Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2048579 times)

Offline saucycobblers

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  • Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
((Coming to the end of his transatlantic journey, JBB reflects sadly upon how quickly he has been forgotten by his beloved TERRY CLOTH... :'())

*Sigh* **It comes as no surprise really. He was always outa my league, that good-lookin' stud rag-muffin. I sent him a lurve note an' I ain't had no reply. Mebbe he's gone an' got himself a new pa-rag-mour? Or mebbe that OWLMA's gone an' got her connivin' claws inta him an' got him down that aisle faster'n you can say son-of-a-ultra-absorbent-dishcloth? After all, they got that fluffy kid together... I can't compete with that ***Sniff*

**Then agin, that cruise carrier pigeon service these folks provided wasn't as-advertised-in-the-brochure neither...**

As advertised in Cruises-R-Us brochure...

Carrier pigeon actually provided...

**Mebbe TERRY didn't even get ma message????!!!!**

((On his trip JBB has been comforted by another towelling travel companion he met in the Officer's Club bar whilst drowning his sorrows over a bottle of Sheep-Pee whiskey (which now enjoys world-wide distribution - well done Guy  ;))... Fellow Bettermostians, may I introduce Colin. I know Y'all will give him a warm welcome...))

((JBB's meanderings are cut short by the announcement of the ship/boat/dinghy's arrival in Calais.))

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 12:17:12 pm by saucycobblers »
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!

Offline nakymaton

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**The PONIES have heard that another SNOW might be around the corner... they wanted to reassure everyone that they'll be ready!**

**SNOW is feeling a bit cold, wet, slippery, and disgruntled at finding that the promised ski slopes in Jackson seem to have been replaced by a tobaggan hill in Riverton... so she is prepared to be appropriately dismal and forboding for the "honeymoon."**
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

Offline alec716

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((Coming to the end of his transatlantic journey, JBB reflects sadly upon how quickly he has been forgotten by his beloved TERRY CLOTH... :'())

*Sigh* **It comes as no surprise really. He was always outa my league, that good-lookin' stud rag-muffin. I sent him a lurve note an' I ain't had no reply. Mebbe he's gone an' got himself a new pa-rag-mour? Or mebbe that OWLMA's gone an' got her connivin' claws inta him an' got him down that aisle faster'n you can say son-of-a-ultra-absorbent-dishcloth? After all, they got that fluffy kid together... I can't compete with that ***Sniff*


** You shut up about OWLMA, this ain't her fault.  And it ain't that I fergot you, Bud, it's that I don't know where you are... and what message?  And besides, I got that kid to think about...  **

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 12:30:48 pm by alec716 »
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline alec716

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** Look, OLWMA, I know you it ain't cheap.. to get married.  Maybe this will make it easier.  You can use my cousin Vera as a white wedding gown.

'Cause you know I sure Wang it out a hunderd times thinkin' about JBB you.  **

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 01:10:19 pm by alec716 »
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline Lumière

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(( As YOUND ENNIS and ALMA are busy tying the noose knot ..

... back at Lucise's trailer ..... ))


((After a long day at work, Guy somehow manages to make his way back to Lucise's trailer. He looks up at the black skies. More snow? He hopes so. He doesn't quite relish getting up again the next morning to go off after mules, owls, or try to get Lureen's lovely photograph for her Ice Cream flavor carton. He climbs the few steps to Lucise's trailer and knocks on the door...))

**Lucise?! It's Guy.**

(( Lucise hears a knock and a voice outside the door ..))

OMG .. Could be Guy!

((Lucise hastily removes his apron, rushes off to the bedroom to change his shirt and splash on a
dash of his best cologne .. He looks at his reflection in the bedroom mirror for a second (not bad!)

Lucise rushes to the door, opens it and finds Guy sitting on the doorstep ...))

** Guy!  Come in!  I wasn't expecting you till abit later ..**

((Guy steps into the tidied-up trailer, the inviting aroma of dinner drawing him in ..))

** I hope yer hungry, I been cooking all day! **
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 07:20:11 pm by Lucise »

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((Guy follows his nose into the kitchen where the tasty aromas are coming from. He looks back over his shoulder at Lucise with a smile.))

**This is... impossible. How on earth did you manage to make a basil alfredo sauce in just one day? And... mandarin oranges are out of season but these are as fresh as they can be!!**

((Guy walks over to Lucise and pulls him into an embrace, putting his head on his shoulder, mumbles against his neck.))

**You would not believe the crazy day I had.**
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline DeeDee

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**Am I ever glad, for the first time ever, that I invited my dad Vinnie to the weddin, even tho he walked out on me when I was just a toddler, and moved to New Jersey**

Hey, Dad, will U plz ditch that Timmy guy pronto, so's we can get on with the weddin photography pleaz!!


(( After Ennis and Alma kiss, they are now Man and wife.  Ennis looks around the room and knows he should be happy, Alma is a sweet girl, but he's not.  He sees all the (kinda ugly) smiling faces and wonders if anyone can pick up on his discomfort.))

%% Wonder whut Jack is up ta now?  Is he thinkin' a me? %%

(( Before Ennis could finish his thoughts, they were calling everyone for pictures.  As they stood on the lawn, the first snow of the winter started coming down.))
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline nakymaton

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((SNOW covers the tobaggan hill in preparation for the next scene.))

**Hey, if you're sick of all the bad omens and being out in the f***ing cold all the time, you could always honeymoon in Mexico.**

Isn't that the dancing cowboy? Where's his partner? Who's the chick?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 05:11:26 pm by nakymaton »
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

Offline Lumière

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« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 05:21:34 pm by Lucise »

Offline Lumière

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(( Meanwhile ... Back at Lucise's trailer ..


((Guy follows his nose into the kitchen where the tasty aromas are coming from. He looks back over his shoulder at Lucise with a smile.))

**This is... impossible. How on earth did you manage to make a basil alfredo sauce in just one day? And... mandarin oranges are out of season but these are as fresh as they can be!!**

((Guy walks over to Lucise and pulls him into an embrace, putting his head on his shoulder, mumbles against his neck.))

**You would not believe the crazy day I had.**


((Lucise allows himself to be pulled into a close embrace with Guy, he relishes the feeling of Guy's breath on his neck and the thought that Guy feels comfortable enough with him at this point to show his affections in this way.  Guy sure has come a long way .. ))

We'll talk all about that!  I have been cooking and cleaning all day, as you can see .. and I sure hope you'll be impressed, coz I damn well worked my butt off all day, poring through old cook books and praying for a decent outcome ..

((Lucise smiles into Guy's eyes and relaxes when he sees the grin on Guy's face.  Lucise holds onto Guy's hands and leads him to the well-laid, candlelit table ..


** Here's what we'll be having for dinner tonight .. I went all out!  I just felt like there was a reason to celebrate, you know .. okay .. anyway ..  To start, we'll have a garden salad ..

.. then some Penne pasta with red pepper and basil alfredo sauce ..

.. then some Duck A L'orange .. I swear, this one took me forever, I was freaking out actually, but it turned out okay,  I think ..

.. I made some fruit salad for dessert ..

..although I am convinced that your company will be sweeter than any dessert I could ever make ..**

((Lucise smiles, lowers his head, blushes at just how corny he must sound ..))

Okay, truth is, I don't think I could've been able to handle all this and baking as well.  I am new at all this stuff.  Remember, I am a mac and cheese sorta guy!  :)

((Lucise pulls up a chair for Guy, and anxiously awaits his reaction ..))

I hope I didn't over do it!  Oh heck! 
What the hell does an ex-sheep trainer like myself know about wooing a stud like this..?

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 06:33:25 pm by Lucise »