Elle/Wind/Sycophantic Assistant: ** Been cleaning all mornin' for my mother's visit next week (after six months of not cleaning the house, thanks to you folks), I get back here eager as hell, and all I find is PERFECTION? This ain't no little thing that's happenin' here. **
Victoria-Effen-Princess, that song was one of the highlights of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Can't believe I furgot that song - I sing it two-three times a week at bedtime, for 'Meno Jr.
Alec-Effen-WarshRag, I grovel at your feet, and send up a prayer a thanks that you have joined our gang.
Startle-Effen--NYDay, thank you for keepin' us on the right track.
YaadPee-Effen-Pie, You too. Keepin' us centered and on the right track.
And all the Owls, Mules, SheepWranglers, Priestesses (of which there is One), and southendmd (I'm gonna come knockin' on yer door, offerin' you a part in a minnit), it is some sweet life, here and now. **
%% When Becky and her bladder get back from their trip, they are going to pee their pants at what their idea has turned into! %%