I am of the belief that, yes, university kids, on the whole, are more open minded than their family members, and I cannot for a minute believe that the people who are leaders of pranks a this kind, will continue ta be leaders as they become older. Peer pressure is still a big factor in explainin what happens in fraternity pranks, and I believe that, as time goes by, the intensity a degrading pranks at fraternity initiations will lessen as the reality/consequences of such behaviour becomes more widely know.
In a world where anti gay slurs is still acceptable, our reactions of disgust at such behaviour is essential if we're hopin ta curb future imitations of similar initiation rites, therefore silence is not an option. I am disgusted, not only at the "acceptable" slurs inflicted on the victim, but also at the "acceptable" degree of alcoholism that has resulted in the death of this young man.
And the fact that this information was suppressed for a year and a half (was it suppressed?) only lessens the impact or our reaction.
Jess, the whole world is not like that - not even all of Texas. This is truly a case a the worse possible case a misjudgement by a few people.