I missed the Halloween party last night. I'm glad I looked at this thread after dinner! Great pictures.

Halloween isn't much of a do over here. It's a kids things, if anything. No grown ups here dressing up like darth vader, or, like Michelle Obama, as cat woman.
But the shops are full of halloween stuff (makes you wonder who buys it all), our bakery sells chocolate wiches and other greepy creatures and sometimes there are Halloween kid's parties in school.
It's a bit like Valentine's or Santa Claus at Christmas, it still has an 'imported' feel to it, it hasn't become a tradition over here (yet).
But things may change, because last night at around 9 pm the doorbell rang. My husband and I looked at each other thinking 'Who could that be at this hour?' And when my husband opened the door, two kids were standing there in full Halloween dress, looking verrrry scary. So, trick-or-treating has now reached Belgium too. LOL. Of course, they couldn't say 'trick or treat', they needed a local version of that. They chose 'Candy or death!'

Hmmm, I'm not sure that will catch on though.
Of course we were totally unprepared, no candy available.

I had to send them on their way with a bar of chocolate and some cookies. I must do better next year.
Anyway, no scary food pic from me. But we do have a black cat, Ollie, who was willing to pose for us.