Author Topic: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**  (Read 10905 times)

Offline delalluvia

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If this is already posted somewhere, let me know and I'll close this one down.

Saw 'Superman' over the weekend.  I hadn't planned to, but a friend of mine took me to go see it.

While it was very slow plotwise IMO, the moviemakers spent a lot of time with long lingering full face or body shots of 'Superman' and doing a very good job of keeping the shots from being gratuitous.

I loved that the soundtrack was from the original Christopher Reeve 'Superman' series.  My friend, sitting next to me shivered and said, "I feel like I'm 10 years old again."

Cast did a fine job with the comic book material.  Story did a good job of hinting at the loneliness of being a superhero, the desperation of not being able to be god and help everyone, and the heartbreak that living a double-life can lead to.

Anyone else?

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2006, 03:21:49 pm »
I saw the IMAX 3-D deal.  I thought it would have been very slow if not for the IMAX 3-D.  However, it was better than I was expecting it to be.  It unfortunately doesn't have the re-watchability factor.  Once you've seen it, pretty much don't need to watch it again.  Batman Begins was like that too.

Offline Sheyne

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2006, 08:02:42 pm »
Well I saw Superman for the 2nd time last night and thoroughly enjoyed it second time round.  I took my sister, her boyfriend, my dad and a couple of mates from taekwondo, who all loved it.  My sister and I agreed that Brandon Routh is waaaay too good looking for his own good  ;D  and we rather liked the long lingering shots that Del mentioned...  :P

Okay, drooling aside. I am very glad I decided to sit down and watch the original before going to see it. You probably need this little refresher if you don't know the Superman mythology verbatim. The scriptwriters have recycled a lot of moments and dialogue to pretty good effect, so it helps if you know which moments they are. Definitely bone up on your Marlon Brando farewell speech cause this appears several times.

Brandon Routh was excellent as Superman. I couldn't fault his acting and he does the BEST impersonation of Christopher Reeve.  My dad, who's quite monogamous to Reeve's Superman, sighed as the credits rolled and said "wow, that kid did a great job, I coulda been looking at Chris Reeve, only younger". Kevin Spacey combines just the right amount of madcap and menacing for Lex Luthor but is COMPLETELY upstaged by Parker Posey as Kitty, his ditzy offsider. She is fabulous. James Marsden is also very good, as is the boy who plays Lois Lane's kid.  If there was a weak link in the casting, its Kate Bosworth. She wasn't awful, but she gave us a very wimpy Lois Lane.  I hate to make comparisons here, but the way this film was constructed and assembled, we are MEANT to make comparisons to the original - its borrowed the opening credits, the score, large chunks of dialogue and we're given a Superman that looks, sounds and acts startlingly like the original. So where was our gutsy, tenacious, gritty, street-smart Lois Lane??  We've ended up with a puffy-lipped, teary-eyed, soft, introspective yummy mummy...  But her acting is good the whole way through, its just not the Lois I was bucking for.

Storyline was good, much like the original (again) and the way it was played out was great. I didn't notice the whopping 2 and a half hours flying by (pun intended  :P ) and as soon as it was over, I really wanted to see it again.

I must have been the only person in the cinema to NOT pick the little twist until it, uhhh... hit me like a grand piano, but then I always like to let movies wash over me without needing to rush ahead in my mind and decide who's the bad guy, what the twist is, who's gay, who's a double agent etc.  I just like to experience the twists and turns as they happen, so I didn't pick the little twist. But its going to make for a very interesting sequel!!!  ;D
« Last Edit: July 02, 2006, 08:06:25 pm by hungry_hungryhippos »
Chut up!

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2006, 10:30:44 pm »
Is this true?

I just came from my sister's and she told me Brandon Routh said that he was gay!!!

Anyone know?!??!

I was pretty excited to hear about it.

My friend and I had some time to pick at the movie.  Yes, Brandon is channeling Christopher Reeve for sure.

OK, if one crystal can form a continent, why didn't a whole world form when Kitty dumped out 6 crystals?!?!

I thought Superman's uniform was un-tearable.  I was distracted when the doctors tore his shirt off in the Emergency Room so I didn't comment at the time (you'll understand why when you see him - pant pant), then later in the hospital room, you see his uniform intact!

Any idea where Clark is staying in Metropolis?  He never seems to have a home of his own.

Why is Clark wearing 50's style suits?  And why were there 50's style cars outside the mansion of Lex Luther's patroness during the death watch?

Superman spends too much time being 'super' so he never learns to fight.  That's why he gets so beat up by Luther's guys.  He needs to take some self-defense classes.  He gets stabbed badly, but doesn't seem to suffer as much as when he has a little splinter in his body a few minutes later??!?!

Lois needs to be the Woman of Steel.  She gets completely beat up in this movie by being thrown around an airplane and hit on the head by steel doors and never so much as smudges her eyeliner.

My friend also thought the cast was too young for the setting being '5 years later'.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2006, 10:33:07 pm by delalluvia »

Offline Sheyne

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2006, 03:39:40 am »

Hey Del,

*sniff*  :'(

I spoke to rt about this after he saw the film a few weeks ago and he casually remarked that Brandon Routh was indeed, gay.  I asked again for clarification, as that button inside me that gets activated and causes me to panic madly everytime I see a new, beautiful, perfect man that is GAY.. was activated instantly.  And rt said that yeah, he was gay.  Interesting, cause I had read an article only that morning where Routh gave an interview in Sydney specifically stating that he was NOT gay and listed the actress he is apparently dating.

But lets take a quick look at the Superman production team:

Director, Bryan Singer: GAY
Actor, Kevin Spacey: GAY
Actor, Ian Roberts (luthor's henchman): GAY
Actor, Brandon Routh: MAYBE GAY

and they're just the ones I know about...
Chut up!

Offline Sheyne

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2006, 03:41:38 am »

Tell you what tho..

Can IMDb trolls smell gay or what??  You should see the poor Superman board over there...  :(  When I was just in there, it looked like BBM the day after the Oscars...  :( :(

Hope admin gets onto them pretty quick...
Chut up!

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2006, 08:40:35 am »
Thanks for the info hungry.

I was thinking the exact same thing about who else in the movie was gay or reputed to be gay, but then again, there's James Marsden, Frank Langella, Kate Bosworth, Parker Posey...are any of them gay?  Do we know?

I'd think I'd want Brandon to come out and say it again.  But if he's already retracted his statement or posted a contradictory statement, I'd say either his publicist got to him, or the studio execs did or I think I'd want to know the context of how he made both statements.

If Brandon is gay, then good for him, leading man in a big summer pic.  My sister said that she didn't think an adult audience or women in particular would care one way or the other, but she was afraid the fanboys would be apoplectic about it, and from what you're telling me about IMDb it seems to be true. *sigh*

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2006, 05:57:49 pm »
I just came back from seeing the movie. I went to the IMAX at Universal City Walk. Maybe it was just a bad projection at the City Walk IMAX, but the 3D wasn't all that worthwhile. I suppose if it's no big deal and you aren't paying a whole lot more for it, then go for it. But for me it was at a venue where I had to pay quite a bit for parking, and the ticket for the movie itself is 50% more. The 3D scenes didn't impress me as much. As a matter of fact, it felt like a couple were in there just for the 3D. The scene with young Clark skipping around the corn field could have been cut.

As for the movie as a whole, it was a lot of fun. Spacey and Posey were great with their characters. Routh was just beautiful to look at. You guys are right, he does channel Reeves. I think Superman as a movie character is a difficult one to do. The story keeps him at such a mysterious distance, that it's hard to get much about him as a character. I did think that Bosworth is the weakest of the main actors. I don't know if the two don't have much chemistry together, but there were very few scenes of them together, and when they are, they don't have chemistry. In their first scene together as Lois and Superman, I guess that's understandable. The awkwardness actually worked for the context. The visual was great to watch, with exceptions of a few CG Superman looking a bit plastic. Over all, great fun. Great come back for the Superman franchise.
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Offline starboardlight

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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2006, 06:02:18 pm »

I must have been the only person in the cinema to NOT pick the little twist until it, uhhh... hit me like a grand piano, but then I always like to let movies wash over me without needing to rush ahead in my mind and decide who's the bad guy, what the twist is, who's gay, who's a double agent etc.  I just like to experience the twists and turns as they happen, so I didn't pick the little twist. But its going to make for a very interesting sequel!!!  ;D

to be fair, the film didn't even hint at it until the moment Lex asks Lois about the boy's paternity. There wasn't anything to pick up on until the grand piano's about to hit you. But I do like that Superman knows without even being told. His echoing his father's words to his son was surprisingly moving for me, or maybe I was just enchanted by Routh's beautiful face.
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Re: Anyone see 'Superman'? What did you think? **SPOILER THREAD**
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2006, 06:04:03 pm »
Haven't seen it but heard it was kinda disappointing...