Author Topic: Do You Believe In Ghosts?  (Read 43094 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #50 on: July 16, 2006, 10:30:46 pm »
I hear voices all the time, usually calling, sometimes screaming my name.  I notice coins lying all  over my bedroom floor, and I can't account for their presence!  I once heard that spirits leave coins for the living.  Quarters litter my bedroom floor, my sis gets dimes and pennies.  My sister says our grandma's spirit is leaving me quarters because I'm so high maintenance :)

When I read your post it gave me a cold chill. I hear deceased relatives and friends holler my name all the time. "DAVID"!! The really scary thing is my dog and/or cat will perk up and look around at the same time I do. They apparently hear it too.

I never heard of spirits leaving coins for the living. My mother (who was 1/2 Lakota Sioux) always told me spirits leave a feather when they visit. The day my mother passed away, I found a large light brown feather laying on my deck. It was laying there by the door, almost as if it was meant for me to find.

*cold chill*

Mom once told me I was "born without the veil". Maybe this is why things are always happening to me. 
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 10:33:33 pm by David925 »
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Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2006, 08:29:37 pm »
Hi Littlewing!  ;D  Nice to see you!

I love reading about your haunted house and the coins.  I've been writing a long PM and was afraid I'd miss you.


I must have just missed you, Larz.  We'll talk a bit later.   I have other ghostly tales that should interest you.

Offline ZouBEini

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2006, 08:31:42 pm »
Great!  I already feel a chill. Well maybe I only wish I could feel a chill!  LOL

See ya, Littlewing!


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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2006, 08:38:13 pm »
When I read your post it gave me a cold chill. I hear deceased relatives and friends holler my name all the time. "DAVID"!! The really scary thing is my dog and/or cat will perk up and look around at the same time I do. They apparently hear it too.

I never heard of spirits leaving coins for the living. My mother (who was 1/2 Lakota Sioux) always told me spirits leave a feather when they visit. The day my mother passed away, I found a large light brown feather laying on my deck. It was laying there by the door, almost as if it was meant for me to find.

*cold chill*

Mom once told me I was "born without the veil". Maybe this is why things are always happening to me. 

David, I'm at the point where I'm not even frightened when I hear my name literally screamed.  What is especially chilling is that no one else can hear what I'm hearing.  What do you think it means?  I also got a chill when I read that you have experienced the same thing.  The grandmother I mentioned was also part Native American (we don't know which tribe) as are all of my grandparents.  My grandma says you can see spirits if you are born WITH a veil, a thin film visible on the face of a newborn.

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2006, 10:38:39 pm »
My grandma says you can see spirits if you are born WITH a veil, a thin film visible on the face of a newborn.

I've heard of this too.  It's a thin membrane they call a 'caul'.  If when you're born, you come out with it still on your face, apparently you're spirit sensitive.

I hear my name being called too.  Not screamed, not yelled, just spoken and it makes me start and wakes me up from a sound sleep as well.


I wouldn't depend on pets though.  Maybe they're starting because you are.  You know how sensitive pets can be to their owner's movements.  Heck, they have dogs who can sense an epileptic fit coming on in a person before the person even knows it.

Funny thing about hearing your name called?  I have my birth name.  But I also have gone by a certain diminutive of the name, but over the years, only a few people - mostly close family - call me that anymore.  As the years have gone by, I've got certain groups of friends I've met in different places who call me by different names:

e.g. at college I went by my 'official' name to save trouble, so all my college friends know me by this name.

At one work place I went by a different name due to a typo on my cubical nameplate.  Rather than have them fix it, I liked that name variation so I went by it and thus have a group of friends who know me only by that name.

I think the name calling thing is just some misfiring brain synapses.  As time has passed and I now answer to so many different names, this event has slowly died away.  I guess my brain has too many options to choose from.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 10:40:32 pm by delalluvia »

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2006, 01:01:02 am »
My grandma says you can see spirits if you are born WITH a veil, a thin film visible on the face of a newborn.

Littlewing... I remember my mom telling me I was born without a veil. What she meant by that (I think) is that everybody has the "ability" to see spirits, ghosts, etc, but because of a "veil", this natural talent or ability is obscured (as if a veil is over their face) and they cannot see certain things that are right in front of them. People who are born without the veil are able to use this natural human ability and therefore see those things others cannot.

But, perhaps this is a cultural difference. Perhaps this is a phrase used by Native Americans,  where as a "veil" in mainstream  society means the membrane both you and Dellaluvia mentioned. What my mother meant is that she always considered me a "sensitive" child. she always considered herself sensitive as well.

But, perhaps my mother got the terminology mixed up. And it is very possible that I am not remembering it correctly. You know what they say, your memory is the first to go!

Or is your eyesight the first to go?

See? I can't even remember how that goes!  ;)
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2006, 01:16:05 am »
I wouldn't depend on pets though.  Maybe they're starting because you are.  You know how sensitive pets can be to their owner's movements.  Heck, they have dogs who can sense an epileptic fit coming on in a person before the person even knows it.

Delalluvia -

I often hear my name called when I am awake (such as sitting in the living room reading the paper). It doesn't  always happen as I am going to sleep. In my living room for example, I might hear this voice coming from across the room (I am already facing in the  direction the sound is coming from) and the animals will perk up and turn their heads (the animals are facing me) in order to be looking in the direction of this sound.  This has happened many times. BUT.... and here is the really strange thing, if my boyfriend Cory is in the room, he will not hear this voice;  only me and the animal/animals.

It is hard to explain.

What you just said may be correct. It  could be something scientific.

But how do you explain the feather on my back deck the day my mother died? It was a large creamy (beige) colored feather. To my knowledge, there are no beige colored birds ( at least not the color of that feather) in Indiana. Where did it come from? And why did it appear just several hours after mom passed away? Yes, perhaps someone dropped it there (even though I was the only one (no roommates or boyfriend at the time) living in the house at the time of mom's death). But that is a highly unlikely coincidence in my opinion.
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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #57 on: July 19, 2006, 01:23:46 am »
You guys are all giving me cold chills.  In a very creepy but good way of course  ;). I Love these kinds of stories my Mom and Grandmother (her Mom) were full of them.

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2006, 10:06:54 am »
"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy."

Well, I clearly shouldn't have started reading this thread at work!

Those of you who experience night terrors: I can clearly see the relationship to the legends of incubi and succubi, and also to testimony that was occasionally given in trials for witchcraft, where witnesses claimed that the "shape" of the accused came and sat on their chests in bed at night.

I can't say that I, personally, have had any experiences such as I have read here, though the "pet experiences" remind me of what is, in fact, my earliest childhood memory. This was probably just a dream, because of my odd changes in perspective, but here goes. At the time I was so young that I was still sleeping in a crib. One night I felt that I could "see" a cat--or, more exactly, the shadow of a cat--walking straight up the back wall of our house and coming in through my bedroom window. It then climbed up and sat in an old armchair that was in the room, wrapped it's tail around itself, and just looked at me. I don't know why this terrified me, but it clearly did, as the next thing I knew/the next thing I remember, I was holding onto the railing of my crib, jumping up and down and screaming for my mother. When Mother came into my room, I remember pointing to the chair, and to this day I haven't forgotten how shocked I was when I turned to look at the chair, and there was nothing there. By the way, we didn't have a cat. My father hates cats.

My mother actually had more stories. When she and her siblings were still children, they had a cousin who died at a young age of some disorder that was untreatable in the 1930s. Mother told me that the night their cousin died, her sister (my aunt), who was standing at the top of the staircase in the house where they lived, clearly saw the cousin coming up the stairs toward her. He vanished when my aunt screamed.

Mother's most relevant experience actually involved my father. Daddy had a heart attack and subsequently a quintuple bypass in 1992. After he was home from the hospital, one night, Mother told me, she woke up and clearly saw her eldest brother, my uncle (who had died when I was still in high school), and her mother, my grandmother, who had died in 1980, standing by the bed. Mother said they didn't say anything, but that she just "knew" that they had come for my father. Mother said that she said to them, "No, it's not his time," and they vanished.
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Offline JT

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Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
« Reply #59 on: July 21, 2006, 01:43:16 pm »
I've never seen ghosts before in my life, but try to keep an open mind about it.