Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

I hope everyone is doing well!
So, going back to the office occasionally gives me back something I hadn't had in my life since before the pandemic.
Office drama.

I don't mean to be vague, but I don't want to put any names or info out there. How to put this........
A coworker tried to help a customer by preparing a letter. We have a department that prepares this type of letter, but the coworker opted to do it herself. Apparently there was a discrepancy in the letter, and a fee was not calculated.
Not a big deal, but this coworker does not take criticism well, and proceeded to take it as people were questioning her ability to do her job. This caused her to have a meltdown at the office, she opened it up to people who had no business knowing about it, and then started to cry at her cubicle.
I sat there, dumbfounded. Of course, this meant I had to go into "support" mode and try to calm her down, which meant I was taken away from my work in an effort to help with this mess.

I'm just glad the big bosses were not in the office. If they witnessed that mess, who knows what would've happened.
speaking of work, one of the "big bosses" will be in town this Thursday, and we're going to a happy hour event from 5 - 7 at a local club.
I'll be meeting friends for dinner on Saturday, that should be fun.