Author Topic: Questions for Ang Lee  (Read 70363 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Questions for Ang Lee
« on: April 01, 2009, 11:48:46 am »

A few months ago, I wrote to Ang Lee's representatives, telling about BetterMost, and how so many of us love BBM.  I asked if we could submit a list of questions that Ang could answer and send back.  He did us one better, joining BetterMost and offering to answer questions in this thread.  

He asks that we be patient in expecting responses, but he does know that the thread is here and open for business.  Please don't be shy.  It's your questions that will fuel the thread, and we want Ang to know we are grateful for his participation.

Thank you Ang!
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 11:38:06 pm by southendmd »

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 11:51:33 am »
I'll start.

Ang, thank you so much for this incredible opportunity.  I guess I'll start with a question that's been pretty controversial - in the closet scene, when Ennis is holding Jack's shirt, some of the Brokies I know (Brokies is the term we've invented to call ourselves), insist that Ennis whispers, "I love you" into the shirts.  Others insist that this is against Ennis's character.  Could you clarify this for us?

Thanks again for this opportunity!

Next question from someone else.  Let's build a stock of them for Ang when he checks in.

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 11:56:21 am »
This is just such exciting news Onemelle!


OK, here's a question for Ang... Was the placement of the Jolly Green Giant sign in the grocery scene behind Monroe (when he first comes to Alma's aid after the spilled peanuts) meant to be a deliberate comment on Monroe?  Or, perhaps, was it an inside joke or reference to one of your other movies, The Hulk?

Also, I won't rest until I know about Ang's thoughts on the symbolism of loaves of bread and the packaging of loaves of bread!

I mentioned a couple other questions already in the Spaghetti thread.

How many takes were required for TS1 and TS2?

And, much like the bread question... how deliberate was the use of coffeepots and buckets as symbolic elements?

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Offline serious crayons

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 12:18:59 pm »
Yikes, lots of questions, right off the bat! Well, er, I'll do my best.

I guess I'll start with a question that's been pretty controversial - in the closet scene, when Ennis is holding Jack's shirt, some of the Brokies I know (Brokies is the term we've invented to call ourselves), insist that Ennis whispers, "I love you" into the shirts.  Others insist that this is against Ennis's character.  Could you clarify this for us?

Actually, One -- may I call you "One"? -- that was Heath's idea. Well, to be honest, not so much his idea but an impulse that grabbed him as he stood there in the closet. You see, he really did love that shirt, the blue one Jake wore. I told him, "Oh, for Pete's sake, Heath, just go back to that Western store in Denver and get one of your own." But it was really a bigger deal than that, for Heath. He wanted Ennis to be the "blue" one, and Jack to be the "tan" one. He argued long and hard. He really likes blue, I guess. Secretly, I began to suspect he was afraid blue would be more flattering on Jake, those eyes and all, and viewers would get distracted. But I digress. Anyway, when he saw the shirt in the closet he blurted out "I love you" into the fabric, so softly he didn't think the cameras had captured it. We reshot the scene. But when I saw the rushes later, I realized it kind of worked. People would be wondering. So I left it in.

We let Heath keep the blue shirt, by the way.

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2009, 12:27:14 pm »

 But when I saw the rushes later, I realized it kind of worked. People would be wondering. So I left it in.

Talk about rushes, Ang, I am thrilled you are here, and astonished by your answer.  I had no idea.  Thank you so much for this special tidbit.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2009, 12:37:51 pm »
OK, here's a question for Ang... Was the placement of the Jolly Green Giant sign in the grocery scene behind Monroe (when he first comes to Alma's aid after the spilled peanuts) meant to be a deliberate comment on Monroe?  Or, perhaps, was it an inside joke or reference to one of your other movies, The Hulk?

Ha, ha, ha! Well, Vivien, I'm afraid I'll have to let you in on a little industry "insider" secret: Not everything is a symbol. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Or in this case, sometimes a cigar is a product-placement deal. We picked up some extra pocket change from the Green Giant company for that one.

Also, I won't rest until I know about Ang's thoughts on the symbolism of loaves of bread and the packaging of loaves of bread!

Again, a bit of side business with Hostess and Pepperidge Farm. What, you think indie movies with seemingly difficult-to-market subject matter and B-List stars grow on trees?

How many takes were required for TS1 and TS2?

The whu' ...? Oh, you mean the tent scenes. Well, not many, as I recall. I do know Jake had a little trouble getting into character, at first. Then Heath got annoyed and snapped, "What am I, the butt of a donkey?" And Jake started laughing ... After that, it was totally smooth sailing. Those boys really did appreciate one another's senses of humor. And you know what they say about the libido and the funny bone. Or if you don't, please don't ask me to say it -- it's a little risque.

And, much like the bread question... how deliberate was the use of coffeepots and buckets as symbolic elements?

Oh, very much so. Tell you what, though, it took us a while to settle on those particular objects to serve as the symbols. We tried a bunch of different pairs of objects: glove and car keys, Scotch tape dispenser and box of Kleenex, TV remote and empty pizza box ... Nothing quite worked. To be honest, none of them seemed to quite fit "organically" into the campsite setting, not to mention that they looked kind of funny popping up in various other settings. Particularly that Pizza Hut box. Then one day, we were sitting around drinking coffee and eating soup from a kettle, trying to figure it out, when Cathy Davis, the set decorator, had a "eureka" moment. The rest is history.

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2009, 12:39:08 pm »

Actually, One -- may I call you "One"? -- that was Heath's idea. Well, to be honest, not so much his idea but an impulse that grabbed him as he stood there in the closet. You see, he really did love that shirt, the blue one the Jake wore. I told him, "Oh, for Pete's sake, Heath, just go back to that Western store in Denver and get one of your own." But it was really a bigger deal than that, for Heath. He wanted Ennis to be the "blue" one, and Jack to be the "tan" one. He argued long and hard. He really likes blue, I guess. Secretly, I began to suspect he was afraid blue would be more flattering on Jake, those eyes and all, and viewers would get distracted. But I digress. Anyway, when he saw the shirt in the closet he blurted out "I love you" into the fabric, so softly he didn't think the cameras had captured it. We reshot the scene. But when I saw the rushes later, I realized it kind of worked. People would be wondering. So I left it in.

We let Heath keep the blue shirt, by the way.

Thank you for this truly enlightening and eye-opening answer Ang!  Lots of new food for thought here... for thinking about both the Lightning Flat scene and the whole role of color symbolism!

I must say that I'm very intrigued by your signature line: "It is green because you keep twisting it, it's an ancient skill, you keep twisting it and knocking it and twisting it until it is very elastic and light."

When you have a chance, I'd love to hear more about what that means.  It sounds very enigmatic and deep.

Oh wow!  You're new post came in while I was writing this one...
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Offline belbbmfan

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2009, 12:48:51 pm »
Those boys really did appreciate one another's senses of humor. And you know what they say about the libido and the funny bone. Or if you don't, please don't ask me to say it -- it's a little risque.

Oh, Ang, come on! Us, non native speakers want to know!  ;D

Fantastic to see you here at last! Will you be doing autographs too?  :-*  8)
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Offline serious crayons

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2009, 12:53:48 pm »
Fantastic to see you here at last! Will you be doing autographs too?  :-*  8)

I wish I knew how to quit you, autographs! Ha ha ha. But sure, belbbmfan, come on up after the Q & A and I'll get you all set up.

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Re: Questions for Ang Lee
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2009, 01:06:36 pm »

Hi Ang! This is not much of a question related to the movie, more a personal one. Would you care to meet up with us Brokies in NY in May? We may be obsessed but pretty harmless. If you come, I promise I´ll tattoo "Ang" on my forhead. Will you come?

and oh...a movie related question. Sort of. If you would have to chose another time and place to set the BBM story in, when and where would it be? After having watched the movie a hundred times, this is the question that have kept me up at night.