I don't think you have. That's awful! 
Thanks. It wasn't a great car -- 11 years old, 105,000 miles. Luckily, I still had full insurance coverage. Hopefully the insurance company will pay me the Kelly Blue Book price, which is about $5,000. But minus my $1,000 deductible.
At least the insurance is paying for a rental until the case is settled. So I guess I'll be going car shopping while I still have wheels.
Also, a relatively minor problem, but unless the car turns up soon -- and it's been almost a week, so I'm guessing it won't -- the insurance company essentially "buys" it from me, for which I'll need the title. And somehow the file I had of car-related papers has been missing for several months.
So because of the shutdown any DMV-related thing has become a huge hassle. The nearby AAA has a DMV counter that few people know about -- normally you can go in and waltz out with a title five minutes later, as opposed to the two hours you have to wait to do anything at a regular DMV. Now you have to get there in the morning and sign up. If you get one of the 180 spots, you can leave and they'll call you when it's your turn.
But apparently although the AAA doesn't open until 8, people start lining up to sign at like 6:30-7 a.m. Obviously those people are either superhuman or are just getting off a night shift.

They probably need to get in ASAP. I have the luxury of working from home and generally having a flexible schedule, so most days I could go back at any time.
There's another DMV nearby where you make an appointment. But the AAA woman said they're booked into August.
After all that, I feel like I should be getting a "real ID" while I'm at it. Do you all have yours already?