Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

Grey and cloudy day here in NJ, but it doesn't look like we're getting the snow they've predicted. The streets do look wet, so I'm guessing there's a light drizzle happening out there now. However, it appears that we are getting snow Thursday into Friday.
It's the Winter that just won't stop.

The new shower curtain arrived yesterday, so I replaced the old liner and curtain with the new one. I'm still waiting for the picture frame I've ordered to arrive. When that's in place, I'll take some pics.
Yesterday and today have been busy at work, but it's been a lot of smaller things rather than the monster report, so that's good, I prefer that. I can see the light at the end of the tunnels for the smaller projects. LOL The one thing that I wish would change is the phone calls. I have one coworker who I assist, he's called me 5 times today for various things. Geez, just send an email with a list of everything you need, and I'll get it done for you!
Busy weekend this week.....Friday is my brother Chris' birthday, Saturday is my parents' anniversary, and Sunday is Valentine's Day.
Monday is Presidents' Day, and a bank holiday, so I'll be off that day.