Author Topic: The Dark Knight: News, Reviews, your Views. "SPOILERS" welcome!  (Read 202069 times)

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: The Dark Knight: News, Reviews, your Views. "SPOILERS" welcome!
« Reply #270 on: September 19, 2008, 11:31:47 pm »
Wait, what? Okay, back up.
So, instead of Jack grabbing Ennis's hand, it was the other way around? Interesting.

Well, what seems to happen is that Ennis reaches forward (underneath Jack's torso/ belly) so that Jack is able to hold his hand.  You may need to brighten your TV screen if your picture is dark-ish, in order to see it.  But, you'll clearly be able to see Ennis's arm come forward (again, just look for the tan sleeve to all of a sudden appear).  And, at the very end of TS1 it looks to me like Jack finally grabs onto Ennis's hand with both of his hands (but, it's sort of hard to tell).

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Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: The Dark Knight: News, Reviews, your Views. "SPOILERS" welcome!
« Reply #271 on: September 19, 2008, 11:38:51 pm »

I'm posting here again to let folks know about a wonderful old thread over in Chez Tremblay.  Called "Saw the Hand-Holding".,615.0.html

It had fallen down the page list quite a ways in CT.

Folks here started the thread right after the DVD was first released in April of 2006.  It was a moment when lots of people were making discoveries about the movie... details that were more easily seen or heard in DVD form than in movie theatre viewings (especially with the ability to rewind, freeze a shot, etc. in order to see certain very subtle things).

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline Mandy21

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Re: The Dark Knight: News, Reviews, your Views. "SPOILERS" welcome!
« Reply #272 on: September 19, 2008, 11:48:22 pm »
Oh my gosh, Amanda, thank you for sharing that thread reminder to those of us who haven't been here that long.  I am watching the film now, and am just about to get up to that point.  Thanks to you, NOW I know exactly what to look for this time around.  ;)
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Offline Gabreya

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Re: The Dark Knight: News, Reviews, your Views. "SPOILERS" welcome!
« Reply #273 on: September 20, 2008, 09:31:19 pm »
Well, what seems to happen is that Ennis reaches forward (underneath Jack's torso/ belly) so that Jack is able to hold his hand.  You may need to brighten your TV screen if your picture is dark-ish, in order to see it.  But, you'll clearly be able to see Ennis's arm come forward (again, just look for the tan sleeve to all of a sudden appear).  And, at the very end of TS1 it looks to me like Jack finally grabs onto Ennis's hand with both of his hands (but, it's sort of hard to tell).

Oh. You know what? No wonder I didn't see Ennis other hand(the NOT holding onto Jack's shirt in the back). And yes I do need to brighten my screen cause it does look a little too dark in that scene.

Offline shortfiction

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Re: The Dark Knight: News, Reviews, your Views. "SPOILERS" welcome!
« Reply #274 on: December 27, 2008, 05:03:25 pm »
I just saw it and thought it was darned good, though for some reason Batman's laryngitic voice bugged me.

Heath, however, was fantastic.   I thought it was a smart touch on his part to be smacking his lips and slurping a lot; this would be the natural consequence of having had one's mouth slashed.  The salivary glands would be out of control.   He's a very savvy actor.
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