(( JACK'S PANTS are somewhat disoriented as they make their way to the front door of the party already in progress. Familiar voices are heard from within. ))
%% I am SO not sure I should be here... but I found that invitation that musta been stuck in my pocket during the night when I was layin' next to YOUNG JACK on the tent floor. It said 'bring a guest', so I figgered I should find somebody sorta suitable. I think me and ENNIS'S PANTS make a fine lookin' couple. I feel real bad about sneakin' off and leavin' YOUNG JACK pants-less for awhile... I'll try to get us both back real quick-like before they notice.%%
((JACK'S PANTS and ENNIS'S PANTS are greeted at the door by a gracious Owlma, who immediately clamps her beak onto one of the remaining JACK'S FLY buttons and pulls the Wranglers and Levi's into the main party room. JACK'S PANTS follow the sound of a familiar voice until... ))
** What the HEL-L-L?!!!! That's YOUNG JACK standing over there, chatting it up with YOUNG ENNIS---
What's that he's wearing?! Oh, NO he isn't! Is that a pair of...
black ....tuxedo pants? Oh, they are SO shredded! They are gonna get a Clorox splash on top of
that! What do they think they're doing??!! I'M JACK'S PANTS! Where did they slither in from? Was it that Props Lady? Oh, those pants are going DOWN! **
** Come on now, J.P..... it just ain't gonna
be that way. Them fancy-pants probly ARE gonna 'go
down ' tonight. But you gotta jus be happy for YOUNG JACK, and let 'im have his fun tonight, lookin' special purty for his man. Don't worry, Bud, we'll both be right back where we belong tomorra morning, sure as shootin'. **
((ENNIS'S PANTS hoped his reassuring words rang true for JACK'S PANTS, as they each shot their wrinkled denim scowls of worry, anger, disbelief and jealousy straight towards YOUNG JACK and YOUNG ENNIS.))
JACK'S PANTS - %% I think I saw some Clorox in the property room.%%
ENNIS'S PANTS - %% I'm purty sure I seen some Clorox in that property room.%%