Welcome Fiona!

My, these are just such heartfelt and amazing posts you've been contributing here. I hope that even the process of just writing some of this down is helpful to you as you sort through some of these issues and feelings.
I wonder, have you considered starting a blog over in the Our Daily Thoughts forum? It might be right up your alley.
Hope you're enjoying your time here at BetterMost so far.
Have done just that,Posted a blog)
Thanks for the suggestion, I have had some amazing replies.Each one helps just a little bit more.I think at the moment ,it is a case of baby steps.It truly was a good day when I decided to post,instead of just lurking in the background.
I enjoy BetterMost more each day.Seeing people who have begun healing,or are at least in the process,provides light at the end of the tunnel for me.
Posting also makes me examine myself (not always easy) and therefore opens doors,which have remained closed for too long. No one could ever say it is easy,but I have realised that if I do not confront things,nothing will ever change.
I also want to try and gain sufficient insight into myself,actions and motives,so that in future I will be able to impart realistic,heartfelt (if somewhat world weary) advice to my children.
They may not listen,but at least I will know I have tried,and as a mother that is all I can do.If nothing else,then by helping them, and indeed others,some positive may result from the last 15 years of mess and regrets.