I am terribly sorry for the pain you are going through now Paul. I am so glad
you got her from a shelter. We got all three of our pets from adoption. Two from
the shelter, and one from just serendipitous encounter. That would be our
three legged cat Bob. We have had our Buddy for 11 years now, and we got a new
little girl about six months ago. She is a llasa Apso and so loving. She is very young
and hopefully we will have many years with her.
When you adopt from the shelters at least you give them a very lengthy life compared with what they could have been sentenced to. You gave her a home and love. What
else is important? In return you got back many fold love and friendship.
I love and support you and hope you soon may see her as happily spending her days
in another part of her life and looking down to see you. Janice