Author Topic: Cellar Scribblings  (Read 13606856 times)

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17030 on: February 27, 2021, 12:52:35 am »
and this is the new and improved shower curtain.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17031 on: February 27, 2021, 04:25:22 am »
New and improved - yeah, I can totally see it ::) :laugh:

Do you still call it a bathroom, or is it your Psycho-room? ;) ;D

Additional idea: hang a big, fake kitchen knife as additional decor element, same type as on the shower curtain. Let it dangle from the ceiling.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17032 on: February 27, 2021, 10:11:23 am »
The new Psycho print is nice!  :D

Offline Sason

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17033 on: February 27, 2021, 04:40:13 pm »

*runs away from Chuckie's derailed bathroom*

*almost gets heart attack*

*seriously questions Chuckie's sanity*

*asks doctor for tranquillizer*

*needs two weeks sick leave to regain composure*

Düva pööp is a förce of natüre

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17034 on: February 27, 2021, 09:36:14 pm »
and this is the new and improved shower curtain.

Sweetheart, you are no Janet Leigh. ...
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17035 on: March 04, 2021, 06:43:11 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

Work has been busy lately!    I had my fight with the Monthly Monster Report, and thankfully that is over as of yesterday (3.03).   I'm glad that tomorrow is Friday.  ;D

The family is still doing fine, thank God, and counting down the days until we can get the vaccine.  It should be by the end of the month.

I have the week of the 15th - 19th off of work.  I plan on using that week as spring cleaning week.   Furniture will be moved, rug will be cleaned and vacuumed, windows cleaned, and I am going to do what I need to, to keep those damned wasps and hornets out of the place.

At the end of the week, the St. Patrick's Day stuff will come down, and the Easter stuff will go on the windows.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17036 on: March 08, 2021, 03:43:53 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

How is everyone doing?

I'm looking forward to next week, and the time off of work.  ;D  I may not be going anywhere, and doing spring cleaning, but it will be nice not to have to wake up at a specific time each day.

I do plan on meeting a friend or two for lunch on their front porch.  I'll place an order for lunch and pick it up along the way.

Next Monday (the 15th) marks one year since I started working from home.  I didn't think I'd be home for that long.  I'd like to return to the office, but I'm thinking maybe in September.  Also, that's when bowling is scheduled to restart as well.

other than those plans, things are quiet here and pretty much the new status quo.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17037 on: March 09, 2021, 10:29:38 am »
Next Monday (the 15th) marks one year since I started working from home.  I didn't think I'd be home for that long.  I'd like to return to the office, but I'm thinking maybe in September.

My anniversary as well. I bet it's a lot of people's -- seems like that's when the virus reached some tipping point. They should make a national holiday, Working from Home Day. Employers could note the occasion by sending pizzas out to all their at-home employees!  :laugh:

My anniversary is actually March 14, the day after Friday the 13th. The idea of a shutdown seemed absurd, but  theaters and museums were closing, schools were going online, etc. I work Saturdays, so I went out to see what was open or closed. A lot of places were still open.

I've probably told this story before, but that morning a long-awaited pie shop was opening. The owners had run it out of a church basement for a couple of years and already had a big fan base, so the line to get in went down the block. People were standing close together. The owners went up and down the line, greeting and hugging people they knew.

"It's a perfect day to open, because it's pi day!" one of the owners said. Yeah, maybe, my story said, but ...

People were joking blithely about how pie was more important than worrying about the virus. When the story ran, someone in the online comments said "This story isn't going to age well." That's for sure -- two days later that behavior looked very unwise.

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17038 on: March 14, 2021, 10:16:21 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

What's new?  Actually, is anything new?

This week marks the start of "Operation Spring Cleaning".   I actually started some of it tonight.

I did two loads of dishes, I've straightened out my laundry, put fresh sheets on the bed, did some organizing in the utility closet, purged some old documents, and wrote out checks for my new lease, car insurance, renter's insurance, car payment, and life insurance.

They will all get mailed first thing tomorrow morning.

the next plan is to make up a list of what I want to get done, and put it into some sort of reasonable order.   My first thought was to clean all the windows, but then I thought that should go last, since I'll then take down the St. Patrick's stuff, and put up the Easter stuff.

So then I thought I should clean the carpets, which will be the biggest job, but then realized it makes no sense to clean the carpets, and then dust all the tchotchkes and shelves, and have the dust fall onto the freshly clean carpets, so I'm back a square one, which means I'm making a list, and then organizing it.

I'm thinking the first thing that should happen is taking all the things off the shelf, dusting all the items and shelves, and then putting them all back.  After that, I can think about moving all the furniture and start the foam cleaning on the carpet.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17039 on: March 14, 2021, 11:58:54 pm »
Wow! If you're looking for a side gig, I've got a house in Minneapolis I'm trying to prepare to sell, which means downsizing and organizing and it feels overwhelming. You always sound so efficient and well-planned. I'm not a hoarder, but after 11 years of living here with two sons, even a relatively normal amount feels like a lot.