%% Damn my pants are tight! %%

&& Tight?! I can barely stretch myself over this ramrod of a bulge that's threatening to send my remaining buttons flying offa me like little wayward missiles. I'm not complainin'.... I
LOVE my job...my life. Trying to contain this raging bull-beast within my 100% cotton confines is MY pleasure. That beautiful thing buckin' and strainin' against my fly... DAMN, I'm one lucky pair a PANTS. M-m-mm... the man-scents.... rock-hardness underneath the most silky-soft skin... it must be that creamy BODY BUTTER that JACK
luxuriates in allows to slather all over his butt and I
KNOW that danged BUTTerhead snuck around to tha front and slathered where a BUTT BUTTER ain't got no right slatherin'. WHOA, what's this?! Looks like we're headin' for that cliff...?
These boys are gonna jump off into that water?!!! I am SO sliding off JACK'S lean, muscular lower torso and gorgeous legs and gettin' outta here before they jump! I'm just a touch scared of heights. Maybe ENNIS'S PANTS are scared, too??! It looks like they jumped right offa him, too, just in time!. Dang! I wouldn't mind havin' the job of bein'
THAT boy's PANTS, too, he's a real looker.... Oh-h-hhh....! &&

&& Are they planning to....? &&

&& That's okay...these boys need ta let off some steam.. I got a pretty clear picture of what's goin' on up there in Riverton, and it's just sad. When JACK and me were there meetin' up with the MRS. Del Mar, I caught a glance of a pair of JAMMY PANTS scrunched up in a dirty laundry basket, there in the kitchen. They were real nice, with a perky print, but they were
screamin' for my help! The sound was a little muffled, but I could make out somethin' about,
"Don't let that woman scrub me so hard.." and...
"Damned Warshrag, who does he think he is.... #@&%* tube..... CREAMY?!?... I'll snap HIS lid... >sniffle< TERR-RRYYY-Y...I thought we had sumthin' goin' ON, you ...you....saggin' old ho-rag! WAA-AH-HHH!!!!"
Now that's just sad, it really is. &&