Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2048285 times)

Offline Front-Ranger

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SHEEPHERDER #1: Bueno noche, warshrag. Sombre bueno.
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline alec716

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SHEEPHERDER #1: Bueno noche, warshrag. Sombre bueno.


Does that mean you can wipe up any new sheep pee while I get some rest?  I hope so... being kidnapped can wear a cloth out.  Gracias, Amigo.   :)
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline DeeDee

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Young Ennis:

((Ennis, now naked, starts the slow process of washing himself with a different rag))

%%Well, its no Terry, but it will have to do.  I can see him peeling that spud from over here, but he's not looking at me.  Mebbe I have these feelin's all wrong, mebbe he's jes' a friendly guy, mebbe I wan' him ta look a me.%%

(( Ennis turns to Cigar butt, who is snorting like crazy))

Whoa, boy, what got ya all excited?  You hungry?  Why ya lookin at me like that? I ain't no piece a hay


Young Ennis:

(( Looks over to the back of the tent and see Terry, his favorite warshrag))

%% Well, hell too late now, I'm half warshed up already, where da hell did that come from?  I thought I looked all over...%%
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline e-bay-trader

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Haha..Inspector Moose indeed...

** Seriously folks, you might have an item I am looking for ....

**  Warsh Rag, if you are listening ...  There is alot of cash in this for you... This is an opportunity of a lifetime !!!  :(  **

Not to self, try not to deal in warsh rags in the future ... many heavier items like Jeans ..
Come to think of it ....

Offline alec716

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Young Ennis:

(( Looks over to the back of the tent and see Terry, his favorite warshrag))

%% Well, hell too late now, I'm half warshed up already, where da hell did that come from?  I thought I looked all over...%%

TERRY CLOTH:  (voicing the wish that is on the mind of devoted Ennis fans everywhere):  Ennis, wait!  Please warsh up with me too!!

**  And everyone else, please pray that I do not have to enter the Federal Warshcloth Protection Program... I don't want to be away from y'all again.  **
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline Ray

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  ** I have just been alerted by Production Security and Set Police to the shocking news that our valued Cast mate was momentarily kidnapped and held for ransom.  Overjoyed that Terry fought bravely for his own release, it concerns me that the unscrupulous kidnapper/s are still at large.  Initial DNA testing of the area where Terry was nabbed has provided 56765852845 suspects including one bear.  Please note, until this E-gay Trader is caught and punished, no expense has been spared in doubling the security of our Cast & Crew, and the extra dinner fork placed in everyone's trailer may be kept as a souvenir after all this nonsense is over.  I ask that if anyone can provide information on the identity of the kidnapper/s, that they contact Inspector Moose immediately, and any information given that leads to the capture of perpetrators will afford the giver a reward of FOUR pre loved Casting Couches from my personal collection.  I ask that future threats such as this might be dealt with calmer heads in my absence.  Remember, An E-gay seller cannot sell if he/she/it has no buyers! We are nearing disclosure of the offender with the recent discovery of the below note in a bin three blocks away from a fabulous little restaurant where I like to take out of town guests in my free time. **

« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 04:16:08 am by Ray »
~A good general knows when to retreat~

Offline DeeDee

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Young Ennis:

(( Looks over at the warshrag and feels just awful, scoots over and picks it up))

%% Come her' littlle darlin', I saved the important parts fer you%%
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline Ray

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« Last Edit: June 29, 2006, 05:01:50 am by Ray »
~A good general knows when to retreat~

Offline Lumière

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**  And everyone else, please pray that I do not have to enter the Federal Warshcloth Protection Program... I don't want to be away from y'all again.  **

What is all this talk about WarshCloth Protecting  ???

** Mr Terry Cloth, are you ok?  Glad to see you back here!   :-\  **

** Good work Director!!  I'd do anything to get one of your pre-loved couches...specially the one we ..ummm... occupied together last night ..   :-X

Bravo Boss...Bravo   !!!!  **

Offline alec716

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Young Ennis:

(( Looks over at the warshrag and feels just awful, scoots over and picks it up))

%% Come her' littlle darlin', I saved the important parts fer you%%

(( So excited to be reunited with YOUNG ENNIS, our exhausted but goobly-eyed TERRY CLOTH takes the steps two and two, stammering... ))

TERRY CLOTH: son of a cloth, son of a cloth...

(( Then, and as easily as the right water turns soap into suds, .... ))
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."