Author Topic: New inventions in our lifetime........  (Read 44649 times)

Offline Katie77

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New inventions in our lifetime........
« on: October 08, 2006, 08:16:01 am »
I decided to start this thread, after reading a post in David's, Heartland thread...

he mentions how in the "old days" when he had pen friends and used to actually "WRITE" letters to them, and then have to wait four weeks till he got a reply to that letter....comparing it to now, with email and chat, where "its like we are all in the same room".......

I replied, about the boss who told me 20-25 years ago, telling me that one day there would be a machine at the bank where we could deposit and withdraw money.......

Am curious, what other stuff do you remember hearing about that just seemed un-imaginable at the time, and yet now, we just take for granted.

Another thing I remember, the advent of CD's.....I remember walking past the first CD shop I had ever seen, with very few CD's in there, and thought, "that will never take off".........

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Offline David

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 08:37:24 am »
Great idea for a thread Katie!

     How about personal Cell phones?     When I was a kid (ahem, not that long ago)  you had to find a phone booth or pay phone to make a call if you were not home.      Cell phones were only fantasy items like Star Trek's communicators or Dick Tracys wristwatch!     

    Speaking of which, some people don't wear watches anymore because their phones have a clock on them too!     :P

     We now have a generation of kids that don't know the sounds of coins clinking into a pay phone or using a rotary dial phone either!   

Offline delalluvia

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 12:10:03 pm »
"Paying at the pump."

I thought, how were they going to keep people from just driving off without paying for the gas?


Offline opinionista

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2006, 01:15:56 pm »
The fax machines. I remember when everyone was in awe when the fax became trendy.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 04:08:15 pm by opinionista »
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2006, 02:03:07 pm »
Great idea for a thread Katie!

     How about personal Cell phones?     When I was a kid (ahem, not that long ago)  you had to find a phone booth or pay phone to make a call if you were not home.      Cell phones were only fantasy items like Star Trek's communicators or Dick Tracys wristwatch!     

and how the hell did we make arrnagments to meet without the phone calls saying
where are you? or texts saying 'I'm running 5 mins late - just get me at the bar' etc etc

But shouldn't the real question be how would we live without the internet!?
Its only been about 8 years since I actually used the internet on a regualr basis. before I staryted uni in 98 I had maybe used the internet about 5 times for a couple of minutes at a time.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 02:05:02 pm by kelda_shelton »

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Offline Katie77

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 05:28:38 pm »
Oh God yes, the internet.......

I had worked for a credit union, and used a computer all day that was programmed to do the work for the credit union....I did not have Windows or internet facilities on it....I used to click away at the computer with clients sitting there watching me and they would say "Gee, you know a lot about computers"......

Then Hubby and I retired, and we got our own personal computer, so I could type up legal documents which at the time was necessary as my sons were representing themselves in family court.....and apart from all this document typing, I was just so happy to play solitaire in my spare time.

It was hubby who kept saying....."We should get the internet".....and I kept saying "what the hell do we need that for"......

Five years ago we finally got "hooked up"......well, a friend joined me up to ICQ, and I started getting on here and chatting to people all over the world.....thats all I knew how to do......I bought a book called "the Idiots Guide to the Internet", and couldnt understand it, so just plodded along, made some mistakes, and found out new stuff every day on here......

The rest is I couldnt live without it....I do all my banking on here...have all my business on here,download music, make cd's, book tickets for shows, book airline tickets, plus I communicate with people all over the world......and guess what......apart from looking at a bit of real estate, the only thing my hubby still does on here, is "play solitaire"......but hes happy.

Makes me wonder just what will be available in another 10 years time.........

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Offline coffeecat33

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 07:15:40 pm »
E-mail ! I can't live without it. (And the internet)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2006, 08:57:43 pm »
Great idea for a thread Katie!

     How about personal Cell phones?     When I was a kid (ahem, not that long ago)  you had to find a phone booth or pay phone to make a call if you were not home.      Cell phones were only fantasy items like Star Trek's communicators or Dick Tracys wristwatch!     

    Speaking of which, some people don't wear watches anymore because their phones have a clock on them too!     :P

     We now have a generation of kids that don't know the sounds of coins clinking into a pay phone or using a rotary dial phone either!   

Boy, I remember the very first time I heard about a cell phone... actually it was a car phone. I couldn't figure out how it would work. I remember picturing a huge reel of telephone cord on the trunk of the car. Then I remember realizing a reel of cord on the back of a car wouldn't work. The cord would get all tangled up as the car drove down the street and turned corners. I think the first time I ever heard about a car phone was probably in the early 1980's. Of course back then, only the very rich could afford one and I never actually saw someone using a cell phone until the early 1990's. My friend Claude owned one, and he carried the phone around in a case (about the size of a brief case) which contained the phone, the telephone's computer and a large battery.
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2006, 09:13:32 pm »
How about computers? I have read a few posts mentioning the Internet and email, but it wasn't all that long ago when none of us owned a computer at all!

When I was a kid (1960's) they kept telling us that someday people would have computers in their homes. Of course back then, computers took up an entire room or even an entire floor of a building.  Nobody ever imagined that one day those huge computers would actually fit on a desk, or even fit in a pocket or purse. Of course the next question always was "Why would somebody even want to own a computer? What would they do with one? Which room in the house would they put it?". The Internet, email, chat rooms and online banking never crossed anyone's mind. Computers only tracked missles or processed a company's general ledger.

I remember my mother waking me up early one Sunday morning and telling me to come downstairs. Radio Shack ran an ad in the Sunday paper and in it was their very first personal computer. Once I saw that ad, I knew the day was coming when people would actually own a personal computer. That was probably in 1976 (give or take a year).

Now, many people have two or three pc's in their homes and computers can be found in nearly everything these days; our coffee makers, watches, thermostats, our cars... just about everything. It's easy to forget that ony 30 years ago all of this was but a dream, and most people even scoffed at the idea.

I agree with Sue. I wonder what we will be using in another 10 or 20 years.   8)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 09:31:28 pm by David925 »
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2006, 09:45:25 pm »
Cable Television?

When I was a kid, Indianapolis only had 4 television stations: ABC (Channel 6), CBS (Channel 8 ), NBC (Channel 13) and Channel 4, which was a local channel. Many people couldn't pick up Channel 4 very well. The reception was very bad in parts of the city, and if you wanted to watch Channel 4 you had to point the tv antenna in the correct spot or wrap some foil around it (or stick a coat hanger in it). Later, Channel 20 (PBS) came to the city, and we had 5 channels.

Now, with cable, I have well over 100 channels and I always amaze myself when I can't seem to find anything interesting to watch on tv. I wonder how we ever survived when we had only 4 or 5 channels to watch? We didn't have DVD players or VCR's either. If we missed a show, we were SOL until the next time it came on tv.

God. I feel like my parents right now. I remember them saying "When we were your age we didn't even have tv. We had to listen to the radio!".  :(


The funny thing is, we never felt deprived of anything. Indianapolis only had 4 tv channels, and nobody ever thought anything about it. The possibility of hundreds of tv channels would have seemed ludicrous to us back then. But now I wonder how we ever survived without them.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 09:46:56 pm by David925 »
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Offline Arad-3

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2006, 09:52:41 pm »
Microwave ovens!  Heres a funny story, at least I think so now looking back at it.

Growing up my parents owned and operated a small town restauraunt. Well this had to be around thirty years ago when my mother was talked into buying by a very persistant salesman a oven that cooked with microwaves.  it sounded too good to be true because it would come in handy at a restaurant. Well when it arrived everyone from the dinning room came in to see it. I remember it so well because it was a saturday and there was no school so I was allowed to help in the kitchen, washing dishes or doing little things
Anyways.. my mom was afraid to use it. so with some encouragement from the dinning room crowd  (who were all in the kitchen by this time)  she decided to bake a potato. When she put the potato in and set the timer and turned it on everybody ran from the kitchen like they do in a Dentist office for exrays.  After a few minutes the timer went ding and everybody slowly peaked into the kitchen. Very cautiously they took the potato out and put it on the counter. Everybody watching my mom cut into the potato and to everyones amazement the potato was steaming and fluffy. everyone in the restaurant clapped with joy and amazement!

It took awhile before we stopped clearing out of the kitchen when it was on though! Who would of thought? :o
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Offline Arad-3

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2006, 09:59:10 pm »

"The funny thing is, we never felt deprived of anything. Indianapolis only had 4 tv channels, and nobody ever thought anything about it. The possibility of hundreds of tv channels would have seemed ludicrous to us back then. But now I wonder how we ever survived without them."
[/quote] By David 925

Ludicrous is right David because we didn't have remotes and we would have to manually click through all them channels! It was a pain enough to get up and click back and forthwith 3 or 4 of them!
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Offline delalluvia

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2006, 10:25:57 pm »
and how the hell did we make arrnagments to meet without the phone calls saying
where are you? or texts saying 'I'm running 5 mins late - just get me at the bar' etc etc

I think people were more considerate and punctual back then becuase they knew they were limited in communications.  Once they gave their word to be somewhere they had to keep it or be branded rude and inconsiderate.

Someone invited me to their home for a wedding.  I was expected.  Long been expected.  Suddenly, before my arrival, the parents decided to run to the store to pick up some last minute things.  They wouldn't be home to greet me and let me in the house. 

Easy fix, right?  They called their daughter and told her to call me on my cell phone to say they were going to be late/not there when I arrived.

My friend replied, "She doesn't have a cell phone."


They left anyway and I had to sit on the stoop like a stray dog until they arrived.

Or else if your friends were flakey and were habitual late or no-shows you found out a lot faster, rather than having to deal with constant calls 'I'm running late', 'I'm almost there." 'I'm lost.' which some people think excuses their rude lateness.

I think people had to be more organized.  They couldn't call home to find out what was needed at the grocery store, so hey, they made lists before hand.  What a concept, actually being prepared.

Park rangers are complaining that people go into parks and wilderness areas unprepared for any eventuality as they caution them to be - take extra water, jackets, rain ponchos, flashlights, etc. in case a storm blows up or etc. - because they have a cell phone and think if they run into trouble they can just call and have someone bail them out, rather than take responsibility for their own safety.

Yes, cell phones are a great salvation for many things.  They also cover up a lot of faults as well.

Offline Katie77

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2006, 10:34:00 pm »
Some of these stories are so funny, probably because we all went thru similar things with these new dang inventions......

I remember my step father having to get up on the roof every time (yes everytime) we wanted to watch one of the three channels we had....he used to twist the aeirial and yell out to us down in the loungeroom if it was working....then it was back on the roof to turn it back after that show was finished.....

And the dear old mum put a raw egg, still in its shell in there one time......i remember, i couldnt believe how much stuff was actually in one little egg, not one part of the microwave insides did not have a bit of egg on it.....

And computers....I'm still learning......I only found out, about 2 years ago, that I could play a CD on it......duhhhhhhhh!!!!....

And I shocked a few friends the other day, when I told them, I dont use a mobile, except when I go away on holidays...neither do my husband or sons....ive got one, but its in one of my drawers waiting for when i skip town again.

I remember the first VCR we got, then went to the one video rental store that was half hour away, where they had about 20 movies.....I thought to myself "what am I gonna watch, once I've seen all of these?"

And digital watches.....they came out when my eldest son was at school....he could tel the time on his digital watch, but couldnt tell the time on an ordinary clock with the clock face.

And dvd's......still a point of dissention in our household.....Hubby reckons the Cassette tapes were better, cause we could fast forward them.....

So many more, I cant think of now, cause we take so much for granted now....but a lot of funny stories, I am enjoying them.
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Offline 2robots4u

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2006, 10:56:23 pm »
Not just TV stations but the concept of TV itself.  I remember my grandmother saying it was just a fad (1948 or 1949), would not last and she would not put the money into buying one.  I did not actually watch TV until early 1953 when my parents were finally broken by family pressure.  They were hugh pieces of furniture and weighed more than me at the time, so once is was in place, it was never moved.  Wonder what granny would think of TV and the many models available today?  She died in 1987, ironically, while watching TV.....

Offline David In Indy

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2006, 01:58:29 am »
Oh. I just thought of another one!

<drum roll> .........................................



........................................... Wait for it..................................................



Oh Hell. I forgot what I was going to say.  >:(


Oh yeah...... coffee makers!    :D

I remember watching my mother's percolator for a very long time when I was a kid. I loved watching the coffee "percolate" up and down through the little glass handle on the lid. But it took hours for it to percolate...or brew.

Now, we can pour a pot of cold water into a machine, press a button, and in 3 minutes we have a fresh pot of coffee! That is, when the damn things work. I flooded my kitchen in vinegar last week trying to clean mine.

Does anyone know a good brand of coffee maker out there? I'll buy it just as long as it doesn't piss vinegar all over the kitchen counter.

It's all good!

Coffee makers! Now that's a great invention.

Or as they use to say... "Now that's a great cup of coffee honey!"  :D
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 02:00:49 am by David925 »
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Offline Katie77

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2006, 07:01:31 am »
Typewriters......I learned on a manual typewriter....bang, bang banging on the keys......if i made a mistake, we had a typewriter eraser.......

The the electric typewriter came in, and we were so used to banging the old keys, that everytime we hit a key now, it came out half a dozen times.......

And carbon paper copies......i worked for a finance company, and we had to type an original and about four copies of the loan contracts...if we made a mistake, we got out the little bottle of white stuff, and dabbed each copy, waited for it to dry, then type the right letter.....the white stuff smudged all the copies...

Thank goodness once again for computers.....

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2006, 07:36:40 am »
The.... iPod/MP3 player...

Not so long ago, just before I got my iPod, I was sitting on the train with my portable cassette player, listening to all these mixed music tapes I had made when I was a child. I opened the cassette player to get the cassette out and the sound that it made, KAPLOING (or something, can't really describe it) actually startled some people out of their sleep-induced comas and there were these kids who looked at me and the machine in my hand with a mortified look on their faces, and they were asking their mothers what it was.

Aaaaw... the good old cassette player...

Offline David

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2006, 07:45:54 am »
Boy, I remember the very first time I heard about a cell phone... actually it was a car phone. I couldn't figure out how it would work. I remember picturing a huge reel of telephone cord on the trunk of the car. Then I remember realizing a reel of cord on the back of a car wouldn't work. The cord would get all tangled up as the car drove down the street and turned corners. I think the first time I ever heard about a car phone was probably in the early 1980's. Of course back then, only the very rich could afford one and I never actually saw someone using a cell phone until the early 1990's. My friend Claude owned one, and he carried the phone around in a case (about the size of a brief case) which contained the phone, the telephone's computer and a large battery.

Remember in the 1970s when some TV detectives had "Mobile Phones" ? 

I remember a TV show called "Cannon" starring William conrad.  He drove a silver Lincoln Mark IV with a telephone in it.   It looked like a regular phone.  He'd pick it up and ask for the mobile operator and then give her the regular phone number he needed to be connected too.    Very impressive then!

It wasn't until the mid 1980s that they became more popular.  Yet still very expensive!   $1500.00 - $2,000 US Dollars then!    :o

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2006, 08:57:24 am »

Does anyone know a good brand of coffee maker out there? I'll buy it just as long as it doesn't piss vinegar all over the kitchen counter.

Saeco Vienna Deluxe Super Automatic

Press the button and the machine grinds the beans, puts them in the little holder, spritzes the water through, dumps the beans and makes one perfect cup of coffee...anything from the tiniest cup of espresso (ristresso) to a mug of American style coffee. If you want the whole barista experience, you can foam milk, make lattes, etc., but I never bother.

I bought this machine five years ago and it was expensive. My husband almost had a stroke. But it has paid for itself ten times over in that I never buy coffee out is just not up to the standard I have become used to.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2006, 09:00:19 am »

I took chemistry my freshman year in college and was still using a slide rule. I was a whiz with a slide rule! Calculators came out shortly thereafter. My father bought one and as I recall, it cost $300 and it didn't do much more than basic math functions. Now calculators are given away as promotional business items.

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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2006, 10:31:45 am »

I took chemistry my freshman year in college and was still using a slide rule. I was a whiz with a slide rule! Calculators came out shortly thereafter. My father bought one and as I recall, it cost $300 and it didn't do much more than basic math functions. Now calculators are given away as promotional business items.


That's what saved my ass in high school chemistry (sophomore year, 1973-74  ;D ), an early calculator. I was getting the concepts but continually screwing up the math. My dad bought one for me--I don't recall the price. All it did was add, subtract, multiply, and divide, but that was enough.

"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.


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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2006, 11:25:01 am »
Does anyone know a good brand of coffee maker out there? I'll buy it just as long as it doesn't piss vinegar all over the kitchen counter.

You're so cute! I would recommend the Senseo coffeemaker that uses pods:

Senseo is a registered trademark for a coffee brewing system from Dutch companies Philips and Douwe Egberts, a subsidiary of Sara Lee Corporation. The two main characteristics of the system are its coffee pods (called pads in some countries) and its design.

He, twee vliegen in 1 klap, new coffeemaker and it's Dutch as well!


Offline saucycobblers

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2006, 03:26:17 pm »
I still remember my excitement when my parents bought our first VCR - a now-defunct Betamax model about the size of a small shed with massive push down levers that squeaked when you ejected the video tape out the top of the machine. Before that my only option was to watch films on TV or travel 15 miles on the bus to the nearest cinema after our little town's only cinema closed when I was small. We had a tiny video store that had a choice of about 40 films to start with, and I queued excitedly to join and take out my first video - David Lynch's 'Elephant Man'. I carried that video home like it was the most precious thing in the world, and felt just as excited pressing 'play' as I did when watching a film at the cinema and the Studio opening music started up. Going into that video store was like walking into Santa's Grotto for me in those days... ;D

« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 03:31:30 pm by saucycobblers »
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!

Offline Arad-3

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2006, 04:07:19 pm »
The fax machines. I remember when everyone was in awe when the fax became trendy.

This is still one contraption that I still can't figure out. How they send these images through telephone wires to another fax machine is beyond me. ???
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2006, 04:10:26 pm »
Cable Television?

When I was a kid, Indianapolis only had 4 television stations: ABC (Channel 6), CBS (Channel 8 ), NBC (Channel 13) and Channel 4, which was a local channel. Many people couldn't pick up Channel 4 very well. The reception was very bad in parts of the city, and if you wanted to watch Channel 4 you had to point the tv antenna in the correct spot or wrap some foil around it (or stick a coat hanger in it). Later, Channel 20 (PBS) came to the city, and we had 5 channels.

People risked their necks mounting TV antennas on the roof. We had an electronic device called a "tenna-rotor" that actually rotated the antenna up on the roof to change its direction to improve reception.
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Offline Pipedream

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2006, 04:35:07 pm »
It's crazy what has changed at my radio station during the last ten years or so. When I began to work there, the editing of audio material was still real handicraft, and "to cut" meant really just this: cut the audio tape with a little knife and then glue it together again at the place you wanted. I remember working through whole nights at one of these machines in our studio:

Today, it's all digital:

In fact, I can do a lot of stuff with a relatively cheap software at home. It's gotten easier and more comfortable in a lot of ways, but sometimes I still miss the "good old times" when you didn't have to sit in front of a computer all day...


Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2006, 05:57:40 pm »
When I was about ten years old, my parents got me a portable reel-to-reel tape recorder.

And anybody else around here, besides Leslie and me, old enough to remember 8-track tapes?  ;D
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.


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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2006, 06:18:18 pm »
When I was about ten years old, my parents got me a portable reel-to-reel tape recorder.

And anybody else around here, besides Leslie and me, old enough to remember 8-track tapes?  ;D
Jeff, I remember 8-track tapes, but didn't own any. My sister, three and a half years older than me, owned at least one (an Art Garfunkle album [or tape, rather], of all things).

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2006, 08:01:54 pm »
And anybody else around here, besides Leslie and me, old enough to remember 8-track tapes?  ;D

<raising hand>

I do. That was one of the most God awful inventions in all of history.  >:(

If you wanted to listen to a song again, you had to wait until all the other songs on the track played (normally three or four). If you hadn't lost interest by then, you would have to fight with the machine to keep it from changing to the next track.

Yep. I remember the 8-tracks all right.
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2006, 08:17:34 pm »
This is still one contraption that I still can't figure out. How they send these images through telephone wires to another fax machine is beyond me. ???

I can't figure out how computers work.  :-\

I still think a little man with a Harvard degree is sitting in there doing all the work.

I never do see him though. I think he runs and hides every time I open up the computer.

Isn't that what the little man in the refrigerator does? You know, the one who always turns the light on and off?   ;)

Fax machines are confusing and weird. I don't understand them either Geri.   ???

Edit: Speaking of confusing things, I could never figure out how the telephone worked. Somebody speaks into it, everything is changed into electrical impulses or something, it's sent through a tiny wire, the whole thing is put back together again in the other telephone and the voice sounds exactly like it is suppose to.  How?  And they invented the telephone in 1870. Boy, I really do get confused easily!
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 09:32:27 pm by David925 »
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2006, 10:40:18 pm »
<raising hand>

I do. That was one of the most God awful inventions in all of history.  >:(

If you wanted to listen to a song again, you had to wait until all the other songs on the track played (normally three or four). If you hadn't lost interest by then, you would have to fight with the machine to keep it from changing to the next track.

Yep. I remember the 8-tracks all right.

Tell you what, my family is notorious for being one step behind the technology curve. While I was still in college, in the late '70s, my mother bought me a new stereo (got a discount at the department store where she worked). It was one of those so-called "compact" systems that weren't really compact. I had a choice of a model with a built-in casette player-recorder and one with a built-in 8-track player-recorder. Guess which one I picked.  ;D

I used to record from my record albums right over the track change on the 8-tracks. Mainly I listened to classical music, so I didn't find the technology a problem.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 11:09:58 pm by Jeff Wrangler »
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2006, 10:45:19 pm »
Edit: Speaking of confusing things, I could never figure out how the telephone worked. Somebody speaks into it, everything is changed into electrical impulses or something, it's sent through a tiny wire, the whole thing is put back together again in the other telephone and the voice sounds exactly like it is suppose to.  How?  And they invented the telephone in 1870. Boy, I really do get confused easily!

That would be a great question to send to Dr. Science. ;D And he would say something like:

"Did you ever wonder what happened to Mr. Watson? I think he was transformed into electrical impulses, and forced to run back and forth across electrical wires. Today, the entire process has been speeded up by changing him, instead, into a beam of light and sending him down fiber optic cables."
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2006, 10:52:05 pm »
That would be a great question to send to Dr. Science. ;D And he would say something like:

"Did you ever wonder what happened to Mr. Watson? I think he was transformed into electrical impulses, and forced to run back and forth across electrical wires. Today, the entire process has been speeded up by changing him, instead, into a beam of light and sending him down fiber optic cables."

Huh?  ??? :o

Beams of light and fiber optic cables?

That sounds like something they have in kinky gay bars.

I thought we were talking about telephones.  ;)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #34 on: October 09, 2006, 11:48:02 pm »
Huh?  ??? :o

Beams of light and fiber optic cables?

That sounds like something they have in kinky gay bars.

Either that or on Star Trek. ;D
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2006, 03:25:56 am »
It's crazy what has changed at my radio station during the last ten years or so. When I began to work there, the editing of audio material was still real handicraft, and "to cut" meant really just this: cut the audio tape with a little knife and then glue it together again at the place you wanted. I remember working through whole nights at one of these machines in our studio:


Today, it's all digital:

In fact, I can do a lot of stuff with a relatively cheap software at home. It's gotten easier and more comfortable in a lot of ways, but sometimes I still miss the "good old times" when you didn't have to sit in front of a computer all day...


Me too. I did a job that required literally thousands of splice edits - I got to be a dab hand at them, but I could also do dub edits, which involved chalk marks on the tape, spinning one's idler up to speed, and rolling one as the mark passed the playback head of the other. Then came Digital Audio Tape (DAT) and you couldn't do that any more. Then came MiniDiscs (MD), and now digital.

Come to think of it, I can remember when I was tiny, being taken to Speech Therapy with a lateral lisp (couldn't pronounce my SSs - they came out both sides) and they recorded me with a SoundMirror on 1/4" tape. The machine was the size of a small suitcase. You changed direction with a gear lever, and monitored volume with a Magic Eye (tiny Cathode Ray Tube that indicated volume with the angle of bright green). (I cried when I heard my own voice.) We kept using reel-to-reel tape for the next 40 years. Notice how things are speeding up?

I remember worrying because I couldn't get my head around valve (vacuum tube) technology - bias and grid leak and all that. Now look at it, gone with the wind.

Also when I was small, I was taken to see - TELEVISION, in the electical engineering laboratory of the university. It was actually broadcast. Trouble was, you couldn't see yourself when you were in front of the camera. A room full of valves. We went home and tried to pick up the sound on our radio, which had a "television" setting on the dial. Little did we know it dated from 20 years earlier, when TV was sent at radio frequency, and had about 30 lines and involved rotating discs with holes in them.

Broadcast television - one channel, black and white, evenings only, didn't begin for another 10 years.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 03:28:44 am by Shuggy »

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #36 on: October 10, 2006, 05:41:26 am »
When I was about ten years old, my parents got me a portable reel-to-reel tape recorder.

And anybody else around here, besides Leslie and me, old enough to remember 8-track tapes?  ;D

Ha ha ha!     My 1980 Chrysler LeBaron still has a working original AM/FM stereo 8-track player in it!     ;D

That was also the first year you could factory order a new fangled "cassette" stereo too.   I think it was available a year before on some Cadillacs and Oldsmobiles.    But 8-track player car radios were still offered right into the mid 1980s.       I had a 1980 Cadillac Eldorado with an AM/FM 8-track that had a built in CB radio too!     It was great to listen in on the truckers to find out where the Police speed traps were!
« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 05:46:10 am by DavidinHartford »

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2006, 07:14:48 am »

Is there some reason why all your old cars seem to come from 1980? Was that a special year for you?

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2006, 07:17:33 am »
Blow dryers

I had my first blow dryer my freshman year in college (1973). Before that, we had these complicated bouffant things for drying our hair.

Along the same lines

Unisex Salons

Remember when beauty shops were segregated by sex? They were. Laws had to change to allow men and women to get their hair done in the same shop.

Electric rollers

For instant hair-dos!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2006, 08:00:35 am »

Is there some reason why all your old cars seem to come from 1980? Was that a special year for you?


HA HA HA!     Well, the reason was really financial at first.    A car must be 25 years old to be registered and insured as a "Classic".      So in 2005,  when I was shopping for an inexpensive pleasure car, I figured 1980 would be a good year to start.   Insuring it with regular insurance can cost up to $1000 a year.  But Classic car insurance is about $50 a year.    Of course there are mileage  and use restrictions.   They cannot be used for commuting for example.

  Other reasons?    I graduated High School in 1984.   So cars of the 1970s and 1980s are what I remember as a teenager.     Plus,  these cars are new enough where you can still get them serviced just about anywhere.  Parts are still cheap and nobody else is collecting them.   They are nice, big, comfortable cars.

  The downside?   Quality in 1980 was not the best.   Neither is fuel economy.   But still not any worse than a full size pickup gets today.

  And yes,  I have owned other older (and newer) cars.    Such as.....

1961 Plymouth Fury wagon
1967 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
1971 Lincoln Continental
1974 Chrysler Newport
1974 Cadillac Eldorado hardtop
1974 Cadillac Calais Sedan
1975 Cadillac Eldorado convertible
1975 Chrysler New Yorker
1977 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
1980 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
1980 Cadillac Eldorado
1982 Cadillac Cimarron
1989 Ford Crown Victoria
1996 Mercury Sable
1996 Geo Prizm
1999 Chevrolet S-10 pickup
2002 Mercury Sable

and currently..

1980 Chrysler LeBaron sedan
1980 Dodge St.Regis sedan
2003 Chysler PT Cruiser woody
1980 Chrysler LeBaron Wagon! 

« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 09:11:03 pm by DavidinHartford »

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2006, 08:04:40 am »
Blow dryers

What did we do without them?? My hair is so unruly that without a hairdryer I'd have to go slap-head... and that sure would not be a pretty sight!  :laugh:
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2006, 08:21:47 am »
Portable Telephones

Remember when you were tethered to the wall or phone to make a phone call? Remember when you had to hang up to go to the bathroom? (I probably shouldn't admiit that I go the bathroom while talking on the phone, now! LOL)

Remember when phone calls were charged by time and distance?

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2006, 08:29:34 am »
anyone mentioned velcro?

remember when kids had to learn to tie their shoes?? I musta tied D's shoes 14 million times before he learned to do it for himself...

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2006, 10:59:43 am »
anyone mentioned velcro?

remember when kids had to learn to tie their shoes?? I musta tied D's shoes 14 million times before he learned to do it for himself...

Velcro's great if you don't want to stand around tyin' knots all day.  ;D
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2006, 12:34:01 pm »
Digital Cameras

I love this invention. Talk about instant gratification. No more waiting for that roll of film just to find out that none of the pictures you took came out. And the moment is gone forever. With digital, you can't make mistakes. With the nice feature of the viewer, you can just take the picture over and over again till your satisfied, cause you will never run out of film!

 You have no idea how many rolls of film I have found around the house that I never got developed. I can't imagine whats on them. And after two years of using my digital camera, I don't know if i even want to bother having these old rolls developed.
I love the convience of being able to send your family and friends beautiful clear pictures with a click of a button.  Thats what I'm talking about...instant gratification! Love it!
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2006, 07:26:40 pm »
Sepaking of cameras, another invention of our lifetime were the polaroid instant cameras. I remember when they became trendy and everyone had one. 

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2006, 07:33:06 pm »
Hey girls.......something we take for granted now.......panti-hose....

I remember wearin stocking to school, with those damn suspender belts...and then the advent of the mini skirt, trying to hide the bit of leg skin above where the stockings ended.......

Of course they are nice to wear as sexy underwear now, but wearing them all the time, was just so uncomfortable......
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #47 on: October 11, 2006, 07:47:39 am »


pads with sticky strips on them...remember those little belts and the pads with the long ends??

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #48 on: October 11, 2006, 07:51:37 am »


pads with sticky strips on them...remember those little belts and the pads with the long ends??

OMG...YES!! Every month I wonder how the hell women managed before sanny towels & tampons!
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!


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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #49 on: October 11, 2006, 08:02:38 am »
has anyone mentioned the pill?? Talk about changing our lives!!

and condoms...of course..

but lord, the changes the pill brought on!!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #50 on: October 11, 2006, 08:25:35 am »
Sepaking of cameras, another invention of our lifetime were the polaroid instant cameras. I remember when they became trendy and everyone had one. 

Polaroid was invented by a man named Edward Land and the early models were called "the Polaroid Land camera." For years, I thought that mean you could only use them on land, ie, you couldn't take Polaroid on a boat to take a picture. I had a "Swinger" (remember those? the $19.99 Polaroid?) and one day I decided to be very daring and yes, take it on our boat to take a picture. Imagine my amazement when it worked!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2006, 11:01:09 pm »
Polaroid was invented by a man named Edward Land and the early models were called "the Polaroid Land camera." For years, I thought that mean you could only use them on land, ie, you couldn't take Polaroid on a boat to take a picture. I had a "Swinger" (remember those? the $19.99 Polaroid?) and one day I decided to be very daring and yes, take it on our boat to take a picture. Imagine my amazement when it worked!


Is that the Polaroid camera that opened up like an accordion? My dad had one of those. You had to pull the picture out of the side of the camera, count to 60 (or something like that) and then peel the paper from the picture. Sometimes the picture would still have some white gooey slime on it. It would disappear a few minutes later. NASTY!  :P

I wonder what the hell ever happened to that camera?
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2006, 11:03:08 pm »


pads with sticky strips on them...remember those little belts and the pads with the long ends??

Are you whispering again?

I heard you!  ;)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2006, 11:06:36 pm »
Polaroid was invented by a man named Edward Land and the early models were called "the Polaroid Land camera." For years, I thought that mean you could only use them on land, ie, you couldn't take Polaroid on a boat to take a picture. I had a "Swinger" (remember those? the $19.99 Polaroid?) and one day I decided to be very daring and yes, take it on our boat to take a picture. Imagine my amazement when it worked!


I too, Leslie, used to think it was a land camera.....i didnt go on boats or fly, so wondered why they would distinguish it as a "land" camera........

Another thing with an ambiguous sounding name also had me confused for many many years......."pelvic floor exercises".......even after I had kids, and was told to do "pelvic floor exercises"....i thought i would have to get down on the floor to do pelvic exercises.......
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2006, 11:25:31 pm »
Haa, katie (Sue?)
Yes, I remember the "Modess" so well. The belts...the short pantyhose...trying to make sure your skirt covered the hose connection...and it never quite did.... !!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #55 on: October 12, 2006, 12:08:32 am »
Are you whispering again?

I heard you!  ;)

well if you got grossed out then it is your own fault!! I warned you!

(D was watching TV one time...I guess he was about ten...and we just managed to catch several commercials for women's products. He turned to me with this LOOK on his face and said "girls are gross"...THANK YOU MADISON AVENUE!!)

I get his point never see a man sitting out by the creek with his son discussing whether he feels 'fresh'...

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2006, 12:24:48 am »
The switch/rocker deals on pop cans.

(Sorry, I don't know the correct name for them)

It may not be the most exciting invention in our life time, but remember those awful pull tabs they use to put on pop cans?

You would pull them off, and there was NEVER a trash can nearby to put it in. So, people would just throw them on the ground. Those little suckers were sharp too. I have no idea how many times I stepped on them barefoot as a kid. I saved a lot of mine and made chains with them. Sometimes I would just drop them down in my pop can. My mother hated that. She would say "Don't do that! You'll choke on it".

Now they have the little rocker thing on there and it stays on the can. It cuts down on sidewalk litter too!  :)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #57 on: October 12, 2006, 01:46:39 am »
Rechargeable Batteries

God. Everything uses batteries today... especially those AA batteries.

Now that I own some digital cameras, I really go through them. My Sony camera has its own rechargeable battery, but my Canon digital camera EATS AA batteries. I finally broke down and bought a charger and some rechargeable batteries. Now, every time my camera flashes that rude battery sign with the line through it, I just take the batteries out and recharge them again. EAT THAT CANON!  :)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #58 on: October 12, 2006, 08:33:12 am »
The switch/rocker deals on pop cans.

(Sorry, I don't know the correct name for them)

It may not be the most exciting invention in our life time, but remember those awful pull tabs they use to put on pop cans?

You would pull them off, and there was NEVER a trash can nearby to put it in. So, people would just throw them on the ground. Those little suckers were sharp too. I have no idea how many times I stepped on them barefoot as a kid. I saved a lot of mine and made chains with them. Sometimes I would just drop them down in my pop can. My mother hated that. She would say "Don't do that! You'll choke on it".

Now they have the little rocker thing on there and it stays on the can. It cuts down on sidewalk litter too!  :)

Actually, I remember cans when you had to open them with a can opener, then I remember the pull tops, and the kind they have know.

I saved the pull tops and made chains and chains of them. Not sure why, just something to do...the good old days, when you had time to waste! LOL

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #59 on: October 12, 2006, 09:58:24 am »
"Blew out my flip-flop. Stepped on a pop-top."
--Jimmy Buffet, "Margaritaville"  ;D

Hey, how about toasters with slots wide enough for bagels?
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #60 on: October 12, 2006, 04:17:09 pm »
Sepaking of cameras, another invention of our lifetime were the polaroid instant cameras. I remember when they became trendy and everyone had one. 

And that's an SX-70 or something very similar, a second-generation polaroid, where you didn't have to count seconds and then peel the negative off the positive, let alone go over it with a squeegee, just wait and watch the image appear.

Kodak made one very similar, except that the image went in the back of the film, which meant it required two mirrors in the camera to get it the right way round. So the camera was a tall thing with the lens at the top and the film below in front. Didn't last long, as Polaroid won the patent case.

Does anyone remember Polaroid movies? The film was in a cassette and they could only be projected in a special self-contained back projection unit. (Quite ingenious, the colours were on fine stripes side by side down the film - which is why it could never be enlarged to big screen size). I can't remember if development happened in the camera or the projector. They came in and went out again almost immediately some time around 1980, swamped by video cameras.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2006, 04:23:08 pm »
Polaroid was invented by a man named Edward Land and the early models were called "the Polaroid Land camera." For years, I thought that mean you could only use them on land, ie, you couldn't take Polaroid on a boat to take a picture. I had a "Swinger" (remember those? the $19.99 Polaroid?) and one day I decided to be very daring and yes, take it on our boat to take a picture. Imagine my amazement when it worked!



I thought "Land" meant it was for taking landscapes, not portraits - very long focus, perhaps.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #62 on: October 12, 2006, 04:30:06 pm »
Hey, how about toasters with slots wide enough for bagels?

Speaking about toasters......why have settings from 1-6...when setting 2 or 3 makes the toast just right........who in the helll uses setting 5 and 6....(obviously someone who likes to eat charcoal)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #63 on: October 12, 2006, 04:41:50 pm »
I do.  I love dark or even black toast. with alot of unmelted butter on it. It's great. so they did put the 5-6 on it for some of us anyways.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #64 on: October 12, 2006, 04:46:10 pm »
Don't be too hard on the 8-track recordings. They were intended for cars, and the idea was to be eyes-off, just pop them in and away they'd go (again and again).

So were 7" 16 2/3 rpm recordings, but everyone wanted to play them inside as well, so for years automatic record changers had a 16 2/3 speed and nothing to play at it. Though there were a few 12" spoken word discs that played for about 3 hours.

Condoms shouldn't be listed here. They go back centuries: Casanova used sheepgut ones, which are still made. (no good against HIV, though, they have tiny holes a virus can get through).

The invention that came in in my time I'm most grateful for is the high speed dental drill. I'm showing my age when I tell you that when I was a child the school dental nurse drilled our teeth with a drill that she turned with a treadle, like an old sewing machine, with the most amazing arrangement of cords and pulleys to give her manouverability. It went "URRurrURRurrURR..." now that was terrifying.

But a whole huge field of inventions in the last few decades are in materials science.

When someone advised Benjamin in The Graduate (1968) to go into "plastics", that was a joke because plastics were so passé, but plastics have made enormous strides since then.

Think of the huge things that are now made of plastic, such as wheely rubbish bins and car dashboards, thanks to improved strength and durability. Plastic spectacle lenses, strong and clear. All the ways mechanical features like snap fasteners and hinges are now built into the body of the material. Ziplok bags. Have you tried to break a CD? Quite impressive. All sorts of composite materials, like pre-stressed reinforced concrete, fibreglass and carbon-fibre. Two-pot glues. Think of how some plastics are now heat-resistant, sun-resistant, etc. The roof of my house is plastic!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #65 on: October 12, 2006, 04:49:28 pm »
God, I love the Internet: An ad for the Polaroid Swinger.

You gotta love these lyrics: "Meet the Swinger, Polaroid Swinger. It's more than a camera, it's almost alive, it's only 19 dollars and 95."

Catchy commercials were a trademark of the Polaroid corporation in the Sixties and Seventies, known for cutting edge advertising and clever re-inventions of their core product, a camera that delivered a picture within a minute.

The idea of the instant picture was hardly new in 1968, but the hip, swinging attitude was. The white casing and black plastic strap handle gave the Polaroid Swinger real pop-art appeal. And isn't that Ali McGraw romping on the beach?

You can see the ad at

And yes, that is Ali MacGraw....

« Last Edit: October 12, 2006, 04:51:26 pm by MaineWriter »
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #66 on: October 12, 2006, 05:14:48 pm »
Washing machines

My first washing machine was the one where you had the wringer on the top, and the big barrell with the agitator in.....after the clothes were washed, you used to have to push them thru the wringer into a tub of fresh clean water to rinse, then push them back thru the wringer to squeeze out as much water as you could......was a half a day job to do two loads of washing......

At least it was an improvement on my mums....she used to have to turn the wringer with a lever while trying to push the clothes thru......
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #67 on: October 12, 2006, 07:04:34 pm »
While we're on the subject of laundry, how about home clothes dryers?

I don't know how far back machine clothes dryers actually go, but how about having one in your own home?

I can remember what a big deal it was when my mother got a clothes dryer. No more carrying a basket of damp laundry up the basement stairs and out the kitchen door to be hung on a line to dry in the backyard--unless she wanted to. (Some stuff just smells better line-dried in the fresh air.  ;D )

But, living as I do in a high-rise condominium, a home clothes dryer makes it possible for me to do my own laundry. No needing to plan a trip to a laundromat--even if there is a handsome but confused cowboy living above it.  ;D
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2006, 09:39:24 pm »
Memory was something you lost with age
An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity

?A keyboard was a piano
A web was a spider's home
A virus was the flu
A CD was a bank account

A hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived

And if you had a 3 inch floppy . .


??. . . you just hoped nobody ever found out?

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #69 on: October 15, 2006, 02:25:22 am »
God Sue! You are a riot!  :)

That was really good.

Add to the list...

Windows were things people hung curtains in.

RAM was an animal with horns.


A Monitor was an uppity kid who bossed us around in the hallway at school.
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #70 on: October 15, 2006, 05:31:28 am »
I don't know if you've heard, but starting JULY 1, 2005 you will no longer be able to use a cell phone while driving unless you have a "hands free" adapter.

I went to Circuit City and they wanted $50 for a headset with a boom
microphone for my cell phone.

Having a friend in the cell phone business, I talked with him and was
able to come up with an alternative, working through Pacific Network

These kits are compatible with any mobile phone and one size fits all.

I paid $0.08 each because he bought in quantity. We tried them out on
Erickson, Motorola, Nokia and Verizon phones and they worked perfectly!

Take a look and let me know if you want one, and forward this to anyone
you know who may want one!
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #71 on: October 15, 2006, 12:10:24 pm »
I don't know if you've heard, but starting JULY 1, 2005 you will no longer be able to use a cell phone while driving unless you have a "hands free" adapter.

I went to Circuit City and they wanted $50 for a headset with a boom
microphone for my cell phone.

Having a friend in the cell phone business, I talked with him and was
able to come up with an alternative, working through Pacific Network

These kits are compatible with any mobile phone and one size fits all.

I paid $0.08 each because he bought in quantity. We tried them out on
Erickson, Motorola, Nokia and Verizon phones and they worked perfectly!

Take a look and let me know if you want one, and forward this to anyone
you know who may want one!

Sue, is this a joke or are you serious?

Some of these new inventions they sell on tv these days are really "out there".

If you are joking, LOL!

If you are serious, tell us more about it.   :D
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #72 on: October 15, 2006, 01:11:52 pm »
Sue, is this a joke or are you serious?

Some of these new inventions they sell on tv these days are really "out there".

If you are joking, LOL!

If you are serious, tell us more about it.   :D

If she isn't joking, I'm gonna rush right out and buy stock in a company that manufactures rubber bands.  ;D
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #73 on: October 21, 2006, 12:32:17 am »
Post It

Are they called Post It Notes? Post It Paper?

You know what I am talking about, don't you? It's paper with a little strip of glue on the backside so we can stick the paper on our walls or on our computer.

Yes. Post It. Do you remember how bad it was before somebody invented these? Our walls were full of little holes from all the thumb tacks, or the paint was pulled off the wall from the cellophane tape.

White Out is another good invention. Now we can just paint over our mistakes and try again!  :D

Super Glue is a disasterous invention. If I had a dollar for every time I bonded myself to something......  >:(
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #74 on: October 21, 2006, 01:41:05 am »
Post It

Are they called Post It Notes? Post It Paper?

You know what I am talking about, don't you? It's paper with a little strip of glue on the backside so we can stick the paper on our walls or on our computer.

Yes. Post It. Do you remember how bad it was before somebody invented these? Our walls were full of little holes from all the thumb tacks, or the paint was pulled off the wall from the cellophane tape.
Some friends of mine invented virtual Post Its. They sell them online and just watch the money roll in. If I could find the link, I'd, um, post it.

White Out is another good invention. Now we can just paint over our mistakes and try again!  :D
Um, yes, back when people used typewriters, etc. An oldie but goodie:
Q: How do you know a [memeber of a despised minority, usually Irish] has been using the computer?
A: Twink on the screen.

Super Glue is a disasterous invention. If I had a dollar for every time I bonded myself to something......  >:(
Um, that's not something the matter with Superglue....

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #75 on: October 21, 2006, 09:01:50 am »
Post It

Are they called Post It Notes? Post It Paper?

Post it notes were invented by accident. A scientist at 3M was trying to come up with a new type of adhesive. This particular one didn't released. At first they thought there was no good use for an adhesive that wasn't permanent. Now look at the post it products that are on the market.

Fortunately, the powers-that-be at 3M realized the potential market for Post Its. Here is one of the huge corporate goofs of all time: the first PC was invented in 1974 by research scientists at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), which was the research & design division of Xerox. The idea was brought to the board who refused to invest money in its further development, saying that the core mission of Xerox was copying, not computing. Frustrated, many of the scientists left PARC and went to work for a fledging computer company named Apple.

The rest, as they say, is history. When was the last time you bought a Xerox computer?

White Out is another good invention. Now we can just paint over our mistakes and try again!  :D

This was on another thread on this board. White Out (Liquid Paper) was invented by the Bette Nesmith Graham, mother of Mike Nesmith, who was one of the original Monkees.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #76 on: October 25, 2006, 10:27:46 pm »
Post it notes were invented by accident. ... White Out (Liquid Paper) was invented by the Bette Nesmith Graham, mother of Mike Nesmith, who was one of the original Monkees.

I have often envisaged the scene where someone comes off the factory floor:
"Boss, boss, there's horrible blue goo coming out the back of the flurkinfafter! It sticks to walls, it sticks to paper, it lifts the ink off newsprint. How can we get rid of it?"

Officeboy: "Call it BluTak and sell it."

Offline Katie77

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #77 on: October 30, 2006, 05:35:44 pm »
How old is Grandpa???
>>       Stay with this -- the answer is at the end. It will blow you
>>       One evening a grandson was talking to his grandfather about
>>current events.
>>       The grandson asked his grandfather what he thought about the
>>shootings at schools, the computer age, and just things in general.
>>       The Grandfather replied, "Well, let me think a minute, I was
>>born before:
>>       ' television
>>       ' penicillin
>>       ' polio shots
>>       ' frozen foods
>>       ' Xerox
>>       ' contact lenses
>>       ' Frisbees and
>>       ' the pill
>>       There were no:
>>       ' credit cards
>>       ' laser beams or
>>       ' ball-point pens
>>       Man had not invented:
>>       ' pantyhose
>>       ' air conditioners
>>       ' dishwashers
>>       ' clothes dryers
>>       ' and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air and
>>       ' man hadn't yet walked on the moon
>>       Your Grandmother and I got married first, . . . and then
>>lived together
>>       Every family had a father and a mother.
>>       Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, "Sir".
>       And after I turned 25, I still called every man older than
>me, "Sir"
>>       We were before gay-rights, computer- dating, dual careers,
>>daycare centers, and group therapy.
>>       Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good
>>= and common sense.
>>       We were taught to know the difference between right and
>>and  to stand up and take responsibility for our actions.
>>       Serving your country was a privilege; living in this country
>>was a bigger privilege.
>>       We thought fast food was what people ate during Lent
>>       Having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with
>>your cousins.
>>       Draft dodgers were people who closed their front doors when
>>the evening breeze started
>       Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the
>>evenings and weekends-not purchasing condominiums.
>>       We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric 
>>typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings
>>       We listened to the Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the
>>President's speeches on our radios
>>       And I don't ever remember any kid blowing his brains out
>>listening To Tommy Dorsey
>>       If you saw anything with 'Made in Japan ' on it, it was
>>       The term 'making out' referred to how you did on your school
>>       Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and instant coffee weren't heard of.
>>       5 and 10 cents.
>>       Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a
>>= were all a nickel.
>>       And if you didn't want to splurge, you could spend your
>>on enough stamps to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards.
>>       You could buy a new Chevy Coupe for $600, . . . but who
>>afford one?
>>       Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon
>>       In my day:
>>       ' "grass" was mowed,
>>       ' "coke" was a cold drink,
>>       ' "pot" was something your mother cooked in and
>>       ' "rock music" was your grandmother's lullaby
>>       ' "Aids" were helpers in the Principal's office
>>       ' "chip" meant a piece of wood,
>>       ' "hardware" was found in a hardware store and
>>       ' "software" wasn't even a word.
>>       And we were the last generation to actually believe that a
>>= needed a husband to have a baby. No wonder people call us "old
>>confused" and say there is a generation gap... and how old do you
>>think  I am?
>>       I bet you have this old man in are in for a
>>       Read on to see -- pretty scary if you think about it and
>>= sad at the same time
>>       This man would be only 59 years old
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #78 on: October 30, 2006, 05:53:19 pm »
Wow Sue. That's amazing!

It just goes to show us how much things have changed in a relatively short amount of time.
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #79 on: October 31, 2006, 02:54:29 am »
There's a university which every year develops a list for faculty of things that happened before the incoming freshman class was born - inventions, historical events, etc.  Anybody know how to find that list?  It's always very interesting. 

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #80 on: October 31, 2006, 11:02:09 am »
Microwave ovens.

Sorry if this was already mentioned, I thought I read through the entire thread pretty thoroughly, (At Sue's recommendation)  thank you Sue this is a delightful thread.   I could have missed this one..... 

The first microwave oven I remember was in a convience store.  That was back around 1979 or 1980. We could heat up the frozen burritos and other assorited little frozen foods at the store in them.  I was amazed how fast and how hot they made those little frozen foods.  There was a sign on the door warning that a microwave oven was in use I think for heart patients with pace makers. 

Before having one in the home, we used to have to reheat left over food in a pot on the stove leaving a big mess to clean up. The microwave has made life so simple in more ways than that, but what would I do without one in my home these days....I have a friend whose microwave broke (program obsolete) and never boaght a new one.  When she told me that I thought she was crazy, but she says she doesnt miss it?   

Program obsolete..  For quite a while now they make things like microwaves, coffee pots, portable phones, cd players etc.... all our electronic devices to evenutually fall apart.. Its more economical to buy a new one then to pay to get the old one fixed...  Ala program obsolete..

The computer brain in the cars made now...i bought a used car one time which I soon found out needed a new brain.  What a disaster.

My daughter was in an aweful situation on the road where another car flipped over and landed in her lane...not to get gory so i wont, but the cop used a machine he hooked up to her car and it told him how fast she was driving, whether or not seat belts were worn, when she applied the brakes all kinds of little info...its amazing.
As for the gore if anyone really wants to know she ran over one of the bodies that was ejected from the suv that flipped.   It was NOT her fault..there is a God
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 03:37:21 am by brokeback_dev »

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #81 on: November 01, 2006, 01:45:37 am »
I opened the cassette player to get the cassette out and the sound that it made, KAPLOING (or something, can't really describe it) actually startled some people out of their sleep-induced comas...

Whatta great thread!

I may have missed it, but I don't think anyone mentioned ATMs.

The first advertisements I heard for those were for Union Planter's "Annie — the anytime teller".  (Friendly, feminine-sounding approachability for all those who might wonder where the heck their paycheck was going when they stuck it through the slot into the ether...)

Before those, I remember riding to the drive-up bank teller window with my dad. (I liked it because when the teller saw a kid in the car, they would put a little lollipop in the clear plastic canister thing. What I couldn't figure out was, how did the canister get from the box by your car over to the teller? That still kinda bamboozles me.)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2006, 01:03:45 pm by LauraGigs »

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #82 on: November 01, 2006, 04:43:20 am »
I remember riding to the drive-up bank teller window with my dad. (I liked it because when the teller saw a kid in the car, they would put a little lollipop in the clear plastic canister thing.) What I couldn't figure out was, how did the canister get from the box by your car over to the teller? (That still kinda bamboozles me.)

I don't know about your drive-in banks, but there were two systems in shops. One was pneumatic. The canister (which had round felt seals at the ends) was put in a tube, the door closed and air pressure pushed (or pulled) it to the other end. They were used in newsrooms longer, to send copy from the subeditors to the typesetting room, which was noisy. The other was used where a shop was all on one level. The canister was hung from a little trolley that ran on a wire stretched between each cashdesk and the cashier's office. To send it, the cashier pulled a cord which tightened a spring. When it was tight enough it tripped a catch that let the spring go to shoot it across the shop over everyone's heads.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #83 on: November 01, 2006, 06:33:20 am »
Whatta great thread!

I may have missed it, but I don't think anyone mentioned ATMs.

Oh yes ATM's..........I worked for a finance company 25years ago, and one day the boss told me, that the banks were soon going to have a machine in their front wall, where you could deposit and withdraw money.......

"No way" I thought......yes, I could picture depositing money, but I wondered how they could check our signature to make a withdrawal from a machine....Of course there was no such thing as a PIN number then.

The rest is could we live without them.....

Australia didnt get into the drive in banks.....before ATM's, it used to be a line up at the bank every friday, to get any money we might need over the weekend.....if we run out before bank opening on the monday, well, that was just too bad.
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #84 on: November 01, 2006, 08:19:11 pm »
Whatta great thread!

I may have missed it, but I don't think anyone mentioned ATMs.

The first advertisements I heard for those were for Union Planter's "Annie — the anytime teller".  (Friendly, feminine-sounding approachability for all those who might wonder where the heck their paycheck was going when they stuck it through the slot into the ether...)

In these parts, the first ATMs were called MAC machines. "MAC" must have stood for something, but I never learned what.

Some folks, myself included, still refer to using an ATM as "hitting the MAC machine" or "tapping MAC."

Of course, the coming of the ATM gave us a new name for the twenty-dollar bill: Yuppie food coupon.  :laugh:
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #85 on: November 02, 2006, 04:22:33 am »
ATM: Altar To Mammon.
Hence "Hang on, I'm out of cash, I'lll just go and worship at the Altar To Mammon."

Offline Katie77

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #86 on: November 02, 2006, 07:15:54 am »
I looked on my coffee table in the loungeroom today, and what did I see????

Remote Controls

One for the tv, the dvd player, the pay (cable) tv, the stereo, the air conditioner, the overhead fans.......

On my set of keys, I have one for the garage roller door, and one for the central locking on the car........

We certainly have become "couch potatoes"....or are we just bone lazy now....

Am interested to know, what other remote controls people have out there....
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #87 on: November 02, 2006, 09:23:33 am »
Remote Controls

 :laugh: One time when I was small i thought it would be good fun to keep turning over the channels on our B&W (yep - no colour then!!) push-button TV while my Dad was trying to watch a programme. Up and down, back and forth we went, struggling for supremacy over the goggle-box. Needless to say, I lost, and got a good hiding and sent to my room for my trouble  >:(. Woulda never happened if there'd been remote controls around...
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #88 on: November 02, 2006, 09:56:15 am »
Sometime probably in the late 1960s my grandparents had an early-model remote control for their television. It was actually connected to the television by a cable.

And I remember not only black-and-white television sets, I also remember black-and-white television shows (and not just reruns of I Love Lucy either--I mean prime time!).
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #89 on: November 02, 2006, 04:19:41 pm »
Oh yes, I forgot the first tv remote control...attached with a cable to the tv....

Our boys were little at the time, so we were continually saying..."Dont trip over that cable".....

Which brings me to the first tv/video game we had.....that too, was attached to the tv with a cable from the hand controls, and the game was a simple game of tennis...we could actually move each player (denoted by a straight line), up and down to connect with the other straight line that denoted the ball.....we played for hours and hours a day......
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #90 on: November 02, 2006, 04:25:07 pm »
Something else I forgot....regarding black and white tv....

I remember some friends who had a screen (like a screen you put in front of an open fire to stop the cinders flying out)....which they put in front of their black and white tv had three strips of at the top, red in the middle and green at the bottom, and it was supposed to give you the sense of colour on your tv shows.......(i guess it was better 'n nothin')....

Its fun remembering all this stuff.....
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #91 on: November 02, 2006, 08:03:58 pm »
Something else I forgot....regarding black and white tv....

I remember some friends who had a screen (like a screen you put in front of an open fire to stop the cinders flying out)....which they put in front of their black and white tv had three strips of at the top, red in the middle and green at the bottom, and it was supposed to give you the sense of colour on your tv shows.......(i guess it was better 'n nothin')....

Its fun remembering all this stuff.....

I don't remember those color screens Sue, but your comment made me think of something else. Do you remember those aluminum Christmas trees? They were silver, and a spinning color wheel was placed in front of the tree so it would "change colors". The color wheel had a light in it. Everybody had those aluminum trees when I was a kid. People wouldn't be caught dead with one these days.
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #92 on: November 02, 2006, 09:03:39 pm »
Yes I remember those trees David....but I dont think Australia got those spinning wheels that threw colour on to them...we just decorated them with electric lights, until a few unfortunate people got electrocuted, and they realized that those trees and electricity were not a safe mix.

Talking of Christmas.....remember when we only gotone present from our parents for Christmas?......nowdays, kids seem to get a room full....

Also at Christmas time, Mum used to make the boiled plum pudding, she used to wrap it in a bag of muslim and cook it in the copper.....she also used to put small silver coins in the mix, and it was our delight to find a threepence or sixpence while we were eating it...Unfortunatley, with the advent of decimal currency, the new coins were made of some other metal, and we were advised not to cook them in our puddings, so that was the end of that.

Thinking about the good ol' days is fun.......Just think....these will be the good ol' days to our grandchildren....makes you wonder what they will have in their lives then.
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #93 on: November 02, 2006, 09:58:03 pm »

Thinking about the good ol' days is fun.......Just think....these will be the good ol' days to our grandchildren....makes you wonder what they will have in their lives then.

The good ol' days to today's kids will probably be remembering life without PR's (Personal Robots), cars with steering wheels that actually travelled on the ground, taking boring vacations here on Earth, massive computers the size of a notebook, 2 dimensional television screens, some crazy, primitive thing called the "Internet", watching movies in a place called a "cinema" or "movie theatre" and purchasing something with pieces of paper and shiny metal.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #94 on: November 02, 2006, 10:03:43 pm »
Katie, Nicky, Jeff:  my life is flashing before my eyes :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:...I remember all of this very clearly.  I think my sister still has that silver tree packed away somewhere in her garage.  We were just little kids but got so excited when it was decorated; I even milked Santa for as long as I could .  I think I was 11 when the gifts from "Santa" stopped coming.

My remotes are to TV, DVD, VCR, and CD player only.  I've thought about getting a universal one, but they are too advanced for my feeble mind to understand...hell, I'm still trying to figure out the telephone ;D :laugh: :laugh:...Doug

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #95 on: November 02, 2006, 10:23:43 pm »
My remotes are to TV, DVD, VCR, and CD player only.  I've thought about getting a universal one, but they are too advanced for my feeble mind to understand...hell, I'm still trying to figure out the telephone ;D :laugh: :laugh:...Doug

We had had our new tv for about 6 months, and I had always wondered why the remote was about 8inches long (in this day when everything is getting smaller and smaller)....the buttons we needed to change channel and volume were at the top of the remote.....then one day, we needed the technician to come out and fix something on the tv, and he asked me to press a certain button on the remote....when I couldnt find it, he then showed me, that the bottom of the remote had a sliding panel, which revealed about 30 other thats why this remote is so damn long......needless to say, i slid the panel back up and still on really need to use the few buttons on the top.......

And I know this may shock some of you...but I dont use a mobile phone....I do have one, but I only use it when i go on holidays, and then i usually have it turned off and in the bottom of my handbag.....I have never sent or received an SMS message, and I dont know how to clear the "missed calls"......
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #96 on: November 03, 2006, 09:14:48 am »
And I know this may shock some of you...but I dont use a mobile phone....

Sue, I have a friend who has never, and claims he will never, own a mobile phone. He works from home & says that if people need to reach him he's always there anyway. BUT... recently he's had a couple of incidents where even he has recognised their usefulness in an emergency. I think he might be weakening. And my parents only got a mobile just over 6 months ago, and that's only 'cos my sister bought them one!  :D My mum's still scared of it, bless her... :laugh:
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!


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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #97 on: November 03, 2006, 01:31:09 pm »
Sue, I have a friend who has never, and claims he will never, own a mobile phone.
I too find it extremely unlikely that I will ever invest in that contraption either. I note how these now ubiquitous phones isolate and distract their users from their immediate environment, and I think that's a real shame. I can't deny their usefulness in possible emergencies myself, but don't find that sufficient motivation to become the owner of one.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #98 on: November 03, 2006, 04:37:16 pm »

massive computers the size of a notebook

This one really tickles me, even though I know it's true.  Heck, I carry around a computer the size of a pack of cards in my purse (my Palm), still it's funny.

purchasing something with pieces of paper and shiny metal.

This one is already true - my daughter almost never sees me pay with cash.  I use my debit card a lot.  She has a piggy bank with coins, but I'm not sure she actually completely connects those coins with paying for something...

As to remotes, I can only add that we have a remote for our gas fireplace that has a thermostat in it.  So that if you want it, say, 68 degrees where you are sitting, you can set the thermostat to 68, and as long as you have the remote sitting by you, it will be 68 degrees at the couch or even all the way over at the dining table.  BUT, I've learned it really doesn't work if you hold the remote or have it on your lap - then it thinks the room is already about 98.6 and the fireplace won't kick on at all.  :)

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #99 on: November 03, 2006, 05:15:24 pm »
My mum's still scared of it, bless her... :laugh:

Oh yes, we should feel for the oldies, with all this computer stuff, and new fangled contraptions....While working at the credit union, we found it so difficult to convince the older customers to use ATM's....I'm sure they were convinced, that if they pressed the wrong button, the whole machine would blow up....

Heres a naughty little cartoon, I got in an email yesterday....Hope you get a giggle out of it....
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #100 on: November 03, 2006, 11:22:08 pm »
Katie77...I've been using "Katie" because I thought some time ago you indicated that was your name.  Now I see a reference to "Sue".  So, please, how do I adress you? 

As for all those new-fangled-gadgets, I don't own any.  I spent  a career with a phone attached to my ear 8-10 hrs a day.  No thanks...if anyone  wants to talk to me they have to call me at home, and I answer the old fashion way, on a phone that is attached to something.  But I do have a cordless phone.  Does that mean I'm part of the new generation?  God, I hope so!!!! :)...Doug

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #101 on: November 04, 2006, 12:01:50 am »
Katie77...I've been using "Katie" because I thought some time ago you indicated that was your name.  Now I see a reference to "Sue".  So, please, how do I adress you? 

My real name is Sue, but I'm also used to people calling me Katie on here, so whatever you like Doug......

Yes, if you have a cordless phone, you are moving into the new fangled contraption age......i recently got a dual cordless if i cant find where i left one, i can pick up the other one.....(now that really is progressive)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #102 on: November 04, 2006, 12:49:03 am »
Sue! You're getting VERY close to hitting 1000 posts!!

Congratulations!  :D
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #103 on: November 04, 2006, 04:55:21 am »
Sue! You're getting VERY close to hitting 1000 posts!!

Congratulations!  :D

What happens then David?.......does my computer turn into a pumpkin?
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #104 on: November 04, 2006, 12:54:09 pm »
I think it explodes or something.  Better be careful . . .  ;)


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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #105 on: November 04, 2006, 01:01:41 pm »
What happens then David?.......does my computer turn into a pumpkin?
Actually Katie, I believe I can clear this up once and for all.  Now remember this is serious but once you hit the 1000th post a big magical cowboy hat appears on top of your computer screen! ;D
« Last Edit: November 04, 2006, 01:06:49 pm by horo35 »

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #106 on: November 04, 2006, 04:21:21 pm »
Actually Katie, I believe I can clear this up once and for all.  Now remember this is serious but once you hit the 1000th post a big magical cowboy hat appears on top of your computer screen! ;D

I hope I get the cowboy that comes with the hat, as well......
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #107 on: November 05, 2006, 01:06:20 am »
I too find it extremely unlikely that I will ever invest in that contraption either. I note how these now ubiquitous phones isolate and distract their users from their immediate environment, and I think that's a real shame. I can't deny their usefulness in possible emergencies myself, but don't find that sufficient motivation to become the owner of one.

I don't use or own a cell phone either.  No need for one.  I can see how it might come in handy when I have a flat tire or something, but that happens so rarely, it isn't worth the price of having one.  I have a home phone and a work phone.  If I'm there, I'm there.  If I'm not...that's what answering machines and voice mail are for.  My presence somewhere will never be something that is such a dire emergency that the world will stop if there's a delay.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #108 on: November 07, 2006, 08:11:23 am »
What happens then David?.......does my computer turn into a pumpkin?

No, you go over to the 1000+ posts thread (on Chez Tremblay) and we shower you with praise.

In the old days, we gave out statues and awards, now all we can afford is praise. Too many 1000-posters hanging around this joint, I guess.

Me...I've got 3000 in my sights and I am bearing down...

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #109 on: November 07, 2006, 08:13:51 am »
I don't use or own a cell phone either.  No need for one.  I can see how it might come in handy when I have a flat tire or something, but that happens so rarely, it isn't worth the price of having one.  I have a home phone and a work phone.  If I'm there, I'm there.  If I'm not...that's what answering machines and voice mail are for.  My presence somewhere will never be something that is such a dire emergency that the world will stop if there's a delay.

In my mind, this is the way I would like to be, but with children, having a cell phone makes a huge difference. Coordinating with them, with my husband, who's here, who's there, who's picking up who...and once you get used to the phone, it is hard to give it up. Which is the same way I feel about the garbage disposal in the sink!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #110 on: November 07, 2006, 10:33:06 am »
I don't remember those color screens Sue, but your comment made me think of something else. Do you remember those aluminum Christmas trees? They were silver, and a spinning color wheel was placed in front of the tree so it would "change colors". The color wheel had a light in it. Everybody had those aluminum trees when I was a kid. People wouldn't be caught dead with one these days.

They're b-a-a-a-c-k! Tinsel Christmas trees, I mean. Check this out:

(When I just now checked the web site, the tinsel Christmas tree was on the front page.)

My grandparents had one of those, a floor model, complete with a revolving color wheel, when I was a small boy in the Sixties (that's 1960s, not 1860s  ;D ). I hated it--because you couldn't put lights on the tree, unless you wanted to electrocute yourself. To me, the very essence of a Christmas tree was the lights. A Christmas tree without lights is just an evergreen--real or manmade--with a bunch of stuff hanging on it.

But now, God help me, I'm actually thinking of getting a table-top model of those tinsel varmints. ...
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #111 on: November 09, 2006, 03:32:40 am »
Viagra!   I hope no one mentioned it before.
What did those 60 somethings do without viagra?  I got to chatting with one of my yahoo board friends, so i mentioned that I'm reading the sequel to ALBFS and that Ennis and Jack are in there sixties and still hot as ever...He mentioned Viagra and i though of it being one of the new inventions of our time!  I dashed over here to post.  Yay!

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #112 on: November 09, 2006, 03:59:25 am »
Polarfleece.  I have always been allergic to wool, and that was always a miserable aspect of my childhood winters.  I love Polarfleece.

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #113 on: November 09, 2006, 10:16:02 am »
What did those 60 somethings do without viagra? 

They were probably more inventive and discovered that there are lots of pleasurable and joyful and satisfying ways to make love and express love and affection that aren't centered on. ...  And in "some sectors of society," Viagra is now a "party drug" and is being sold on street corners just like other substances. ...  >:(

Sorry, feeling an abnormal amount of crankiness this morning. The roof leaked during yesterday's rain, and this morning the bus was late and crowded.  :-\

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #114 on: November 09, 2006, 12:10:51 pm »
Ditto on the polarfleece!  So lightweight, compact  & easy to pack.  And no itchies!

" . . . honey, you seen my blue polarfleece?" 


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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #115 on: June 25, 2007, 05:32:20 am »
The man who invented the cash machine
By Brian Milligan
Business reporter, BBC News 

"They're clever scoundrels," fumes John Shepherd-Barron at his remote farmhouse in northern Scotland. He is referring to the seals which are raiding his salmon farm and stealing fish.

"I invented a device to scare them off by playing the sound of killer whales, but it's ended up only attracting them more."

But failure with this device is in contrast to the success of his first and greatest invention: the cash machine.

The world's first ATM was installed in a branch of Barclays in Enfield, north London, 40 years ago this week.

Reg Varney, from the television series On the Buses, was the first to withdraw cash.

Inspiration had struck Mr Shepherd-Barron, now 82, while he was in the bath.

"It struck me there must be a way I could get my own money, anywhere in the world or the UK. I hit upon the idea of a chocolate bar dispenser, but replacing chocolate with cash."

Barclays was convinced immediately. Over a pink gin, the then chief executive signed a hurried contract with Mr Shepherd-Barron, who at the time worked for the printing firm De La Rue.

Teething troubles

Plastic cards had not been invented, so Mr Shepherd-Barron's machine used cheques that were impregnated with carbon 14, a mildly radioactive substance.

The machine detected it, then matched the cheque against a Pin number.

However, Mr Shepherd-Barron denies there were any health concerns: "I later worked out you would have to eat 136,000 such cheques for it to have any effect on you."

The machine paid out a maximum of £10 a time.

"But that was regarded then as quite enough for a wild weekend," he says.

To start with, not everything went smoothly. The first machines were vandalised, and one that was installed in Zurich in Switzerland began to malfunction mysteriously.

It was later discovered that the wires from two intersecting tramlines nearby were sparking and interfering with the mechanism.

One by-product of inventing the first cash machine was the concept of the Pin number.

Mr Shepherd-Barron came up with the idea when he realised that he could remember his six-figure army number. But he decided to check that with his wife, Caroline.

"Over the kitchen table, she said she could only remember four figures, so because of her, four figures became the world standard," he laughs.

End of cash?

Customers using the cash machine at Barclays in Enfield High Street are mostly unaware of its historical significance.

A small plaque was placed there on the 25th anniversary, but few people notice it. Given that there are now more than 1.6 million cash machines worldwide, it is a classic case of British understatement.

Mr Shepherd-Barron says he and his wife realised the importance of his invention only when they visited Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.

They watched a farmer arriving on a bullock cart, who removed his wide-brimmed hat to use the cash machine.

"It was the first evidence to me that we'd changed the world," he says.

But even though he invented the machine, Mr Shepherd-Barron believes its use in future will be very different. He predicts that our society will no longer be using cash within a few years.

"Money costs money to transport. I am therefore predicting the demise of cash within three to five years."

He believes fervently that we will soon be swiping our mobile phones at till points, even for small transactions.

At 82, Mr Shepherd-Barron is very much alive to new ideas and inventions. Even though his device that plays killer whale noises still needs a little bit of tinkering.

(Video of his memories -

Story from BBC NEWS:

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #116 on: June 25, 2007, 11:39:42 am »
That's great, Kelda!  Thanks for posting that.

A small plaque was placed there on the 25th anniversary, but few people notice it. Given that there are now more than 1.6 million cash machines worldwide, it is a classic case of British understatement.

I love it!    ;D

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #117 on: June 25, 2007, 12:01:37 pm »

         What she said..very interesting..

     Beautiful mind

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #118 on: June 25, 2007, 12:22:45 pm »
But even though he invented the machine, Mr Shepherd-Barron believes its use in future will be very different. He predicts that our society will no longer be using cash within a few years.

"Money costs money to transport. I am therefore predicting the demise of cash within three to five years."

He believes fervently that we will soon be swiping our mobile phones at till points, even for small transactions.

Tell you what, the first time I saw someone use a debit card to pay for groceries, I had a notion that the world would going full circle. Two hundred and fifty, three hundred years ago, before paper money came into widespread use, a huge number of business transactions, except for the smallest of purchases, were by credit. It looks to me like we're headed back in that direction.
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #119 on: June 26, 2007, 12:37:34 pm »
a huge number of business transactions, except for the smallest of purchases, were by credit. It looks to me like we're headed back in that direction.

Except the credit card companies are taking their own little 'swipe' (fees) with each little transaction — driving prices up for consumers + hurting small businesses.    :-\

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #120 on: June 26, 2007, 01:04:24 pm »
Except the credit card companies are taking their own little 'swipe' (fees) with each little transaction — driving prices up for consumers + hurting small businesses.    :-\

Sure enough! Which is why I still pay cash for groceries and such.  ;)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #121 on: June 26, 2007, 02:11:51 pm »
A lot of what I am going to write may have been mentioned before.
These are things I can remember when they were new!

Casette Tapes (before we had 8 tracks)
VCR's (does anyone remember the Beta's?)
CD's and CD Players. (my daughter is fascinated with albums. She thinks they are the wierdest things)
touchtone phones
Colored TV (we didn't have one until 1974. I know they were around longer but us hillbillys couldn't afford one)
Coffee Makers
Answering Machines
Caller ID
Digital Camera
Video Games ( I had Pong LOL)
MP3 players
Boom Boxes (before these came along in the early 80's we had transistor radio's)
Digital clocks
portable phones (before these we had streched out our phone cord to like 15 ft trying to get in the closet or outside for privacy)
Light Beer
Diet Coke (before this there was just TAB bleeeech)
Thats all I can think of now! ;D

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #122 on: June 26, 2007, 02:56:49 pm »
Whatever happened to transistor radios anyway? Do they still make them?  :laugh:

A long time ago, I remember hearing a parody of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Instead of, "And a partridge in a pear tree," the parody had, "And a Japanese transistor radio."  ;D
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #123 on: June 29, 2007, 03:57:33 am »
Whatever happened to transistor radios anyway? Do they still make them?  :laugh:

A long time ago, I remember hearing a parody of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Instead of, "And a partridge in a pear tree," the parody had, "And a Japanese transistor radio."  ;D

Transistor radios. What were those? I remember the word but it's been so long I forgot what it means.  :laugh:

Is that those radios that lit up orange inside when we turned them on? And it took about 5 minutes before they started working?

I remember the TV sets doing this. They were transistor too weren't they? Or was that vacuum tubes?  ???
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #124 on: June 29, 2007, 06:29:16 am »
Transistor radios. What were those? I remember the word but it's been so long I forgot what it means.  :laugh:

Is that those radios that lit up orange inside when we turned them on? And it took about 5 minutes before they started working?

I remember the TV sets doing this. They were transistor too weren't they? Or was that vacuum tubes?  ???
I think those were the vacuum tubes your thinking of David.
The old radios from the 30's and 40's were like that.
Transistor radio's were really the first handheld types of radios. Usually black plastic with a siver screen over the one speaker it had and an antennea that was about 12 feet long! LOL
I'll see if I can find a pic to post!

Here's a link that has pictures.

The ones shown are a bit older than the ones I remember but you get the Idea
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #125 on: June 29, 2007, 08:20:07 am »
Transistor Radios.......oh yes, I remember them well....they were on ever teenager's wish list for christmas or birthday presents.....

Here in australia we shortened the name to "Tranny"....and we never left home without our tranny........we sat it near the window on the train, and didnt care that everyone else had to put up with listening to the same music we wanted to....we had it beside us as we lay sunbaking on the radio staion used to tell us every half hour, "if you are sunbaking at the beach, roll over so you will get an even tan"....and when we got in the car, which didnt have an inbuilt radio then, we used to slide the strap of the tranny over the inside sun visor, and we would listen to the radio as it swung back and forward as we travelled along.

I couldt resist sharing all those happy memories, that came flooding back to me, when I saw the mention of transiistor radio.......

We could never have dreamed that in the future we would eventually have portable cassette players, cd players or i-pods.....
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #126 on: June 29, 2007, 08:35:00 am »
Transistor Radios.......oh yes, I remember them well....they were on ever teenager's wish list for christmas or birthday presents.....

Here in australia we shortened the name to "Tranny"....and we never left home without our tranny.

OMG!  :o That word has an entirely different connotation in the States today!  :o  :laugh:

(I'm sorry, Katie, I don't mean to make fun. It's just that I'm personally acquainted with a couple of transexuals, and so the first thing I thought of when I read, "We never left home without our tranny." ...  :laugh:)
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #127 on: June 29, 2007, 05:43:29 pm »
OMG!  :o That word has an entirely different connotation in the States today!  :o  :laugh:

(I'm sorry, Katie, I don't mean to make fun. It's just that I'm personally acquainted with a couple of transexuals, and so the first thing I thought of when I read, "We never left home without our tranny." ...  :laugh:)

Hahahaha.........Yes Jeff, I can see the humour in that.......remember, I was a teenager in the 60's...... i didnt even know then what a transexual was.....reminds me of the words of that song by Bon Jovi......"Thats when a smoke, was a smoke"........

It was also when a fag was a meant you were cheerful......

Everything seemed so innocent then.....
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #128 on: July 09, 2007, 09:32:44 pm »
It was highly humorous to read Jeff's reply to Katie's post about "Tranny" because that's exactly what I was thinking..and laughing..about until I got to the end.  Oh, how thick the dictionary has become over the last 40 years with the additions of alternate meanings to all those words!*/*-

I was in England many moons ago and my friend was smoking.  A friend of his came up to us and said "can I take a drag of your fag, matie".  I thought he was talking to me (and you must know what went through my mind), but everything became clear when he took the "fag" from Matt's lips....Doug

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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #129 on: July 17, 2007, 02:41:11 pm »
It was highly humorous to read Jeff's reply to Katie's post about "Tranny" because that's exactly what I was thinking..and laughing..about until I got to the end.  Oh, how thick the dictionary has become over the last 40 years with the additions of alternate meanings to all those words!*/*-

I was in England many moons ago and my friend was smoking.  A friend of his came up to us and said "can I take a drag of your fag, matie".  I thought he was talking to me (and you must know what went through my mind), but everything became clear when he took the "fag" from Matt's lips....Doug

Speaking of "drags from fags", does anyone remember those windless lighters they used to sell? They didn't have a flame and they wouldn't blow out no matter how windy it was outside. What ever happened to those?
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #130 on: July 17, 2007, 04:35:56 pm »
I couldt resist sharing all those happy memories, that came flooding back to me, when I saw the mention of transiistor radio.......

I enjoyed your transistor radio memories, Katie. Mine was black like Lee described---it had a black case with a handle and perforations in front of where the speaker was so you could hear it. It also had an earplug which came in handy sometimes. Did yours have to be positioned "just right" for the stations to come in clearly? Let me tell you---that was an absolutely prized possession to me back then. I used it for years -- I think it's around here somewhere. I need to find it and see if it still works!  :P
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Re: New inventions in our lifetime........
« Reply #131 on: July 17, 2007, 04:43:25 pm »
Oh I remember those things now!  :D  (I looked them up on the Internet)

Mine looked something like this....

I sometimes taped it to the handlebars of my bicycle, and I thought I was really cool!  8)

I also attached a playing card with a clothespin to the wheels of my bicycle so it made a "motor" sound as it flicked across the spokes. Anyone else do that?  :D
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