Author Topic: When did you first feel like a grownup?  (Read 4962 times)


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When did you first feel like a grownup?
« on: April 03, 2008, 08:40:04 pm »

When I was growing up, I would look at my parents and assume they knew secrets that I didn't, that they had the answers to life, the universe, and everything.  I fully expected that one day I would also belong to this club of "grownup" people in the know.  But somehow, it didn't happen quite that way.  There was no magical event that occurred, no sudden change except that I now feel old - LOL.  My best friend, who is my age, reports the same.  Is it just our generation or do others feel this way?  Sure I have led a "grownup" life for many years, but I think I was playing the part long before the feelings caught up.  I still remember the day I was filling up my car with gas and the cute young attendant called me "maam", and I realized there was a gulf of time between me and him.  When did that happen?

How about you?  When did you start to feel like an adult?

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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 09:03:30 pm »
I'm still not feeling like a grown-up and 40 is looming, although I've had adult responsibilities since 14.  I remember thinking the same thing about my parents - that they were adults and had all the answers.  And then I remember realizing when I was about 31 (the same age as my Mom when she had a three year old - me - and a new baby), that she must have been winging it just like I do.   And she confirmed it...she's 67, has been through the wringer, and she doesn't feel 'old' inside.
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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 09:21:05 pm »

This is a fun poll! I voted for 3 options.  My first, gut reaction was when I first registered to vote.  For some reason, that particular activity has always stood out for me in my memory as a moment of big responsibility, etc.

And, then I also chose "when I started my career" and... somewhat in contradiction... I also chose "I still don't feel grown up" because sometimes I don't (depending on my mood).

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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 02:24:25 pm »
I turned 40 half a year ago, and since then have been thinking a lot about milestones.  My mom was 23 when I was born, divorced when I was 3, and didn't remarry until I was 12.  At the time she seemed so old, but when I think about myself at 23, I can't even imagine how she handled it all.  I think if I asked my mom the question, she would answer the same as yours.

I asked my mother that question too.  At 41 she and my dad divorced - she started her own business, cared for my elderly grandmother, finished raising me 13 and my brother 10, all on her own.  She said 'You just do because there's no other choice.'

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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2008, 04:13:13 pm »
Still don't feel grown up.

But a few things make me feel grown up:

Making appointments for myself for things I don't like but need - doctor/dentist/surgical
Paying taxes
Buying birth control
Standing in line to vote

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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2008, 05:25:53 pm »
One kind of answer for me is when I was six and had to figure out how to do my own laundry if I was going to have clean clothes.  Another kind of answer is I always felt LEAST grown up starting on those new endeavors listed in the poll, because I usually felt unprepared.  But the answer I clicked on was "When I became a parent." 

When my daughter was about 4 months old, we were with a group of family, and everyone wanted to go out to dinner, but I stayed home to take care of my baby - then I felt like a grown up.  Choosing the responsibility, realizing the long term, irrevocable impact of becoming the mother to a child who needed me, then I realized I was actually a grown up.

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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2008, 05:37:18 pm »
i moved out right after graduation, 18.  that's when i felt like an adult. i lived in another town, and i had a mon-fri job and payed rent/bills myself, and could stay out 'til whenever.  i wasn't old enough to drink yet, but i never got I.D.'d , so turning the legal drinking age meant nothing to me.
i will say though that even though i moved out, i still had some growing up to do.  controling my money spending, and bill paying was a long and slow process for me.

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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2008, 05:43:01 pm »
I really tink I'm all my ages.....from rhe young child to the woman of 54 that I am ting that has kept me "young in mind" is the fact that I started my family fairly late, had my daugther at 36 and my son at 41. My husband is 3 years younger than me.

So sometimes I'm all grown up and sometimes I'm not.....maybe that's really to be "grown up".....

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Re: When did you first feel like a grownup?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2008, 07:00:21 pm »
I really tink I'm all my ages.....from rhe young child to the woman of 54 that I am ting that has kept me "young in mind" is the fact that I started my family fairly late, had my daugther at 36 and my son at 41. My husband is 3 years younger than me.

So sometimes I'm all grown up and sometimes I'm not.....maybe that's really to be "grown up".....
Wow, you are like my alter ego! I had my children at 36 and hubby is 3 years younger too! I even have a gender neutral name (Lee)! Is this a trend??

And to answer the question...I'm still waiting to feel like a grownup!
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