Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1452515 times)

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2007, 06:05:30 pm »
This is nice, Fern, really nice.  :) ~J.W.

Jeff, I hope you'll consider penning a few words for the drabblefest!

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2007, 06:12:50 pm »
Tea Party

Saturday, May 11, 1968  3:00 p.m.

Ennis folded his long, lean legs up underneath himself as he sat uncomfortably on the floor, two beaming little girls giggling in front of him.

“That good,” he groaned, even as a smile threatened to dance behind his dark brown eyes. 

“Yep,” Jr. nodded emphatically.  “See daddy, told you, you could do it.”

Ennis grunted.

“Now,” Jr. began, reaching for the tiny plastic teapot, yellow and white, adorned with blooming daffodils.  “This is hot, daddy, so blow on it first before you drink it.”

“Oh…yes, darlin’…thank you for warning me.”  Ennis’ mouth twitched. 

“Jenny, sit still. I’m pouring you some too.” 

Jenny squealed, and kicked her chubby little legs out in front of her. 

“Notice anything daddy?  Notice anything about my tea set?”

Ennis stared blankly. 

‘Shoot.’  He thought, having no idea what the child was asking of him.  But Ennis knew one thing for darn sure as he nodded blankly at his 3 1/2 year old daughter…‘female folks were simply ‘born’ knowing how to ask trick questions.’


“uuuhhh….” Ennis stammered, “…it’s awful pretty there darlin’…and…and it’s yellow…and…and your mama likes yellow…uuuhhh…”

“You guessed!”  Jr. giggled. 

“I did?  I did!  Course I did.  Shoot.  Knew what you was talkin ‘bout, sweetheart.”  Ennis shut his mouth at this point and simply nodded, doing his best to look like he knew exactly what the child was bubbling about.

“Daddy, my dishes look ‘zactly like mama’s good dishes…she told me.”  Jr. smiled wide.  “That’s why she bought these for my birthday.”  Jr.’s grin widened as she handed cups of ‘steaming’ tea, and plates of ‘tasty cookies’ to her daddy and her little sister.

“You’re so smart, daddy.” 

“Whatever you say, darlin’.”   


287 Words

Awww this is so cute and sweet and adorable!  :) Loved it  :)

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2007, 06:14:55 pm »
Awww this is so cute and sweet and adorable!  :) Loved it  :)

Thank you, sweetie!
Glad you enjoyed it.    :)

"The room stank of semen and smoke and sweat and whiskey, of old carpet and sour hay, saddle leather, shit and cheap soap.  Ennis lay spread-eagled, spent and wet, breathing deep, still half tumescent, Jack blowing forceful cigarette clouds like whale spouts..." – Annie Proulx

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2007, 06:50:33 pm »

May 13th 1969

My dear Ennis,

Those are words I long to say to your face,
Somehow they flow easier when I put pen to paper.
I been thinking of you alot lately.
But what else is new?

Lureen and I have been at odds again -
Something about me taking off to go fishing that last time.
Sometimes I get so frustrated I wish I could tell her.
Instead, I apologised and bought her a bunch of daffodils.
They are her favorite. 
There is peace for the moment, let's see how long it lasts.
When she gets upset, she goes shopping,
Last time she bought a huge bright yellow sun hat.
Lord knows where she'll wear that thing.
This time, she has her sights set on a 50-piece fine bone china tea set.
I know this because she must've threatened to buy it 100 times by now.

I dreamed of you again last night.
You were doing things to me I dare not write in here.
This hiding is killing me.  I miss you so bad.
I can't imagine waiting 3 more months before I see you next.
I am counting the days.

Yours always,


May 31st, 1969


Thank you for your last letter. 
I am looking forward to some riding and fishing.
We can meet by *Willow Creek on August 15th.
I should get some time off the ranch by then.
I hope this will work for you.

Until then,
Ennis Del Mar

* Willow Creek may or may not exist ..
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 07:13:35 pm by Lucise »

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2007, 06:56:20 pm »
Well, here's something I wrote a long time ago, when I tried to write a fanfiction story. I didn't have the time, plus it is pretty hard for me to write a story in English. But here it is. Be gentle please. I don't even know if it is any good, but what the hell.


At two in the morning a cool strong summer wind came blowing from east, filling the air of the vast lonely plains of Lightning Flat, with a foul-smelling odor of cattle and excrements. Mary Twist, who was lying on her bed with her eyes wide opened, barely noticed it. She was too busy roaming in the labyrinth of her inner thoughts, searching for a pleasant memory that would help her sleep, and would give her the strength she needed to go on living during the morning. Her life had been nothing as she once dreamed, except perhaps for the birth of her only son, Jack, and a daughter who didn’t live enough to receive a name but that she liked to remember as Rose. It was a baby who tried too soon to come into this world. Mary was just six month along when the early birthing pains surprised her and the baby didn’t make it. –There’ll be no crying in my house-, her husband demanded, upon her return from the hospital. And Mary complied knowing that no matter how strong he pretended to be, deep in his heart the lost of the baby pained him too. So, life went on as if nothing happened. Mary managing to cry a little between her chores, always in silent, always making sure her husband wouldn’t catch her. She did it mostly when bathing Jack, who at the age of three liked to wipe out the tears off her face as if it was a game.

At two fifteen, the familiar sound of a vehicle approaching the ranch brought Mary back into the present. She could swear it was Jack, but it seemed too early in the summer for him to be back. Mary was sure Jack’s job was supposed to end by mid September. But the truck kept getting closer and closer, and Mary thought it was time to get up and see who it was. It was Jack. Joyful, Mary put on her robe and slippers, and went downstairs to meet him.

343 words. Sorry.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 08:25:08 pm by opinionista »
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. -Mark Twain.

Offline MaineWriter

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2007, 08:36:52 pm »
I am loving the creativity that is happening here! Janice, flexing her writing wings for the first time; Natali sharing her story;...Milli, that letter has me in tears! Haunted, love the tea party and I can picture it so well...

This is great, everyone, please keep joining in!

I'll post some more prompts tomorrow.

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Offline fernly

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2007, 10:27:03 pm »
This is nice, Fern, really nice.  :) ~J.W.

Thanks, darlin'! :)

Jeff, I hope you'll consider penning a few words for the drabblefest!


Hoping here too.
on the mountain flying in the euphoric, bitter air

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2007, 10:28:40 pm »
Leslie - How very brilliant of you to start this thread.  I love love love it!  :-*


Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2007, 11:01:16 pm »
Got some ideas for later. here is a rerun for now:


It’s a Friday evening November 3rd 1978. Jack and Ennis are in the wilds of Shoshone National Forest, packed far into the backcountry with Ennis’s horses into their own paradise. Warm weather with highs so far flirting 70 degrees when Jack dared Ennis to run sans clothing to natural pool several hundred yards down the stream to bathe, enjoy the sun rays and….. brought an eyeful to the natural inhabitants the first morning. The boys have just finish off a meal of marinated steaks Jack brought on dry ice. Also a green leafy salad, biscuits with jam, fried potatoes with onions. On this the third night of camp Jack And Ennis are close almost touching, sitting on the ground leaning up against a large log in the light of the campfire. At this point their parting the following Friday seems a long and distant way off.

Whisky bottle passing between them, talk centered on catching up with each others lives, Mood is relaxed, bodies spent, both enjoying the fire each other and peace of the mountains.

“Jack…last summer did Bobby come to Lightning Flat like he was gonna?” Ennis remembered something said on the subject when the met up in the Big Horns early last August.

Jack looks at Ennis, fire light on his face. “He did. Picked him up at the airport in Casper, later that day ehrn you and I   broke camp. Spent a week in Lightning Flat.” Jack said in monotone.

“Well, did he like it, have a good time?” Ennis looks back at Jack.

“Well, tell you what… first I didn’t think so. I warned him ‘bout his grandpa, poor guy doesn’t have a decent grand pappy . They seem to get on ok though, didn’t talk to much between them. Of course Mamma just loved him to death, first he ever see’ in either of ‘m.” Jack takes a swig of the whisky. “Bobby….he was so quiet the whole time, seemed like he hardly said a thing. And sometimes he can be such a handful!”

“He didn’t give you no trouble then?”

“Not a bit. Just mostly helped me with mending the fences, fix in’ the gates, even cleaning the stalls. Went ridin’ with me to check on the herd, almost never left my side. Didn’t hear a yap outta ‘m.” Jack leans back a second. “Wasn’t sure he would ever wanna come back, didn’t really blame ‘m.” Jack looks into the fire.

Ennis grabs a log from behind his head, tosses on the fire, sparks fly a bit then settle. Looks to Jack. “So….?”

“Well I tell yah. Once we got back to Childress, was all he could talk about, grandma this, grandpa that, Lightning Flat, couldn’t shut ‘m up. Didn’t seem to think about anything else. Begged to come this time. Told him alright but you can’t miss any school’ n. Gonna pick him up in Casper next Friday, gotta school holiday with Veterans day , still only gets two days with the drive back. I be damned if he wasn’t happier than flies on shit!” Jack takes another swig of the whisky.

Ennis looks into Jack’s eyes. “Jack……I think that boy likes being with his daddy. Can’t say I blame ‘m much. Jack…..he needs you. He needs you there in Texas fer his grown’ up.” Ennis reaches to Jack pulls him close, strokes his neck. “It’s why you can’t ….we can’t, can ‘t have…..not now.”

Jack thinks back on his time with his son, always by his side, mind’n his manners. He was so good he took him fishing overnight in the Big Horns the last couple of days. Slept out under the stars. Bobby caught his first fish that day, did seem excited about that. He then remembers the ride back to Childress, talking to Bobby about school, what he wanted to be when he grew up, eating giant cheeseburgers with shakes at Jims's Burger Haven in Denver, pointing out the scenery of the Rocky mountian range, father and son leaving nothing left of a shared large pizza with everything and Ceaser salad at Pranzo Italian grille in Santa Fe, New Mexico for dinner. A while after sunset Bobby stretched out on the seat of the pickup, resting his head in his lap falling into a peaceful sleep, Jack caressing the angelic face of his eleven year old son as they drove far into the night. He leans his face forward trying to hide the tears spilling down his cheeks, welcoming the touch of Ennis’s arm around him.

“Damn you Ennis!…..Damn you!…………” Trying to gather himself. “I know your right…….Just hate you always have to right is all….. That we can’t…..that”

“I know …..not now” Ennis looking down in almost a whisper.

“But…..later?” Jack turns, eyebrows raised looks into Ennis’s eyes. With the slightest nod the look Jack got back was there would be no more words but affirmed his hope.

Jack then moved in front of Ennis, sat down, leaned his back against Ennis’s chest, placed his hat on his own right knee, wrapped each arm around each of Ennis’s legs. Ennis pulled him up close with his arms encircling Jacks chest, resting his chin on now hatless his head. As his even breath gave away Jacks slumber Ennis took his hands into his. They remained that way for a long time into the night falling into a deep sleep. The cold air awoke Ennis. As he was entangled all he had to do was stand up lifting Jack as well and take him into the tent. After he got Jack and himself in the bag, encircling Jack, pressing his face into his hair Ennis’s thoughts turned to tomorrow. He wondered if it would be warm enough again to coax Jack into shedding his clothes and running down to the pool……no maybes about that.

Jack slept more soundly and peacefully than he had in a long time, not even stirring when Ennis took him into the tent, laying him down in the sleeping bag, very gently pulling his boots off, placing their hats one on the other, then crawling next to him, front to back. He heard the gentle promise, hope for one day when……
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 11:09:35 pm by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline MaineWriter

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2007, 11:15:35 pm »
Mark...welcome, glad to have you here.

Since we are early on in the drabblefest, and everyone is learning their way, let's keep things light and easy. But I would like to remind folks....1) drabbles are supposed to be written in response to the prompts that are given; and 2) length is 100-300 words. While I am not going to truncate someone's story at exactly 300 words, it would be nice if you could stay in that range, ie +50/100 words over, max.

For word count, it is easiest to write your drabble in Word and use the word count feature to figure out how long it is. After that, copy and paste it into a message here on bettermost.

Thanks, all. I am pondering tomorrow's prompts. Ideas are welcome.

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