Uh, Susie didn't say anything about complaints.
She just said it didn't work.
As to the question about the mods, why don't you ask them as we aren't privy to that information.
I am
more than happy to answer any questions you might have as to why I made the decisions
I made in moderating in CE, my philosophy regarding moderating and what prompted what is (mockingly) being called "The New Civility" as I had a
very heavy hand in that one. I pretty much have nothing to hide (other than maintaining the privacy of others) and am pretty unemotional about most of what happens here other than a few
now and again.
If you genuinely want answers, I will honestly try to give them to you, keeping in mind that I probably won't discuss individual members without their consent. That option has always been available but only a handful of members have ever PM'd me with their concerns and I thank them.