Author Topic: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)  (Read 65076 times)

Offline Lumière

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #50 on: January 24, 2008, 03:11:16 pm »

I'm not quite sure how this interview kept his cool - good on him.

I don't believe the woman in that interview.  Un-fuckin-believable.
It made me sick to the stomach to listen to that tripe.

I love that the journalist told her outright what a twisted sick foolish woman she is.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2008, 03:17:44 pm »
I'm not quite sure how this interview kept his cool - good on him.

Wow, that woman sounds like Elvira Gulch from The Wizard of Oz, except that compared to her Miss Gulch is Mother Teresa! She's a nutcase. I don't think there's any better advertisement against homophobia than listening to her.

I could have done without the interviewer dissing the U.S., the Midwest and even Topeka, though. (I've never been to Topeka, but I'm sure there are plenty of perfectly normal people there.) If Americans are such knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, how did Brokeback Mountain get made here in the first place?

Offline Lumière

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2008, 03:24:01 pm »
I could have done without the interviewer dissing the U.S., the Midwest and even Topeka, though. (I've never been to Topeka, but I'm sure there are plenty of perfectly normal people there.) If Americans are such knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, how did Brokeback Mountain get made here in the first place?

I thought he said it was people like her who give the US a bad name after she made the comment about knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who don't read the bible.  I don't know, I won't be listening to it again to find out...

All I know is that if Heath is in Hell as she claims, then she must live there to have such firsthand knowledge of who's coming and going.. ::)


Offline serious crayons

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2008, 03:33:19 pm »
I thought he said it was people like her who give the US a bad name after she made the comment about knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who don't read the bible.

Well, he went on to say Americans were seen throughout the world as something or other, and later said something mean about Topeka.

She does give Americans (and Topekans) a bad name. But it ain't their fault.

Offline Lumière

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2008, 03:39:25 pm »
Well, he went on to say Americans were seen throughout the world as something or other, and later said something mean about Topeka.

She does give Americans (and Topekans) a bad name. But it ain't their fault.


I think of the 11 children she says she has and it is saddening to think that they may actually adopt her views on life.  :-\

Offline maggiesmommy GayLee

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2008, 05:23:00 pm »
Well, as luck would have it...I live in topeka...born and raised....and these nutjobs are such an embarrasment!!  every time they picket somewhere that i hear about, i send a letter to the newspaper and tv stations apologizing for our town.
I will do it here, before the fact.
The "reverend" Phelps and his livley band of supporters are all crazy.,..i swear...that woman you spoke of is probably shirley phelps, who has become the family spokesperson since daddy is getting so old. the whole family are attorneys..i kid you not...many many attorneys. they can slither out of anything. i was SO thrilled that they got their butts kicked in that East coast lawsuit. 
They stand on the street corners here in Topeka with their pornographic signs..i mean these idiots even think Santa is evil!!  they have a sign showins santa having sex!!  and they think gay people are the sick ones??? give me a frickin break!!   i will tAke my gay friends ANY day over the evil Phelps clan. and thats what it is, only the phelps family and their spouses and children in that "church". i don't think there are any outsiders at all that have stayed. it is 13 degrees here in Topeka today, and i can bet you there are phelps' standing on a street corner somewhere in this city, with their little homeschooled (mindwashed) kids, some really young, maybe 6 or 7, holding signs with pornographic pictures and words. just unbelieveable. those poor little kids.
i think the patriot guard are the heroes in the funeral situation. at the funeral of a falled soldier, the guard will stand shoulder to shoulder and shield the grieving family from their view and will sing or paly music to protect them from hearing the horrible things they say.
Topeka has been dealing with fred phelps and his seed for over 20 years. mostly we just try to ignore them. i have very mixed feelings about this. they sould be tormented, but THEY say it brings attention to their cause..and i would NEVER want to do husband says that if he ever would be told that he had just a few months to live, he would go wipe them all out....that statement reflects the anger that most of us feel at their presence....
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Offline Lumière

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2008, 05:30:17 pm »
Hello maggiesmommy,

Thank you for that post. 
I can only imagine what the residents of your town must feel, especially with those creeps littering the street corners on a regular basis.
I feel for the kids and what they may grow up to be...

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #57 on: January 24, 2008, 05:49:56 pm »
Well, as luck would have it...I live in topeka...born and raised....and these nutjobs are such an embarrasment!!  every time they picket somewhere that i hear about, i send a letter to the newspaper and tv stations apologizing for our town.
I will do it here, before the fact.
The "reverend" Phelps and his livley band of supporters are all crazy.,..i swear...that woman you spoke of is probably shirley phelps, who has become the family spokesperson since daddy is getting so old. the whole family are attorneys..i kid you not...many many attorneys. they can slither out of anything. i was SO thrilled that they got their butts kicked in that East coast lawsuit. 
They stand on the street corners here in Topeka with their pornographic signs..i mean these idiots even think Santa is evil!!  they have a sign showins santa having sex!!  and they think gay people are the sick ones??? give me a frickin break!!   i will tAke my gay friends ANY day over the evil Phelps clan. and thats what it is, only the phelps family and their spouses and children in that "church". i don't think there are any outsiders at all that have stayed. it is 13 degrees here in Topeka today, and i can bet you there are phelps' standing on a street corner somewhere in this city, with their little homeschooled (mindwashed) kids, some really young, maybe 6 or 7, holding signs with pornographic pictures and words. just unbelieveable. those poor little kids.
i think the patriot guard are the heroes in the funeral situation. at the funeral of a falled soldier, the guard will stand shoulder to shoulder and shield the grieving family from their view and will sing or paly music to protect them from hearing the horrible things they say.
Topeka has been dealing with fred phelps and his seed for over 20 years. mostly we just try to ignore them. i have very mixed feelings about this. they sould be tormented, but THEY say it brings attention to their cause..and i would NEVER want to do husband says that if he ever would be told that he had just a few months to live, he would go wipe them all out....that statement reflects the anger that most of us feel at their presence....

Hi Gay!!! :D

I'm so happy you came back to Bettermost! I've/we've missed you!!

The two of us discussed Fred Phelps a lot on IMDb. Remember? As a Midwesterner, I feel very ashamed of that terrible church. It's just like someone said earlier, maybe Heath's death will be their undoing. Few people will tolerate them harrassing and badmouthing Heath and his family.

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Offline maggiesmommy GayLee

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #58 on: January 24, 2008, 06:19:36 pm »
wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge??  and Heath's passing would have brought about real and lasting change, just as his life and his role as Ennis did for me.
yes, i remember, David.....i've missed you too!!
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Offline Kelda

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Re: Phelps to picket (strong stomach needed)
« Reply #59 on: January 24, 2008, 06:44:41 pm »
Maggie, thats really interesting to get your view on them as a person living near them - yes it was Shirley Phelps on the recording. Shes quite the woman isn't she?

And she calls her kids by numbers - child no 11 grandchild no 4 ect.

What makes me laugh is that was her oldest son not born out of wedlock? Yet she's not going to hell but all the other unmarried mothers are?

 :-X give me a break.....!

(and Gay, yes lovely to see you - I ahve often onder how you wer and how your garden was - i remeber the great pictures - and that amaziong picture of your children telling you you wer going to be a granny)

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