Author Topic: Healthcare vs. same-sex marriage.  (Read 2684 times)

Offline David

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Healthcare vs. same-sex marriage.
« on: November 13, 2006, 11:12:48 am »
Things that make you think........

Things are only getting worse for us in regards to Insurance. Pre-existing conditions like Heart disease, Cancer and HIV+ status will prevent many from getting Insurance.

The CDC recently announced that people with HIV live on the average of 24 years now with the new Meds that are out. The cost of these Meds over the a 24 year period is over $600,000. That is over $25,000 a year. Try that without Insurance. And even if you have Insurance now, if you lose your job and get another one, you will not get Insurance because of the Pre-existing condition.

Alot of people feel that it is the Insurance Industry that is trying to prevent same-sex marriages. They don't want same-sex partners to get spousal health insurance benefits. The money they will shell out for an HIV+ person will far exceed the premium paid by their partner.

And the saddest thing is that we can't prove they are behind it. Insurance companies can make huge donations to conservative politicians to vote against same-sex marriage and justify it by saying it is immoral for us to marry. The real immorality is denying anyone in the population healthcare regardless of social or financial status.

Not to say that cancer treatments are any less expensive.     It is just that nowadays with more and more employers not giving out health insurance anymore it will eventually become a much larger crisis.    Only the very wealthy will be able to afford healthcare.    Like it or not, eventually the Government will have to step in and create somekind of National Healthcare system.   The question is:  In whose lifetime will this happen?

Offline Kelda

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Re: Healthcare vs. same-sex marriage.
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 11:18:53 am »
However hard done by we feel what with long waiting lists and superbug outbreaks, us in the UK are indeed lucky to have the National Health Service.

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Re: Healthcare vs. same-sex marriage.
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 10:58:40 pm »
It is an enormous issue.  Not sure how it can be resolved.

Health insurance companies are pretty much legalized gambling.  They're gambling on how long and in what kind of health you're going to live your life.  They've gambled that enough people will stay healthy and do nothing but pay their bills and support the % of sick members and make the company a healthy profit.

They are not in the business of charity.  They have no problem cutting you loose the first chance they legally get if you look like a bad bet.  Doesn't matter how loyal you've been or how good with payments.

If it were up to them, they'd cut you loose the first chance they had once you reached a certain age or weight - my sister is bordering on morbidly obese and she could not get in with a new insurance company.  She found that out during a casual questioning that asked her how tall she was and how much she weighed.

I don't know about the HIV issue or the insurance limits.  Insurance runs out for many people with long-term diseases.  A co-worker's wife lost her job when she got cancer because she was too sick to work.  Luckily, she was on her husband's insurance policy because to try to carry her own and/or get new coverage with a pre-existing condition would be all but impossible.  Well, into the year, she exceeded her maximum coverage and her insurance ended for that year.  Her husband was working long hours to keep her in her pain medication.

Two months later, the economy turned and he got laid off.

What happened to them I have no idea.   :(

The longer people live, the more toxins over a longer time people are exposed to, the more cancers proliferate.

My genetics professor adhered to the belief - and I read more and more people are coming around to his way of thinking - that cancers were a disease of old people.  There was never going to be 'cure' for all of them or even a great many of them.  Humans are just not meant to live as long as we are living.  The longer we live, the more chance that bodily cells will copy themselves incorrectly and cancers bloom.

The recent work on the human genome and finding all these genes for the possibility of diseases is one reason people are working very hard on Privacy laws.  Health insurance companies would love to know who has a gene for breast cancer and who doesn't.  You may not have or ever get the disease, but if you have a chance to get it, they have physical justification for raising your premium or not insuring you altogether.

I'm sure with gay people, men especially, insurance companies consider the men's sexual relations to be a high health risk and they don't want to pay for it.

I wouldn't be surprised if, under the table, they're lobbying against legalizing gay marriages.

It's all about money. 

Offline BBMaddict

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Re: Healthcare vs. same-sex marriage.
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 08:34:24 am »
I've only been a member of Bettermost for a very short time and now rally noone on here yet, but I wanted to comment on this. I work for a very large health insurance compay. We currently, for the most part, only insure employer groups. We have amny site through out the country and even outside so I really am only familiar with my little world of this company. We not only insure same sex partners (when the employer group allows it as part if their offered plans) I have several people in same sex relationship who work with me and a few who are pretty good friends of mine. I just don't want the misconception to remain that "all" insurance companies poicies are this way. Some employer groups are the ones that make that decision. I could explain a thing or two about pre-existing but it is a  long discission. I need to get going, to my wonderful job, shortly. I hope I didn't speak out of turn, just wanted to interject that information. Thanks :)

Offline Kelda

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Re: Healthcare vs. same-sex marriage.
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2006, 08:57:42 am »
BBM addict - all newbies are welsomed here with very open arms!

Good to see that this os not always the case... perhaps you should give away which insurere this is and you might get some business!!!

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