Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well!
I am definitely on the mend from my current bout with Covid. My nose is still stuffy, but much less so. It's also not running as much. I did develop a mild cough and that is decreasing as well.
I may have had a mild fever one day, but that's gone as well. One thing that did happen that is still here is that I've lost my sense of smell. I lost it the first time I had Covid, and it returned some time later.
Overall, I can't complain, it could've been worse.
I'll test again over the weekend and see if I turn up negative.
Out of boredom, I decorated my windows for Valentine's Day. Yes, it's early, but I pulled out the lights to make sure they worked, and just figured since I had them out, I may as well put them up.