I saw
RESERVATION ROAD tonight. Mmmmmm, Joaquin Phoenix sportin' a beard.

Ohhh, seeing that
FOCUS FEATURES logo before a movie always does somethin' to me...
So, this movie opened on one screen in San Francisco two Friday's ago. Last Friday it was completely removed from that theatre, and it opened at a theatre in the East Bay, a theatre in San Jose, and the theatre in Mountain View, where I saw the movie tonight. None of these theatres are playing the movie past Thursday night. (Meaning it played at all these theatres for only one week.)
The movie itself seems to play like a made for TV movie, but it was REALLY good. Either that or I'm still swoonin on Joaquin and his beard. Mark Ruffalo ain't to bad to look at either, especially in some shirtless shots, but still Joaquin wins the eye candy. Jennifer Conley is good at being sad and depressed as she always is. The story and suspense builds up to a final confrontation at the end that was inaudiable. Some really bad directing or sound mixing. Probably coulda done the shots again. However the acting in the confrontation scene was incredible. Just couldn't understand or hear what they said.
Now, this movie carried an R rating. There was NOTHING in the movie IMO to make it carry the R rating. Maybe a few cuss words. Ok, losing your child is some tough subject matter. Yes, it has adult themes. There was no nudity or grotesque violence or mangled kid shots or anything. However, I just watched the
RED BAND TRAILER for BEOWULF and somehow this has gotten an official PG-13 rating? WHAT THE FUCK? It just doesn't compute! What, are they adding violence and gore and Angelina Jolie naked to the trailer only? Just really pisses me off! Did they cut out a few things to get a PG-13 rating? You know, fuck that. Just release the damn thing as an R and stop being pussies. Even as a PG-13, this is way more violent and upsetting as RESERVATION ROAD could have ever been. Why was RESERVATION ROAD rated R?
Over on the Beowulf boards on IMDB there's posts saying Robert Zemeckis can take his PG-13 rating and shove it. LOL

Lotsa folks no longer interested in seeing the move no more. Time for the film industry to stop being politically correct pussies and just release the damn movies as their intended. Oooooh, this whole subject makes my blood boil. Ok, /rant.