B.A.M. is having a passing of the torch. Our beloved Milli has reluctantly but most willingly passed on her role as Alma to the next up-and-coming star, Geri (Arad-3).
Welcome to B.A.M. Geri! 
Although we will miss Milli's presence as Alma, we are very fortunate and blessed in that Milli
is not leaving the set of B.A.M. altogether. Thankfully she will still be with us as her other character Lucise Indapaddock, Guy Raphaelson's other half.
I personally would like to welcome Geri to the fold, as I am sure everyone else would as well. (welcome her I mean.) If you have any questions Geri, ask anyone, they will be
glad to answer, and I know that Milli has offered to be your guide for the first little while.
And last but not least, I have been promoted to the position of Director, due to the unfortunate extended absence of Director Raymille. It does not appear that he will be making it back to the set any time soon, so Jim (James Schamus) called me last night and offered me the job. Since B.A.M. is near and dear to my heart,
and I have been more or less doing the job anyway, I accepted the position. (and I will be getting more money, which is always a good thing!

So now I have
three titles, and I am chuffed!

Yippee!!! And my Ma couldn't be more proud a me!
Director, Casting Director, & Continuity Director JakeTwist