Author Topic: Bottled water  (Read 8501 times)

Offline Sheriff Roland

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Bottled water
« on: March 22, 2009, 05:34:42 am »
Do you buy it? or do you use tap water - at home & in restaurants?

Here in Toronto (& in a some other municipalities in Ontario) it is no longer sold on city property.

I've always drunk the tap stuff myself ... bought my first case this past Christmas for the 12 hour trip up to Timmins. There's still 20 full bottles in the cool room downstairs.
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Offline Sheriff Roland

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2009, 05:38:00 am »
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In Canada, where our water is relatively healthy, especially in urban areas, almost 30 per cent of us turn to the bottle as our primary source of water, according to Statistics Canada.
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Offline Katie77

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2009, 06:53:22 am »
Very interesting article.

Something that was not mentioned, that I have read in various news items, is the fact that if any plastic bottle of water or other drink, is left somewhere in the heat, like in the car, the heat causes a chemical reaction in the plastic which actually seeps unsafe toxins into the contents of the bottle.

When you think about those bottles of water maybe sitting on a truck in the sun before they reach the store, and then maybe sitting in your car in the shopping bag, or if you only drink half, and the other half sits in the bottle in the heat of your car, somewhere along the line there is a chance that these toxins could be in the drink.

For that reason alone, I do not drink water or any other drink from plastic bottles.

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2009, 09:19:48 am »
Do you buy it? or do you use tap water - at home & in restaurants?

Here in Toronto (& in a some other municipalities in Ontario) it is no longer sold on city property.

I've always drunk the tap stuff myself ... bought my first case this past Christmas for the 12 hour trip up to Timmins. There's still 20 full bottles in the cool room downstairs.

I think buying it for trips is a good thing, well for me, because if water has a 'different' taste I wont drink it. So bottled water helps me not drink too much 'flavored' stuff when we travel. But at home I drink out of the tap, we keep a pitcher of water in the fridge.

I would drink that water, Roland, those toxins will leach out over time even if they are NOT heated...and dont' reuse the bottles.

I know that some places are trying to ban bottle water because of the waste and litter.

Remember when people could walk two blocks without having some drink surgically attached to their hand?


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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2009, 09:40:31 pm »
Santa Barbara CA has some of the worst tap water in the "civilized  ::)" world. And I like it-it tastes like dirt and dirty socks.
I buy bottled water for car trips and then refill the bottle with sock water.


Offline optom3

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2009, 11:33:26 pm »
The only bottled water I buy is carbonated,like Perrier. The rest of the time I drink the water from the fridge,which is allegedly filtered or, I get inpatient straight from the tap.The fridge dispenses slowly.

The best water I ever tasted was in the highlands of Scotland.It came straight from a burn and had an earthy, brackish taste. The ladies of the house lived well into their 90's and had amazing and I do mean amazing skin, so it did not seem to adversely affect them.

I read about the problem with plastic bottles, so all my kids have their own hot/cold flasks and they fill those with whatever they want.

Offline milomorris

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2009, 11:40:41 pm »
Do you buy it? or do you use tap water - at home & in restaurants?

Here in Toronto (& in a some other municipalities in Ontario) it is no longer sold on city property.

I've always drunk the tap stuff myself ... bought my first case this past Christmas for the 12 hour trip up to Timmins. There's still 20 full bottles in the cool room downstairs.

I use tap water. The water here in Philadelphia (and other cities) is sold to bottling companies who put it in plastic bottles. They in turn sell it to consumers.

Also, every day I pass by the reservoir from which my tap water comes.
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 11:41:59 pm »
The tap water here in Indianapolis is just terrible. It tastes like swimming pool water. So I am more than happy to buy bottled water. I normally buy a couple cases of either Aquafina or Desani and I'll keep one case in the refrigerator out in the garage. I generally drink 2 or 3 bottles a day. I sometimes drink Lipton's Instant tea, and when I do I'll use tap water for that and of course I'll use the tap water to cook with. But drinking it straight from the faucet is just plain nasty. :P

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 01:52:28 am »
The tap water here in Sydney is delicious. I drink it by the gallon. I never drink bottle water. I'm too tight to pay good money for something that I can get free of charge.  :D

(When I say "tight," I mean careful with my money)
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Bottled water
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2009, 02:10:47 am »
We knew what you meant Kerry!

:-\ :-\

;) ;)

Anyway, I think one of the reasons the water tastes so bad here is because it comes either out of the White River, or out of Geist, Morse and Eagle Creek reservoirs and they have to load it up with chemicals so it is safe to drink. :P

It was even worse when I lived in Evansville. That water came out of the Ohio. It smelled of sulphur sometimes. I don't know why. The water here in Indy smells of chlorine much of the time.

When my parents first bought their house in Avalon Hills, it had a well system. There is a deep underground river flowing under their yard. They had an electric well which pumped the water up and into the house. That water tasted really good. It was always very cold and it had a slight sweet taste. But eventually the city forced everyone in the neighborhood to switch to city water when Hillcrest Country Club decided to do away with their well and hook up with the city.

The water in Indianapolis is just terrible tasting. The water pressure is very good though!

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