I'm sorry, but this shows that you haven't read the replies on this thread. Nobody is angry with Jake, at the most some people are dissappointed with him or baffled by his silence. We all still respect him as the person who gave us Jack just as we respect Heath for giving us Ennis.
This is not LJ where vicious rants were posted against Jake, this is just a discussion thread where people can post their feelings without being badgered or misinterpreted.
Exactly right Mel. I voted for "I think it,s weird" but again that,s just my opinion. I certainly don,t think any less of him for not saying anything and it doesn,t mean I won,t watch any more of his movies. I still think it,s a bit odd that he hasn,t said anything, BUT, that is entirely his choice and he obviously has his reasons which are personal to him. He doesn,t owe us an explanation and if chooses to be silent then so be it. By the way I havn,t seen any vicious rants against Jake on LJ? Where are they? I understand totally that after Heaths death people were angry, upset and a million and one other things, but that does not give them the right to attack poor Jake. By the way, what doesn snark mean? I,ve never heard of that before.