In 2017 I rented a car in Alaska and fortunately was warned that it sensed the opener in my pocket. It is always my habit to test the door is locked before I leave and, of course, that just opened the door again, very frustrating. You just pressed a button to start the engine. In the old days, I kept a spare key in my wallet. Not so necessary now as it is almost impossible to lock the key inside the car but the key door opener is so thick, even the spare, so cannot be kept in my wallet. I had a lucky escape last Friday. I went by myself to plan a walk for next week in a bird sanctuary. There is a donation box at the entry. When I returned I was surprised to see a lady standing right at my car (I had spoken to her during the walk, she was photographing birds) She was writing a note as she had found my key lying beside the donation box. I was 50 km from home, very few people around. If I had checked my pocket and realised the key was missing, I would have gone into a panic, so thankful she saw it.
I have a manual. My sister tried to talk me out of it when I bought the car in 2010 and was not happy early this year when she came over to stay for my hernia operation. I could not drive for a week and she had not driven a manual for over 20 years. However she had more trouble with the windscreen wipers/blinkers being on the opposite side.
When I moved to NZ I was not pleased that people could use cell phones in cars, however they banned them (as in Australia for many many years) not long after I moved here. No problem for me, I rarely even turn my phone on, it is only for emergencies.
I have only had one flat tyre in the last 10 years. I was in the North Island and dressed for dinner and it was raining so I called the AA. The only other time I have called the AA was for a flat battery (surprised it lasted 8 years)and I was at home, fortunately only going shopping so not in a hurry. I guess I would have had to call them last Friday if I had not found my key. I do not need insurance with my AA membership.
I would like my next car to be electric but they are so expensive to buy. My car is almost 10 years old so will probably start to need money for repairs.
Petrol here is about NZ$2.35 per litre which is NZ$8.90 per gallon or US$5.85 per gallon. However I only fill up my car about once per month (about 35 litres) and get discounts for AA membership (10 cents), my monthly ISP payment (10 cents) and even my hairdresser (3 cents). My Ford Fiesta is very economical and I rarely drive more than 20 km from home and use the bus where possible. I usually take 3 passengers when we go hiking on Tuesdays. It has seat belts for another person in the back but that is very squashed so avoided. People seem to rush to get in my car, not sure if because it is comfortable, my driving is safe or my personality