Hiya BetterMost friends.

I thought that I was going to have a few chores to get done today, but I managed to get them done during the week after work, so today is not as busy. I do need to get laundry done today, as I won't be able to do it tomorrow.
On Sunday, the bowling league that I'm a member of is having their season end banquet. One of the things they do to raise money for the league is they take all the teams, and put them into pairs.
Once they're all paired up, each pair comes up with a theme for a basket. This season, there will be nine baskets in total. They'll all be lined up on a table, and will be raffled off. My team and the other team opted to go with a theme of Classic Candy.
I just finished putting the basket together.

We have Whirly Pops, Astro Pops, Swirl Pops, Pixy Stix, Haribo Berries, Zero Bar, Cups of Gold, candy Cigarettes, Sugar Daddies, Fun Dip, original Red Vines, grape Red Vines, Sno-Caps, Bottle Caps, Dubble Bubble, Charms Sours, Nik L Nips, and assorted Pop Rocks.