Not me, but two guys at work. To lay the scene, I work in an industrial environment, huge building, and we always have contractors coming in to install equipment--in this case it was yet another addition to already ginormous internal communications, about six months or so after Brokeback Mountain was released. These three fellows were working in a team, two in a lift truck running fiber optics and the other on the ground with a handheld computer.
They were there for a few weeks and we got to know them pretty well, and at some point found out the engineer and one of the electricians were old, good friends. On this particular day, one of the team of three was missing and the engineer(Jeff) was in a lift, working with his buddy, the electrician (Matt), and it was obvious that Jeff, though brainy, was no mechanic, fumbling around with the tools.
They were assembling a major junction, a complicated fitting full of tiny wires into tiny holes on several circuit boards, secured by tiny screws with a tiny screwdriver, twenty feet in the air and keeping in contact with radios, on a channel shared by some of the in-house maintenance crew.
It was getting late and Matt's patience was wearing thin--Jeff had dropped tools, screws, etc. several times,watched all the while by the mechanics from their stand-by area. They were at the connection testing phase, and we could clearly hear the dialogue that passed between them:
[exchange consisting of recital and confirmation of various connections, voltages, lights coming on]
Jim: "Echo-three-one-one."
Matt: "Echo-three-one-one, negative."
J:"What do you mean, negative?"
M: "I mean, zero volts. No lights, nothing."
J: "OK, a green LED should come on on the CCP board, top right..."
M: "Dude, I know where the light is at, I got no volts."
J: "Lemme check the connection."
M (sounding a bit peeved) "Yeah, why don't you do that."
J (can be seen fumbling with his tool belt): "Ah, I see what--I got a bent pin here--"
M (Talking on top of Jeff) "Well don't break the fucker--"
J: "Hold on, lemme get it--you know, I could sure use a small needle nose--"
M:"Don't force it, man."
J: "Or maybe a pair of tweezers...See if I can just...Ah, shit! Shit!"
(the mechanics see Jeff look over the side of the lift down at a series of conveyor belts)
M: "Tell me you didn't break it. You broke it."
J: "I uh, dropped the screwdriver down in that, uh, machine down there."
M: (a short silence, followed by a sigh):" I wish I knew how to quit you, Jeff."