Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2048275 times)

Offline Lumière

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Ooooh, there is love in the air, I can feel it!
O what a mood it puts me in ....

Reminds me of the song by John Paul Young :


Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound

And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes

Love is in the air
In the whisper of the trees
Love is in the air
In the thunder of the sea

And I don't know if I'm just dreaming
Don't know if I feel sane
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when you call out my name

Love is in the air
Love is in the air
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Love is in the air
In the rising of the sun
Love is in the air
When the day is nearly done

And I don't know if you're an illusion
Don't know if I see it true
But you're something that I must believe in
And you're there when I reach out for you

Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise

But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes



Offline YaadPyar

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(( The FSD hangs a skyline to reflect and reinforce the serenity of Jack and Ennis together as they should be. ))

« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 01:22:47 pm by YaadPyar »
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)

Offline Sashca1007

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**  Being a mere warshrag but a very careful reader, I am most definitely NOT wiping up Agurre's sour pus.  NOT, NOT, NOT.  **

**Oh, TERRY, I agree, I agree....   the mere thought of wiping up ANY of Aguirre's fluid's is repugnant enough....   but his PUS?   :-X :-X  It ain't gonna be that way.  And yer too danged high-deniered fer that kinda chum-bucket chore.**


((Surprised and overjoyed when Ennis enters the tent. He sits up from his relaxed position. ))

((He looks up at Ennis with the golden light from the fire flickering in from the outside, Ennis's profile lit as though by an inner glow.
Jack's eyes search for Ennis's, though Ennis hides his. Jack wants to reach up and touch Ennis's face again: his cheek, his jaw, his ear, but he is still uncertain of how he'll respond.))

%% Can I touch him... Will he... %%

((Jack reaches up to take Ennis's hat. Their fingers brush and Jack blinks as sensation rushes over him, revealing raw emotion deep within him... and within Ennis?))

** Daniel, I've read this post a few  ::) times and each time it makes my heart race and I have to remember to resume breathing afterwards....   could that be a sign you're giving us an excellent portrayal of YOUNG JACK? **

**And, DeeDee----

%% I sure hope I'm not regrettin' this soon, but I need that boy more than I need air ta breathe.%%

((Ennis gets up, walks to the tent and steps in.))

You guys are killing me!  You both have such a deep understanding of the boys' feelings--  keep up the good work!**

Jack looks down, and says, "I'm sorry," and then, twice, "it's all right," whereupon--it is.

**Oh, Julie, I LOVE this line....   Simply beautiful!**

"From the vibration of the floorboard on which they both stood Ennis could feel how hard Jack was shaking."

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.
**Now that Dee is off work agin, we can pick up where we left off, hope you didn' mind the wait.**

((hesitantly, with a calmness he didn't have within him, Jack reaches up and caresses Ennis's brow, his cheek, his ear. The tendrils of soft hair fall across his fingertips and he reaches his fingers up to weave them into Ennis's hair, resting on the back of his neck.))

%% Gently, Jack. Don't scare 'im off. %%

((Jack leans forward and looks fully into Ennis's eyes. He moves his head forward, feeling Ennis's breath fan across his cheek, still sweetened by the fragrance of fruit.))

Come here, Ennis. Ain't gonna bite ya.

%% too hard. %%
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Lumière

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Come here, Ennis. Ain't gonna bite ya.

%% too hard. %%

Offline DeeDee

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(( Ennis, his breathing becoming rapid, finds it hard to look at Jack.  He looks down as he feels the touch he has dreamt of, long before last night.))

%% Why can't I look at 'em?  Will I see who I really am in his eyes?%%

((Finally, he looks up and before he knows, Jack's lips are on his, and at that moment he knew he didn't want to be nowhere else.))

In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.
((Relishing the feel of Ennis's lips on his own, every breath he takes is filled with his being. Jack pulls him closer, can't keep from touching his face, his neck, his hair.... Every sensation of Ennis's warm skin against his own was an impossible pilgrimage of heated awareness. Still, Jack sensed that Ennis was holding himself back somehow.))

((he breaks their kiss for a moment.... leaning his head against Ennis's sharing their ragged breath.))

What's a matter?.... Ennis, it'll be allright. I'm not gonna hurt ya none.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline saucycobblers

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  • Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
((As a consequence of the enormous earth-tremors created by the Whatever-Size-She-Is-At-The-Moment Priestess's collapse on BrokenArsed Mountain, JBB finds himself catapulted through the air at warp-speed... heading for a...


** You have got to be kidding... this is getting RIDICULOUS!!!!**

((JBB spends many happy minutes rolling around, removing woolly excrement from his shiny, plastic overcoat - a task at which he has quickly developed considerable skill.

He looks up and finds himself at...

...the-don't-look-right tent!!))

%% Ooooo, what a stroke of luck! And just as we're gettin' to the good stuff!! %%

** I sure wish Terry was here... the sight o' them boys gettin' it on is makin' my tube hard again. I can feel myself fillin' up already...**

« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 05:18:51 pm by saucycobblers »
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!

Offline DeeDee

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((Relishing the feel of Ennis's lips on his own, every breath he takes is filled with his being. Jack pulls him closer, can't keep from touching his face, his neck, his hair.... Every sensation of Ennis's warm skin against his own was an impossible pilgrimage of heated awareness. Still, Jack sensed that Ennis was holding himself back somehow.))

((he breaks their kiss for a moment.... leaning his head against Ennis's sharing their ragged breath.))

What's a matter?.... Ennis, it'll be allright. I'm not gonna hurt ya none.


(( Leaning against Jack's head, Ennis can barely catch his breath.  His heart is singing out to him to keep going.. Keep this man within your reach, don't ever let him go, afraid this feeling might go away.))

I know that, Jack.  I ain't never felt this way, kinda nervous, I guess.  Don't think this is natural, this thing we got going.

(( Looks down again and when he looks up into his new lovers eyes, he knows this is the most natural thing in the world and lets Jack finally guide him down to lay near him.))
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((cradles Ennis in his arms, bringing his head down on his shoulder. There's not much he can do right now except hold him, and let him feel how much he is loved at this very moment. Jack leans his cheek against Ennis's brow, kissing his forehead in the flickering light.))

It's gonna be alright. I don' know what to think about this thing we got goin', but, Christ, Ennis, I don' wan't ta stop.

((kisses Ennis's forehead again, lovingly. He rolls over gently, letting Ennis lie on the wool blanket beneath them and hovers over him for a moment, looking into his eyes, still expressing so much pain and fear. Jack doesn't understand where that comes from, when all he can feel around Ennis is the surmounting union of heart and spirit. It frightens him.))

((He leans down and kisses Ennis's mouth gently, and Ennis doesn't seem to be resisting anymore. He lifts his arms up to Ennis's chest, then wrapping them around his body as he deepens the kiss, allowing his mouth to move against Ennis's, feeling his lips yield beneath his own. Once again, his breath becomes Ennis, and all he knows is that he must make this as special for him as possible.))
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.