Author Topic: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll  (Read 3171555 times)

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9160 on: February 13, 2007, 09:11:10 am »
Chapter 57:

“Yeah, I am a really good swimmer, could show that boy a thing or two. Maybe go up that lake... well, gettin a little late in the season for that high up... but still...”

“Where?” she asked

Ennis smiled, remembering. “Brokeback Mountain. Little lake up there on the Forestry land with a big ol’ cliff overhangin it. Used ta run right off it an dive in, me an Jack –“ his eyes widened and he froze, looking at Edna with his mouth still open. “Sorry... didn’t mean ta get inta that.” His gaze dropped to the forgotten biscuit on the plate in front of him.

“Who’s Jack?” she asked.

“Jack---“ Ennis swallowed on a suddenly dry throat. “Jack was... my ... first...” he ground to a halt, eyes stinging. He opened his mouth again. “Man. That I loved.”

She nodded, and once again, that warm hand reached out to pat his, now gone still, passive, having forgotten his appetite, breakfast, and everything but the endless beauty of that dropoff into the wide gulf of that lake, where they threw themselves off, heedless, into the sky, shivering naked together after the shock of hitting water, mouths finding each other and devouring the sudden wet taste, clambering out and rolling together, shivering, in the sun-heated grass, growing warm with the heat of arousal and the familiar rhythm of lovemaking. “I understand. He’s the one you lost ain’t he?”

Ennis nodded, momentarily mute, struggling for words. “Got ... taken from me. By that sumbitch Worrell.” He finally focused his eyes on Edna once more, returning to the present by an effort of pure will. “I don’t think I could stand it if somethin happened ta Ellery. I know what it’s like already. I don’t think I could go through that again.”

“Now Ennis... you know Ellery can look after himself. He does have a dangerous job, but it ain’t dangerous all the time like this. It’ll calm down again.”

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9161 on: February 13, 2007, 09:14:20 am »
Chapter 58:

Ellery plucked one of the cherry muffins out of the box, and as he poured himself a cup of coffee, Dupree came in, looking disheveled. “You okay, Dupree?” he asked, wondering if he had had a scuffle, or as Wes had suggested, drunk too much the night before.

Dupree gave him a sad glance. “No, not really.”

“Well what happened?”

“Tatiana went back to Atlanta. Two weeks early.”

“Uh oh, trouble in Paradise,” Joe said softly, then pretended to go back to the filing job on top of his desk.

“So what happened, Dupree?”

“She broke up with me.”

“Whoa,” Ellery said. “You want ta talk about it?”

“Well, yeah, kinda.”

“Okay well I got maybe ten minutes then I got ta scoot.” Ellery led the way, holding his coffee and muffin. Dupree grabbed the last muffin and poured himself a cup and followed him to his office, slinking down into the chair opposite the desk.

“Okay, so ... this is kind of a surprise ain’t it?” Ellery said.

“I’ll say.”

“So how come all of a sudden?”

Dupree gave Ellery a tortured look. “You laugh an I’ll punch you in the mouth, Chief, superior officer or no.”

“I won’t laugh.” Ellery set down his coffee.

“She said she thinks I’m queer.”

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9162 on: February 13, 2007, 09:19:01 am »
Chapter 59:

Dupree sat back down, glaring suspiciously. “Yeah, we’ve been ta bed. I’m sure you don’t want all the gory details... but she’s been a little – I dunno – let down in the bedroom department.”

“No, gory details about sex with women are on my list a things ta talk about with the Devil if I end up in hell,” Ellery smiled tightly. “But is this some new thing, an everythin was okay before or what? I know fuck-all about this girl, an I am supposed ta be interviewin James Wellesley about his brother Brad Sevigny.”

Dupree’s head came up. “Huh? Wellesley? Oh shit. I should a known that!” He rubbed his hand over his eyes. “I’ll let you get to it, maybe we can have a beer later or somethin.”

“Yeah except I haven’t gone down ta tidy up the bar an I was still plannin ta open tomorrow.”

“So let’s meet at the Stallion later, I’ll help ya straighten up an maybe you can give me some advice.”

“You don’t mind if Ennis is in on this?” Ellery asked.

“No, I think a Ennis an you as sort a well... two peas in the pod.”

Ellery nodded. “All right then, boy, you got yerself a date. Uh... you know what I mean.” He rose, and gave Dupree a pat on the shoulder. “Catch up on those after action reports, that’ll make the day go quick. Joe’s gonna go with me ta interview Koonz.”

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9163 on: February 13, 2007, 09:20:16 am »
More from Chapter 59:

“Just relax, boy. You ain’t never gonna be able ta handle police work if ya panic when somebody wants ta talk to you about anythin,” Ellery said, trying to reassure him, and gave him a quick smile.

“I know... but... it is real embarrassing.”

Ellery put his hands together. “This is a mite sensitive, James, but I got to ask you this as a member a the staff a this department.” He paused, looking at the youth, who seemed to be fairly quivering in his skin now.

“All right...” he gulped.

“Did you talk to your brother Brad about the discussion we had durin your interview fer the internship?”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“You mention somethin to him about my bein queer as a two dollar bill an havin a live-in boyfriend?”

Wellesley dropped his gaze and then forced his head back up, and looked at Ellery steadily. “I guess I must a done.”

“I guess you must a,” Ellery said, his voice now soft. “Are you aware that your brother is now bein charged with conspiracy to commit murder, James?”

What color had remained in Wellesley’s face drained out at Ellery’s comment. “Conspiracy...?”

“An kidnappin. Ya want to know who he was charged with conspirin to kidnap?”

Wellesley stared openly now, his mouth now slightly open. “Who?” he whispered.

“Aforementioned live in boyfriend a yours truly, who was kidnapped from my home a week ago Monday an escaped with moderately severe injuries after being beaten over the head with a beer bottle by another of the conspirators, who are all in custody. An Brad found out about all a that from you.”

“Good lord,” Wellesley said. “Chief Cantrell... I didn’t know.”
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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9164 on: February 13, 2007, 09:23:46 am »
Chapter 60:

“What about William Wilkes – the student at the U?”

Koonz looked away slightly. “Cal told me he wanted me ta do that one... special favor for Brad Wellesley, the kid with all the money. But that didn’t seem right ta me... I dunno.”

“Why’s that?” Ellery asked.

“Well all a these ones on the list... Amos said were trouble makin queers destroyin the fabric a Laramie society. But then this boy... from what I know he wasn’t even queer.”

“Detroyin the fabric a society, huh?” Ellery looked like he was about to make another comment and then pressed on. “So you didn’t want ta shoot Wilkes?”

“He didn’t do nothin wrong. From what I know the boy wasn’t even queer.”

“Cause if he was queer then a course you’d blow em away.”

Koonz didn’t reply to the challenge. Ellery waited. Dupree spoke up, then. “Were you there that night? At the dorm?”

Koonz nodded. “Yeah. He was with Wellesley, an Cal took that rifle an just... shot em right there.”

“The rifle now,” Ellery said. “That is the one in yer possession when you shot at me an Mr. Del Mar down at the station.”

Koonz nodded.

“Where did you get that rifle?”

“Amos Marigold. Told us ta use that one.. it’d be hard to trace.”

“Actually it’s easy to trace.” Ellery looked at Dupree. “I may be the only man in history to be shot at by two different snipers in two different crimes by the same weapon. Koonz just fer yer information, Amos Marigold had that weapon stolen out a the property room as evidence in an attempted murder. You heard a Justin Worrell I assume.”

Dupree grinned. Koonz stared at Ellery. “Yer kiddin.”

“Worrell already tried ta kill me with that rifle. Guess it’s my lucky charm cause I ain’t been shot yet. So let’s get back to this list...” Ellery took out the list of names Koonz had written down after he had woken up from surgery and decided to confess.
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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9165 on: February 13, 2007, 01:38:47 pm »
Great selection of quotes, Leslie - Thanks!

These chapters take us all over the place, don't they? 

A short one from Chapter 59, just because I love Jeremy:

As he got back to his office, Dupree hurried over. “Okay, Joe an Wes said I could go with you to interview Koonz.”

“Oh, what’d you have to give up?”

Dupree glanced over his shoulder, then dropped his voice. “Had ta tell Joe about Tatiana.”

“What’d he say?” Ellery dropped his own volume, replying softly.

“He said he always suspected somethin was off about me.”

“Huh. Thinks he’s got gaydar I’ll bet. Let’s go.”

“Gaydar?” Dupree frowned with puzzlement.

“Skip it, Dupree, let’s ride.”

I probably shouldn't be laughing at Jeremy in his hour of need/confusion - but that's just funny! 


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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9166 on: February 14, 2007, 02:52:46 am »
hey everyone! It's 7.46 am over here and 1.46 am in Bettermost, Wyoming! Time to get today's chapters started.
chapter 61 - 65

from chapter 61 Woman Troubles. Maybe I should just put the whole chapter here. I can't decide which part i like best. Okay, after though deliberation here goes:

“No offense taken, Dupree. Sounds like she’s makin excuses fer bein disappointed in yer sex life. Have you tried any of those secrets ta get a woman ta want you or some such advice? Not knowin what they are I couldn’t say.”

“Lickin em out,” Ennis said suddenly from behind the broom. “Women just love gettin licked out.”

Ellery blinked, a look of bewilderment turning into a grin. “There you go, take it from a formerly married man. You do that, Ennis?”

“When she made an issue of it, sure...” Ennis said. “An if you ain’t into that use yer hand.”

Dupree was blushing. “Ain’t quite ready fer all that. Ennis you sound a whole lot more experienced in the woman department than me.”

“Go figure,” Ennis said, his voice sounding strained. “Usin yer hand ain’t all that bad.”

“No, suppose not,” Dupree said.

“Er, Jeremy...” Ellery said. “I ain’t no expert on women or nothin, but you don’t sound like women are all that interestin ta you. You tried men?”

“No,” Dupree replied quickly.

“Are you sure you ain’t queer? Just askin here, Dupree, since the subject is on the table.”

“How do you make sure a somethin like that?” Dupree shot back, defensive, face red.

“Well usually it’s what gets yer cock hard, Dupree. If yer thinkin about naked women an titties an such all like that... then you would be straight. An if yer thinkin a naked men an cocks an muscles an all that... then you would be queer. It ain’t like rocket science or nothin.”

“I always think about naked women,” Dupree said, taking a deep breath. “Most a the time.”

Ellery’s brows shot up. “Most a the time?”

“Yeah, most a the time. Jesus Christ Ellery I was in the goddamn army!”

“Lot a naked men in the army, I hear,” Ennis said cryptically.

“Exactly!” Dupree said, slapping a hand on the bar. “Ennis understands.”

“I do?” Ennis blushed hotly.

“Yeah. You was married too... doesn’t that mean you... you know, go both ways?”

Ennis shook his head. “I got married cause that ... that’s just somethin everybody does. An so I wouldn’t have to go in the army.”

Ellery scratched his head. “Dupree are you tellin us... that you go both ways?”

“I’ve thought about men... sometimes. Never real serious. Probably not. Maybe I’m just curious about it. But no, I am definitely interested in women.”

“So when yer beatin off, you think about titties an naked women an such.”


“Dupree, what the fuck is this ‘mostly’?”

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9167 on: February 14, 2007, 08:22:14 am »
Good Morning!

Fabienne, I know what you mean - Chapter 61 is a classic, isn't it?  So many priceless moments.  Picking it right up:

“Mostly!” he said, slamming down his beer. “You want me ta be honest, that’s the honest truth. Mostly. Every once in a while sometimes I think about a man, but mostly it’s women.”

Ellery turned to Ennis. “Ennis, you ever fantasize about women, you know, when yer jerkin off?”

“What a you askin me that for Ellery?” Ennis glared at him.

“It’s a simple question, Ennis.”

“You mean nowadays or in the past?”

“Any time!” Ellery said, frustrated.

There was a knock on the front door. “Pizza’s here,” Dupree said, bolting off his bar stool and heading for the door.

Ennis fell silent. Ellery looked at him curiously, as Dupree paid for the pizzas and returned with the boxes, setting them on the bar. Ellery hit the register key and opened it, handing a five to Dupree. “That cover it?”

“It was six for the two, but that’ll do,” Dupree said, accepting the five.

“Well?” Ellery fixed his eye on Ennis once more.

“Well what?”

“You know well what, Ennis.”


“Mostly!?” Ellery stared, agape. “You mostly jerk off about men, does that mean you sometimes jerk off about women?”

“Not very often...” Ennis said, still blushing. “I like Kate Jackson from Charlie’s that one who played on the Avengers.”

“Diana Rigg,” Dupree said, nodding.

“I can’t believe you jerk off over women, Ennis!”

“They’re both crime fighters, though Ellery, so that counts for somethin,” Dupree said, grinning. “Let’s eat, dammit. Who cares who you jerk off over.”

“I do,” Ellery said, disturbed. “I never did it over women.”

“Maybe yer 100% queer then,” Dupree said, opening the top box. “Oh this is the pepperoni an onion one.” He slid the box off. “Maybe Ennis is 80% queer.”

“An what are you Dupree, 10% queer? 20%?”

“I dunno. But right now I’m about 120% hungry.”

 :laugh: :laugh: Dupree's line about crime fighters might be one of favorites ever.  And Ellery is just so completely appalled!  Such great stuff.

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9168 on: February 14, 2007, 08:37:16 am »
Chapter 62 is very aptly titled, "Green" - it's so funny seeing Ellery wearing that color for a change:

“You never once thought about doin it with a girl?”

“In some a my less sane moments I thought about it, but those were more nightmares than fantasies, Ennis.” He exhaled then, handing the cigar back to Ennis.

“Jesus, Ellery... so yer kind a like the opposite a those people who think queers are all disgustin fer fuckin each other in the ass, you think lickin women an fuckin em in the cooch is the bad part!”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to. An seems to me yer gettin a little green thinkin about what I did with my lawful wedded ex wife a whole fuckin fifteen years ago, too.”

“I ain’t.”

“You sure as hell are, look at you!”

“Just... don’t be talkin about it in front a me, gives me the heebie jeebies, Ennis. If I wanted ta see women naked I could a done that a long time ago. Never seen one naked an never had sex with one neither, an if I’m real lucky I’ll go to my grave never knowin what it’s like.”

“Yer jealous a me thinkin about those women on TV, too. That’s what I think.”

“No I ain’t.”

“You sure as hell are. You are so quick ta talk about how jealous I get when yer paradin around in yer cutoffs in front a men when anybody can see clear all the way ta France an you with yer chest all bare flexin yer arms an chest... an the minute you start actin jealous a me maybe wringin one out over a girl in a leather suit on TV maybe once ten years ago yer whole face is bright green.”

“Lauren don’t beat off over Charlie’s Angels, I don’t beat off over Charlie’s Angels...” Ellery argued, face slowly turning darker and darker red.

“But I do, once every fuckin ten years or somethin. You want ta know what I was thinkin about the last time I jerked off, Ellery?”


“I was thinkin a takin that black dildo a yers an greasin it up an tyin you up to the bed an givin you a hard workout an you beggin an moanin, that’s what I was thinkin about.”

“Well that sounds... pretty normal...” Ellery said, somewhat deflated.

“An you know what I was thinkin about the time before that?”


“I was thinkin a gettin you up against a wall an stickin my tongue down yer throat an wrappin those legs around my waist an shovin my cock right in there an makin yer eyes roll back in yer head.”

“That sounds even better.” Ellery found himself grinning now, his mood dissipating.

“We better get in the car an get home cause I’m gettin pretty riled here, boy,” Ennis said, tossing the stub of the cigar down and stepping on it with the heel of his boot.

“We got an empty apartment up there, ya know, Ennis.” Ellery pointed at the stairwell.

“So we do. Come on, boy. Get up them stairs,” Ennis growled.

Well, Ennis managed to turn that around pretty quickly!  I love Ellery saying, "Well that sounds . . .pretty normal..."   :laugh:  Those crazy boys!

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #9169 on: February 14, 2007, 01:48:48 pm »
Chapter 65, Wayne is always good for a laugh...

“Like you said, we been fightin,” Ellery said. “You want ta open that wine or sit there starin at it?” He stepped over to the credenza for the corkscrew and some glasses and then sat down next to Wayne as Wayne handed him the bottle.

“Really? You mean I was right? If I would a really guessed it looked like you two was fuckin but... you weren’t at home.”

Ellery blinked at him. “How do you do that, Wayne, you psychic or somethin?” He reached for the bottle and set down the corkscrew, opening the cap on the bottle of Drambuie.

Wayne smiled, lowering his voice. “You smell like you been fuckin, Ellery. Don’t take a psychic, just a nose.”

“Oh, yeah well. A little sex, a little fightin, all goes together. So yeah, we’re openin the bar tomorrow, an I got a new bouncer ta interview, gotta check em out good first.”

“So Rudy’s gone huh? An Lauren’s the new bartender?”


“Oh you went at it upstairs! I get it.”

“Wayne can’t you keep yer fuckin nose out a our personal life? I swear!” Ennis grumbled as he came in, buttoning the last button on a fresh shirt, one of his old ones with grey and green stripes.

“How the hell did I know you were up at the bar screwin? I just stopped by on a Monday evenin with good news I ain’t dyin anymore an to celebrate gettin out a the hospital. Ya know, like friends do.”

“Ya might a called first,” Ennis retorted.

“You weren’t at home. I did call.”

Ennis sat down, glaring. “So ya come anyway?”

“I knew you’d be home eventually. And you were!”

“Well we both ain’t in too good a mood.”

“Speak fer yerself Ennis, Ellery seems to be in a pretty good mood. Ya must a got em off really good, Ennis.”

“Wayne!” Ellery and Ennis exclaimed together.

“Okay okay.... but ya know, it ain’t every queer couple gets along so good an really has a good sex life ya know, you two are real lucky.”

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