Author Topic: <-- Introduce Yourself -->  (Read 934342 times)

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #240 on: June 23, 2006, 02:39:51 am »
Hi littlewing, I'm glad you're here! I remember enjoying your posts on imdb, though I'm not sure how much our times there overlapped. Anyway, your post above was really nice, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of what you have to say. Welcome!


Offline dly64

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #241 on: June 23, 2006, 08:28:48 am »
Littlewing!! So glad you are here! I'm sure you'll see many of us same ol' Brokies. How fun is this!

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Offline dly64

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #242 on: June 23, 2006, 08:37:30 am »
I am always happy to see fellow Hoosiers on the boards! I hope you like it here. I am new too, and the people seem to really be nice over here at Bettermost.  :D

By the way, I hoped you dodged all those storms up there in North Indiana. Fort Wayne really got hit hard. We were hit pretty hard here in Indy, but not nearly as much as up north.

We were slammed! (By the way ... I really miss Indy!!)

So, you were over on IMDb? Were you David_Indiana?

"We're supposed to guard the sheep, not eat 'em."


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #243 on: June 23, 2006, 08:55:56 am »
...and I was able to speak to others about this quiet miracle of a film, the sadness has passed, and I can now appreciate Brokeback as the work of art it truly is. 

Welcome, littlewing! They've set up a nice little place here.

"...and I was able to speak to others about this quiet miracle of a film..."

That's exactly my feeling about Brokeback Mountain also. You've captured that so well.


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #244 on: June 23, 2006, 08:58:57 am »
I am a 42 year old hetero female born and raised in the US rural Bible belt. I had lived in Texas for a short period of time, but missed the midwest too much. So, I moved to Indianapolis and lived there seven years. I have just moved back to northern Indiana - my small hometown. Although I really miss the city, it has been a good thing to move. I have a job that I love and I have never been treated so well in my life.

I am a Christian, but am by no means a "right-winger conservative Christian." I am very left of center and believe in rights for all  humans. Who cares what goes on in the privacy of one's bedroom? I believe very strongly that my job here on earth is not to judge anyone. I am too flawed to look down on someone else!

I am a huge film fan. I had always said that my favorite movies were from the 1920's, 30's and 40's. That has held true ... except when BBM came out. I couldn't believe how much this film has impacted me. I have literally watched it at least once a day since it came out on DVD. I love everything about it ... the passion, the pain, the tragedy, etc. It rings true. I know that I have never experienced a love like that in my life. The one love I have had for over 14 years lives in South Carolina. It's one of those long distance things ... I hate it. He's in my blood, though, so I can't quite give him up. It has also been a relatively secret relationship ... I am white, he is black (he does not like being called African American). My family doesn't have an issue with it. My brother is married to an African American. It's his family. Sigh ... the saga of my life.

Welcome dly64. :)

I too, migrated from IMDB, but never posted anything over there. I was one of the 'quiet ones', lol.

Offline dly64

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #245 on: June 23, 2006, 10:52:09 am »
I too, migrated from IMDB, but never posted anything over there. I was one of the 'quiet ones', lol.

Gattaca - you have to make yourself known! Believe me, you will prbably see my name everywhere because I am so addicted to this movie. :D

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Offline Brokeback_Dev

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #246 on: June 23, 2006, 11:30:22 am »
hello everybody...this is my first post here..been very busy on the yahoo message board since i saw Brokeback Mountain...and i am a huge fan...ive been hearing about this board for a while and hope you will take me under you wing...
simple but me...i'll tell ya more if you want to know  ;D

Offline fontaine

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #247 on: June 23, 2006, 12:47:26 pm »
Wow, I feel like I've come home! When I finally decided to check this site out after seeing it mentioned on the IMDB Brokeback forum and started reading the posts in this thread I was spellbound! What openness, honesty, and dare I say it, "maturity!" Let's see, where do I start? With the basics I guess.

I'm a 60-year old straight female from the DC area where I've lived since I was 9. I was only 27 a few weeks ago and have no idea what happened in those three weeks to get me from 27 to 60, but it sure must have been a lot! 

I live alone in an RV with my five cats and am currently on disability due to a second bout of breast cancer and heart failure due to damage from chemo. I'm also a doctoral student at an online university (fully accredited and academically rigorous) and am just beginning my dissertation, having completed my coursework and passed my comprehensive exam. My dissertation topic relates strongly to BBM, but I'll get to that in a minute.

I also found out about a year ago that I had adult attention deficit disorder (ADD), which has been the bane of my existence for most of my life. I excel in some areas while am abysmal in others. I can't take medication for it because of my heart condition. I don't think, but I also haven't pursued that avenue much. Now that I think about it, being ADD is probably a lot like being gay--it's something that just "is" that few people understand. Therefore they criticize and ridicule you out of false assumptions and ignorance. But at least I've not heard of hate crimes against ADD or ADHD folks who consider these conditions an "assault" against their belief systems.

I spend 90% of my time alone, although I'm an extravert and always have been. Reading your posts has helped me realize how frightened I've become and how hard it is to manage that all by myself. Being on disability, I have just enough money to survive and little more. I had to give up my therapist who was one person I could talk to. But that also provides a good excuse to stay hidden away, doesn't it?

I saw Brokeback Mountain for the first time a month or so ago, shortly after it came out on DVD. While it didn't hit me like an emotional canon as others have described, another movie did nine years ago, in pretty much an indentical way to that described by BBM fans. My reaction to that movie was the impetus to return to school and pursue my doctorate--not for the degree but because it provided an opportunity to do the research I wanted to.

After climbing out of the emotional vortex sufficiently, I became consumed with the desire to understand HOW a movie had that kind of power--that kind of capacity to move people so intensely. I found out on boards devoted to it that I was not alone. The kinds of reactions people are describing for BBM are virtually identical to the reactions people described then. I needed to then and still need to understand how and why.

After I graduate, my plan is to do a brain mapping study to find out what goes on in people's brains during a "narrative experience." Oddly, no one else had done research even remotely similar. It's hard to imagine no one has been moved to try and figure this out but they haven't. My dissertation research is a step toward the post-doc research I really want to do.

While I thought BBM was a superlative movie by every standard I could imagine, I just didn't have the intense emotional response others have. I'm not sure why. If I had to guess, I'd say it's because I've closed down so much emotionally that it couldn't get past my defenses. Another explanation is that one only has "one true love" and that my movie love was that previous one. But just typing that it sounds like a romanticized rationalization. (Don't I sound emotionally withdrawn--especially compared to other posters? I do to myself!)

Anyway, I'll be grateful for your support--both personally and related to my research. I'm so glad I decided to check this board out!

Offline forsythia_5

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #248 on: June 23, 2006, 12:57:17 pm »
i'm 29 year old , female , married, with two girls.  i live in british columbia, canada, which, for those who don't know, is only one province away from brokeback site (alberta).  i've actually driven around the rockies in alberta, but that was a long time ago.  it's breathtaking!
anyways, i was on the brokeback message board, but i switched over's definately better! so, i'll stick with the beans!
i'll never quite get over grieving, thinking, loving, and analyzing brokeback mountain.  for me, there's so many many things that hit home.  i love it. i love the boys.  i love the movie. i love the love.
this movie has changed my life in so many ways.....hard to describe.  just makes me think, and want to take risks, and tell people how i feel, no matter what the reaction is.

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #249 on: June 23, 2006, 05:30:47 pm »
We were slammed! (By the way ... I really miss Indy!!)

So, you were over on IMDb? Were you David_Indiana?

dly64 - Well I am certain Indianapolis misses you too! :)

Yes, I am David-Indiana on IMDb. Did you post there too? If so, what is/was your user name there?

Again, welcome to Bettermost! :D
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