I spent yesterday going to a giant march in downtown Minneapolis and a smaller gathering at the governor's mansion. I'm still exhausted.
The rally attracted probably close to 1,000 people. Certainly many hundreds. It was in the neighborhood destroyed after George Floyd was killed, so there were lots of boarded-up buildings and the like, hosted by a long list of left-leaning social activist organizations. They had planned the rally long before the Biden decision, and most of the people speaking focused on broad social justice issues -- a housing shortage, systemic racism, etc. -- that they would have talked about otherwise, mostly problems that existed when Obama was president. But the Biden news probably gave it a more hopeful vibe. I had to find diverse people to interview. I talked to a Black woman, Somali man and Mexican immigrant man. So mission accomplished. The march was a mile long and after it dispersed I had to walk the mile back to my car.
I got home in late afternoon, already tired, heated up some food and saw an email from my editor saying I had to go back out, this time to St. Paul for a conflict in front of the governor's mansion.
That one involved maybe 100 or so people from both sides mingling in the street yelling at each other in an unorganized way. I didn't have to get quotes at that one; I was just there in case any mayhem broke out. Not much happened aside from hostile taunting. I talked to the couple who live across the street from the governor's mansion and have to put up with this stuff on a regular basis. I talked to one woman who said she was 78 and had scolded a 20-year-old man for using foul language. She kept going on about that. And I talked to a woman who kept saying "How can there be more votes than there are registered voters?? Does that sound right to you?" I said I had no idea, feigning neutrality but secretly thinking, wow, it's going to be a long few next months.
On my way out, a woman said, "How can they possibly believe those things?" Funny, I thought, because I often wonder this myself. Except I wonder it about Trump supporters, and this woman was a Trump supporter thinking it of Biden supporters.
"Or bad parents!" she said, and I didn't respond in any way because I have strong views on the subject of parenting and certainly didn't want to get into all that. "Their parents didn't love them!" she said as she strode away.