I do.
Other people just cannot bring themselves to believe that all people aren't smart enough to become a programmer or surgeon or engineer or lawyer or MBA. THEY did, so they seem to imagine that everyone can do the same if they wanted to and if they haven't or won't it's because of sheer laziness and thus poverty is their own fault.
All people do not have the inclination or training to become a surgeon. It is silly to think that everyone does. And that isn't the point. The point is most people can have control of their own destinies, there are exceptions to this, but overall people can become a success according to their own or even society's definitions.
If people are sitting around waiting for a welfare check, or if they give up because their car breaks down, then that too is their choice. They are choosing the destiny with which they are comfortable. They may gripe about their limited opportunity, they may gripe that they are not making $100K per year while sitting in front of their TV sets stuffing their faces with Twinkies while watching Oprah cry, but ultimately, they made the choices in their lives to allow the system to control them and not the other way around.
What the present welfare system does is give these non productive people a easy landing into their sloth.
Social Worker to Welfare Victim: "Its OK
honey, why you are a just a VICTIM, you are not responsible for your life or the lives of the 4 children in your house who all have different fathers none of which you are married to. You need to just sit down fill your mind with crap off the TV and we welfare / social workers will just take care of everything. Oh and be sure to register to vote so that
WE can keep those nasty old Republican racist / misogynist / meanies from harming you further!"
and the tragedy of the welfare cycle goes on and on and on.