Author Topic: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey  (Read 39168 times)

Offline bailey

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #90 on: February 12, 2007, 01:40:11 pm »
This story was really hard to read in parts. But now it's all good. And how good it is, like Mandy already said.
Other than many readers, I was proud of your Ennis from the moment on he went to AA the first time (although I could have slapped him on the back of his head for Jack):

That really was such a huge step for Ennis.  Just getting him to admit he has a problem is a huge step, as I perceive his character.  I'm glad you were rooting for him; he didn't have a lot of fans for a while there  ;D

Thanks so much for letting me know what you thought of it.

Offline cwby30

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Standin' in the daylight
« Reply #91 on: February 12, 2007, 07:05:23 pm »

Good two chapters, covering lots of ground for Jack and Ennis. 

I remember back in Ch. 28, during the party, where Ennis and Jack were dancing away from prying eyes [so they thought!], and I thought Ennis should be doing this in the daylight with Jack.  Then later, Jack wanted to be with Ennis, but only if Ennis was willing to stand up in front of others in the open, and not be ashamed of Jack and who they are to each other.  Now, here he is, they are.  In front of everyone, together.  Standing up for each other in the face of prejudice and hatred, but also in front of those who are their true friends. 

Ennis has come a long way.  So has Jack.     

Glad they're off to the Wake together, alone. Need some time alone after the morning they've had.  Speaking of the Wake, will Elvin be there? May provide a clue to Danny's state of mind the last month before he died. 

Do like the relationship between Junior and Kurt, and how Kurt is handling his own feelings.  He also has come a long way. 

Alma hasn't.  Think her knowledge that Ennis loved Jack before he married her has tinged her feelings for her own daughters as well as for Ennis.  Even for Danny, who saved her life and her son's life.  She hasn't moved forward since she was married or since the divorce; she hasn't learned to judge a person by his actions, not his sexuality.  Ennis? Jack? Monroe? She's only moved sideways after all these years, maybe even backwards. 

Left a post at BBS before this one; had some new thoughts.  Got a little long-winded.

Thanks again for the story.

Offline bailey

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Re: Standin' in the daylight
« Reply #92 on: February 12, 2007, 07:13:50 pm »

Good two chapters, covering lots of ground for Jack and Ennis. 

I remember back in Ch. 28, during the party, where Ennis and Jack were dancing away from prying eyes [so they thought!], and I thought Ennis should be doing this in the daylight with Jack.  Then later, Jack wanted to be with Ennis, but only if Ennis was willing to stand up in front of others in the open, and not be ashamed of Jack and who they are to each other.  Now, here he is, they are.  In front of everyone, together.  Standing up for each other in the face of prejudice and hatred, but also in front of those who are their true friends. 

Ennis has come a long way.  So has Jack.     

Glad they're off to the Wake together, alone. Need some time alone after the morning they've had.  Speaking of the Wake, will Elvin be there? May provide a clue to Danny's state of mind the last month before he died. 

Do like the relationship between Junior and Kurt, and how Kurt is handling his own feelings.  He also has come a long way. 

Alma hasn't.  Think her knowledge that Ennis loved Jack before he married her has tinged her feelings for her own daughters as well as for Ennis.  Even for Danny, who saved her life and her son's life.  She hasn't moved forward since she was married or since the divorce; she hasn't learned to judge a person by his actions, not his sexuality.  Ennis? Jack? Monroe? She's only moved sideways after all these years, maybe even backwards. 

Left a post at BBS before this one; had some new thoughts.  Got a little long-winded.

Thanks again for the story.

Wonderful comments.  Thank you.  Especially what you say about Alma.  I felt as though the incident with Monroe being a suspected pedophile would have sent Alma sideways (great way to describe it, by the way) into the comfort of her faith.  She seemed like a churchgoer in the film, and I could see this becoming a bigger part of her life.

I didn't see your other post, but will look for it.  I love seeing things from another perspective.

Offline bailey

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #93 on: February 13, 2007, 10:31:49 pm »
I'll Be Seeing You:

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Gravity of Grief
A Brokeback A/U diverging from the original at the time of Ennis’s divorce.
Rated: R for language, adult themes.
Disclaimer: I have borrowed these characters from Annie Proulx and the fine actors that portrayed them on screen.
My warmest thanks to Jean.
::x:: : ::x:: : ::x:: : ::x:: : ::x::
The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

So on we go
His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another

It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

The Hollies, “He Ain’t Heavy; He’s My Brother”

Offline bailey

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #94 on: February 16, 2007, 10:34:13 am »
I'll Be Seeing You:

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Passing On
A Brokeback A/U diverging from the original at the time of Ennis’s divorce.
Rated: R for language, adult themes.
Disclaimer: I have borrowed these characters from Annie Proulx and the fine actors that portrayed them on screen.
My warmest thanks to Jean.  Have you thawed out yet, my frozen tater tot?
Don't yield to the fortunes you sometimes see as fate.
It may have a new perspective on a different day.
And if you don't give up, and don't give in,
You may just be OK.

Say it loud, say it clear; you can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die to admit we don't see eye to eye

Mike and the Mechanics, “The Living Years”


Offline bailey

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #95 on: February 18, 2007, 10:12:27 pm »
I'll Be Seeing You:

Chapter Thirty-Nine: All Things in Season
Rated: R for language, adult themes.
Disclaimer: I have borrowed these characters from Annie Proulx and the fine actors that portrayed them on screen.
My warmest thanks to Jean.
A/N: Sorry about the long song quote, but it all seemed pertinent.
To every thing, turn, turn, turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

Offline cwby30

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Still Seein' Each Other...
« Reply #96 on: February 19, 2007, 04:40:46 pm »

Have been thinking about the Wake.  Ennis and Jack did things together, as partners, a couple.  Looking at each other, knowing without saying.  And at the end, Jack wanted to be with Ennis when they told the group they had to leave; not doing separate things to leave faster, doing them together. 

Freddy had a lot to say, and Jack seemed to absorb it. Good words about doing things together, and not holding back bad news, and relying on each other, letting the other support him when he needs it.  Jack still has lingering doubts about his relationship with Ennis, and may always have them.  But he has chosen a course, and plans to stick with it. 

Also, the funeral for John.  Don't think Jack will ever cry for John.  Maybe just feel the continued sadness for a life not spent well, and for not having any more opportunities to hear those words from John that he never heard and probable never would hear.  Hope jack doesn't spend his life worrying over something that never could have been; he should just concentrate on what he has with Ennis and what that can and will be if he does. 

Lureen is good for the two of them.  Says what needs to be said. Like Freddy. 

Liked how Jack and Ennis ended up on the glider once again.  Seems to be one of their "thinking" spots.  This time, Ennis kissed Jack in the bright of day, where anyone could have seen them.  He's definitely come a long way. 

And Danny's Will.  Really wish Ennis and Jack would travel to San Diego.  Ennis hasn't travelled much, except around the coffee pot looking for the handle...and to Texas.  They need a change of location, a vacation from Wyoming and Texas, from the whole situation...a chance to be somewhere they can feel more comfortable with themselves in the open.  Besides, the weather is so much better than in Wyoming!  Ennis and Jack at the beach...would like to see that!

Thanks again for this story. 

Offline bailey

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #97 on: February 21, 2007, 01:55:58 pm »

Offline cwby30

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Finer Relationship
« Reply #98 on: February 22, 2007, 01:05:38 pm »

Glad to see it's two steps forward and only a half step back now. Ennis has learned, and is able to give good advice to Matt, but will he accept it? And, will Ennis listen to his own advice?

Jack And Ennis' relationship now reminds me of the Clint Black song, "[Love is] Something That We Do." Love isn't somewhere that we fall, it's something that we do. Do for each other. For Ennis, love has always been actions rather than words, and now he's started to add words to his actions. Jack has always understood the love behind Ennis' actions [except the awful, almost unforgivable action of casting him off out of fear], but has always needed words with the actions. I'm glad they both have realized that the other needs a combination of words and actions, and that they do both for each other.

Wish they had decided to go to San Diego for the reading. It would have been a nice get-away, to regroup on their own for a few days.

The Remington is worth a small fortune, but what price can you put on something of beauty that reminds you of a place, a time, a feeling, a person you love and thought was gone forever? Ennis needs to keep it and enjoy it for the rest of their lives.

Thanks for the update.

[Also posted this at Brokeback_Slash...had to include it here.]

Offline bailey

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Re: Finer Relationship
« Reply #99 on: February 22, 2007, 01:27:16 pm »

Glad to see it's two steps forward and only a half step back now. Ennis has learned, and is able to give good advice to Matt, but will he accept it? And, will Ennis listen to his own advice?

Jack And Ennis' relationship now reminds me of the Clint Black song, "[Love is] Something That We Do." Love isn't somewhere that we fall, it's something that we do. Do for each other. For Ennis, love has always been actions rather than words, and now he's started to add words to his actions. Jack has always understood the love behind Ennis' actions [except the awful, almost unforgivable action of casting him off out of fear], but has always needed words with the actions. I'm glad they both have realized that the other needs a combination of words and actions, and that they do both for each other.

Wish they had decided to go to San Diego for the reading. It would have been a nice get-away, to regroup on their own for a few days.

The Remington is worth a small fortune, but what price can you put on something of beauty that reminds you of a place, a time, a feeling, a person you love and thought was gone forever? Ennis needs to keep it and enjoy it for the rest of their lives.

Thanks for the update.

[Also posted this at Brokeback_Slash...had to include it here.]

Thank you for these wonderful comments.  That's exactly how I see Jack and Ennis's relationship now: two steps forward, half a step back, still striving for a balance.  And I love that you mentioned how easy it is to give advice to others without taking it to heart ourselves.  Happens to me all the time.

PS: I think you're right about Ennis holding on to that painting.  ;)