In the US there is quite a lot of complaining about face mask wearing. In fact, some people call those who wear masks "sheeple" and will yell out "baa, baa" when they see someone wearing one.
Do you think some of the reason people object to wearing a face mask is that the lack of it outs them as a Trump supporter? These days, many Trump supporters like to hide that fact.
Wow, I've been in crowds of very pro-Trump anti-shutdown COVID-denying mask-eschewing
crazies activists but I've never heard anyone be rude enough to yell out "baa baa"! In fact, even in those crowds you'd see a scattering of masks but those wearing them did not seem to be taking any heat for it.
In my part of a very blue city, there are very few Trump supporters, closeted or otherwise. But on Nextdoor. com, people bicker back and forth about mask-wearing for dozens if not hundreds of comments. Ranging from those who feel masks are a completely ineffective waste to those who probably wear theirs in the shower.
So I think there are multiple reasons people would decline masks. In my neighborhood, I rarely see anyone in stores without masks, and when I do I am disapproving, if only because it's rude to make others uncomfortable that way. On the streets I see people both ways. But it's never difficult to get six feet or more away from others. So I don't wear a mask myself when walking my dog.
So long story short, if I see an unmasked person in a store, I don't immediately think, "Trump supporter." More like "thoughtless jerk."