Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

I hope everyone is doing well!
I scheduled a week's worth of 'stay-cation' in August, not sure if I'm actually going to use it. One of the people on my team who does the same job as me is out until September, for military reservist duty. On top of that, a second left today for maternity leave, so the team is down two people already. Technically, they can't stop me from taking the time off, we have to take it by end of year, or we lose it, but at the same time, I don't want to leave the team so short handed. I'll have to see what happens.
I do have an appointment one day that week for my car to get its regular service, so that will have to happen regardless.
I don't recall if I mentioned this already, but I had my mid-year review last week, it went well, so that was a good thing that happened.
The week of the 18th, another coworker is taking a week off, and the EA (Executive Assistant) is out of the office as well, and there is some sort of large meeting going on at the office, so she's made all the necessary preparations for the meetings (two-days worth) ahead of time, but has asked me to be around those days as a back up if anything is needed for the meetings.
Should be a fun week.