Hey everyone - might as well start with an introduction of sorts, though it seems a while since anyone else has..
I go by
elomelo which means 'scattered' in Bengali, my mother tongue so to speak, and it really sums me up as a person; confusing, personality-wise, meaning I can be hyper and talkative (like right now) one minute and quiet and pensive the next. My interests lie in writing, reading, playing sports, thinking (ha!) and just musing in general.
I have to say Brokeback really opened my eyes a bit wider and for a fifteen year old, that's a huge leap of character. Being at that stage of not really being sure of my sexuality but not really pursuing my intentions in life in terms of that, this movie was something I'd heard about but never feigned any interest in. Until that fateful month that Heath Ledger passed away and I guess something in me sparked, and I just had to see it. I was just blown away by the whole thing and for a person who finds crying at movie a bit over-the-top, I was going through my second box by the time the credits were rolling.
I can't say I've been in the Ennis-Jack situation but I found Brokeback hit me hard and I couldn't help but watch it a few more times again. It took be a while to notice that the first five or so minutes of the movie don't even have dialogue - Ang Lee kept me spellbound for sure! Amazing scenary, the kind that wants me to get on a plane right now and go there even though I don't have the cash, was all over this thing and it was just another bittersweet piece of the puzzle. Jake Gyllenhall was amazing as usual and I was impressed by how he'd played the dreamer of a rodeo cowboy, a new role for him, without overdoing the 'black sheep' role he's known to play way too often while still retaining that Jake-originality. And Heath Ledger. He didn't talk much in this movie but all the same said a thousand words. That is high quality acting. I couldn't get over that smile on his face when he sees Jack's truck pull up after three long years.
The ending was sad yes but made it all that more powerful. I'll save that for another thread. xD
*sigh* There I go, ranting again. Well I still have many question which I'm sure I'll get answered here in due course. I'd like to give kudos to the 'mayor' of this forum for bringing us all BBM devotees to one warm-hearted place to share our thoughts and feelings.
So...hope to talk to more people as I make myself familiar around the forum.

See y'all around!