Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

What's new? Actually, is anything new?
This week marks the start of "Operation Spring Cleaning". I actually started some of it tonight.
I did two loads of dishes, I've straightened out my laundry, put fresh sheets on the bed, did some organizing in the utility closet, purged some old documents, and wrote out checks for my new lease, car insurance, renter's insurance, car payment, and life insurance.
They will all get mailed first thing tomorrow morning.
the next plan is to make up a list of what I want to get done, and put it into some sort of reasonable order. My first thought was to clean all the windows, but then I thought that should go last, since I'll then take down the St. Patrick's stuff, and put up the Easter stuff.
So then I thought I should clean the carpets, which will be the biggest job, but then realized it makes no sense to clean the carpets, and then dust all the tchotchkes and shelves, and have the dust fall onto the freshly clean carpets, so I'm back a square one, which means I'm making a list, and then organizing it.
I'm thinking the first thing that should happen is taking all the things off the shelf, dusting all the items and shelves, and then putting them all back. After that, I can think about moving all the furniture and start the foam cleaning on the carpet.