Meanwhile, back in Signal Wyoming ..Lucise Indapaddock walks into a small jewellery shop on Center Street,
Rings 'N Chains R We, owned by Piotr Indaloo, father of Lucas Indaloo .. aka the ALLEY DUDE .. Lucise hesitates when he sees the sign..

.. but decides to give the little shop a try. Truth is, Lucise has been contemplating doing this for weeks.
After a few minutes checking out the meagre selection, Lucise spots a ring that catches his eye:

A Sheep ring! A friggin' Sheep ring!
I am buying this ..!
Focus Lucise ... FOCUS! That ain't what you came here for ..
%%((Lucise is about to call out to the shop owner when he sees ..
That's it! That's it! This is the one!
%%((Moments later, Lucise walks out of the jeweller's, a little smile on his lips ..
his heart pounding with excitement ..

Well okay, he looks very calm in this picture, but you get the idea ..

Milli:** WTF was that about, you ask? lol..Stay tuned will ya..!! **