacks », révèle en avant-première le site américain Fives leaves ressemble à « un bar construit par Thomas Edison (inventeur du télégraphe) pour y recevoir ses amis ».

Quant à la carte, vous pourrez, entre autres, y déguster de fines tranches de radis sur des toasts avec du beurre Evans Farmhouse. Par contre, nous ne connaissons pas encore la carte des prix de cet endroit, digne des décors des plus grands films de Tim Burton. Le bar d’Heath Ledger est situé à Brooklyn, la ville où est installée son ex-compagne Michelle Williams, avec sa fille Mathilda Rose.

Five Leaves, the hotly anticipated bar from first time restaurateurs Jud Mongell and Kathy Mecham and once backed by Heath Ledger, is now open to the public for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It occupies a strange triangular space, giving it a lot of light, and has a subtle nautical theme (the door to the bathroom is an old ship door). If you've been to Smith & Mills or Williamsburg's Moto, you'll immediately recognize the handiwork of designer John McCormick.

The food has a slightly Australian bent (owners are from Down Under), but is pretty standard, affordable fare. The lunch menu features a $13 burger and a selection of sandwiches and salads in the under $10 range. Breakfast is pastries and coffees (which can be procured through a window to the side of the bar), along with pancakes and eggs. Of course, by the looks of the space we're expecting a sizable bar crowd as well. And a bonus: owners Jud and Kathy live just down the street, so you can expect to see them on the premises.

Five Leaves
Nautical themed, Australian, Cocktails
18 Bedford Ave., Williamsburg; 646 510 6467
Open for b,l,d until 2 a.m.

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #244 on: September 20, 2008, 09:49:27 am »
Encounter/Heath tribute:

I met Heath Ledger in 2000. I was working on From Hell and he was shooting A Knights Tale which were both being shot in and around Prague.

It was one of the best and worst times of my life - I was in a Hollywood movie, shooting scenes with Johnny Depp and Robbie Coltrane but behind all the glitz and the glamour there was a sour taste to the whole experience: I (unlike many of the other actors working on the film), had been out in Prague for nearly three months, it was lonely living out of a hotel room and I had terrible anxiety and self doubt with regards to my part in the movie itself - coupled with some unpleasant incidents on set, I felt very isolated and vulnerable.

One evening during that time, some of the actors from my film had arranged to meet some of the actors from the other film at a night spot in Prague and I happened to be in that very same bar when they arrived. Out of everyone who was there, it was Heath who asked me if I would like to join their party, some of the guys had said hello to me when they arrived and Heath had deduced I must have been working on the other film and that I was on my own.

I had a really great time that night, and on a couple occasions Heath invited me over to his apartment to hang out with his friends. It was on one of those occasions that this photo was taken. Heath had discovered that I was an artist and that I was also a photographer and he had with him an old bashed up camera which he handed to me and asked if I wouldn't mind taking some shots of him and Heather Graham.

That will be my enduring memory of him - how he was completely genuine and his startling kindness - he made me feel included when I had been excluded and made my memories of Prague a great deal happier than they might have been... I can't imagine how devastated the people who knew him well must be.

I wanted to share this with the dA community as it's been reported that far right extremists intend to picket and disrupt his funeral. Know this, Heath Ledger was a good person, a kind person: please don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. His loss should be mourned, not mocked.

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #245 on: September 20, 2008, 02:49:25 pm »
This was written by a former teacher of Heath, two days after he died.

Carpe Diem: In the Shadow of Death, Is Life Passing You By?

I have been in a strange place the last few days.

As a teacher at Heath Ledger’s school when he was no more than a bright face at the back of a classroom, I have been deeply and profoundly touched by his death.

In my eternally countrified home town Heath is an almost mythical creature - the down-to-earth boy who somehow sprouted wings and soared all the way to Hollywood, a la the Peter Pan of his youthful acting days.

I can say that there is a pall over the city today.

And while we do not mourn the daily passing of any other residents of our city any the less, there is something very wrong about such a bright young star plummeting back to earth.

Death should not visit one who seems to stand so tall. It should nip at his heels and be jostled aside as he leaps and bounds through his abundant life.

And it is in that realisation that death touches us all.

For if life can pass by the Heath Ledgers of the world, what about the rest of us with our feet firmly rooted in the earth?

Does your life pass you by, camouflaged by the little things that have no place in the epic stories of our world?

I remember the anticipation with which I viewed the world at the age of 28.

Are the dreams and hopes any dimmer since those days?

And so in the shadow of death a little perspective returns…

Carpe diem!

For if ever a school boy taught us to seize the day it is Heath Ledger.

Life is short, but it can be very sweet and even those of us from small, quiet places can soar high and far.

Deepest condolences to the Ledger family and many thanks for letting us bask in the brightness of your cherished son.
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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #246 on: September 25, 2008, 08:12:55 am »
Scholarship in Ledger’s honour will give new talent a leg up
25th September 2008, 12:45 WST

A scholarship named in Heath Ledger’s honour will give an Australian actor a shot at making it big in Hollywood.

Los Angeles-based entertainment organisation, Australians in Film, and Ledger’s family unveiled details of the Heath Ledger Scholarship today.

“As a result of this scholarship, a talented Australian actor will gain valuable assistance to support their personal goals and an opportunity for recognition in the very tough US film industry,” Ledger’s father, Kim Ledger, said.

read the entire story here:
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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #247 on: September 25, 2008, 12:02:58 pm »
Scholarship in Ledger’s honour will give new talent a leg up
25th September 2008, 12:45 WST

A scholarship named in Heath Ledger’s honour will give an Australian actor a shot at making it big in Hollywood.

Los Angeles-based entertainment organisation, Australians in Film, and Ledger’s family unveiled details of the Heath Ledger Scholarship today.

“As a result of this scholarship, a talented Australian actor will gain valuable assistance to support their personal goals and an opportunity for recognition in the very tough US film industry,” Ledger’s father, Kim Ledger, said.

read the entire story here:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Love. :)

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #248 on: September 29, 2008, 01:12:28 pm »
Heath's dark night
Brian J. Robb

September 28, 2008 12:00am

He was one of Australia's brightest moviestars, but beneath the surface, Heath Ledger was in turmoil. A new book about the actor's life delves into the secrets surrounding his death,21985,24413112-5006023,00.htm
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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #249 on: September 29, 2008, 01:12:59 pm »

Michelle Donates To Ledger Fund

25 September 2008 6:30 PM, PDT | From | See recent WENN news

Michelle Williams has pledged a donation to the scholarship fund set up in her late ex-boyfriend Heath Ledger's name.

The Australians in Film Heath Ledger Scholarship will help up-and-coming Australian actors pursue careers in America.

It was set up after Ledger's death from an accidental drug overdose in January.

Wannabes can apply for up to $10,000 (GBP5,400) plus a round-trip airfare from down under to the U.S.

Williams - the mother of Ledger's two-year-old daughter Matilda - is among the first donors, having handed over an undisclosed sum, reports

Ledger's friend, director Gregor Jordan, will be one of a five person panel, who get to hand out the money.

He tells People, "Broke Aussie actors in L.A. form a tradition that goes all the way back to Errol Flynn.

"Heath was definitely part of that tradition and this scholarship is something he would have been proud to have his name associated with."

The star's father Kim adds of the fund, "We as a family are pleased with the establishment and progress of the Aif scholarship award named in honour of our much loved and generous son, Heath. As a result of this scholarship, a talented Australian actor will gain valuable assistance to support their personal goals, and an opportunity for recognition in the very tough U.S. film industry."
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