If you are new here be aware that moderators move and jerk your posts around. Not a very "welcoming" thing to do.
If I'm correct, Wishes is refering to the time I started a 'Vintage Affection' thread using
my posts along with dottie's posts that had been initially places in the Affection thread in Anything Goes. The response was overwhelmingly favourable and dottie had found a cornicopia of similar images, so we decided to split the thread. You can check out the first 3 pages of the vintage thread for confirmation:
http://bettermost.net/forum/index.php/topic,9350.180.htmlWhen doing so, I missed moving 3 related posts and was criticized for it by this resident. When I was informed of my omission, I tried to rectify it, but obviously I was not able to please Wishes, who had erased his own post, and therefore
didn't have his post moved at all.
Yes, moderators occasionally move posts, but it's hardly something that occurs frequently. It might also occasionally happen that a thread is more appropriately placed in a diff'rent forum. In such a case, the original poster is asked if he/she minds about the move, and, if agreed to, a message is left in the former forum directing people to the new placement of the moved thread.
To say that posts are jerked around is quite misleading, and as for how welcoming y'all feel, well, that's for each of you to decide for yourself.
Sheriff Roland