Author Topic: <-- Introduce Yourself -->  (Read 1053450 times)

Offline superpop

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1330 on: April 26, 2015, 05:25:06 am »
Hi I'm Josh.

My Brokeback story...

I originally heard about Brokeback Mountain back in my teens looking up my favorite actor Matt Damon(still is my favorite) at the library on imdb and he was going to be in the movie with Gus Van Sant directing.   I quickly looked up more and found the issue off the New Yorker the short story was in at the library and xeroxed the pages from the magazine at 5 cents a page and then read it at home later and cried.

Then YEARS later when it finally got made it was released in NY and LA right away but not near me but then an award screener leaked online so I instandly downloaded it and watched it and cried even harder even though I knew the story. I never did end up seeing it in the theater because by the time it was released near me I had watched it multiple times but I did buy the DVD the day it was released for all the bonus content.

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1331 on: April 26, 2015, 12:08:06 pm »
Welcome, Josh! Want a cuppa coffee, don't you? Piece a cherry cake?  ;)

Imagine if there were 10 people like you for every one of the people who saw the movie in the theater. It was an astounding success, much greater than the charts indicated!
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Sason

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1332 on: April 26, 2015, 03:47:00 pm »
Hi Josh, welcome to BetterMost!

I guess you're past the stage of brokiedom when you need to intensely discuss BBM, but there are many other threads to explore here.

And please don't hesitate to post even in an old thread, people will notice it and hopefully reply to you.

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Offline CellarDweller

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1333 on: April 26, 2015, 08:50:51 pm »
Welcome Josh!

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline coyoteman

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1334 on: January 07, 2016, 07:50:46 pm »
I am a gay man, originally from a ranching community in Colorado's northern mountains (my grandfather was the rancher).
I read Annie's story a few years prior to the film when it was passed to me by a friend who thought I'd find it particularly poignant.  I later saw the film with my lover of fifteen years (a man raised on a farm in eastern Colorado).  The story and the film grabbed me and shook me, scared the hell out of me.  While both beautifully portrayed an environment and activities that were familiar, they challenged the tenuous constructs which sheltered my life and my love.
The advent of the tenth anniversary of the film has led me to reexamine the story and film and take a deep dive through the closets and homophobia that have both sheltered and damaged my life.  I consider BBM one of the best films ever made and the singular thing which compels me to analyze my life and the choices I have made - a process that is ongoing with a ravenous hunger and energy.
The many thoughts and musings on this site are a part of that deep-dive examination.  And the fact that so much thought and musing about the meaning of every detail of this story continues ten years after it appeared in theatres and eighteen years after a simple story was published in a magazine speaks volumes about the quality of art and the ongoing relevance of it's subject.
Thanks Bettermost.

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1335 on: January 07, 2016, 09:53:25 pm »
I am a gay man, originally from a ranching community in Colorado's northern mountains (my grandfather was the rancher).
I read Annie's story a few years prior to the film when it was passed to me by a friend who thought I'd find it particularly poignant.  I later saw the film with my lover of fifteen years (a man raised on a farm in eastern Colorado).  The story and the film grabbed me and shook me, scared the hell out of me.  While both beautifully portrayed an environment and activities that were familiar, they challenged the tenuous constructs which sheltered my life and my love.
The advent of the tenth anniversary of the film has led me to reexamine the story and film and take a deep dive through the closets and homophobia that have both sheltered and damaged my life.  I consider BBM one of the best films ever made and the singular thing which compels me to analyze my life and the choices I have made - a process that is ongoing with a ravenous hunger and energy.
The many thoughts and musings on this site are a part of that deep-dive examination.  And the fact that so much thought and musing about the meaning of every detail of this story continues ten years after it appeared in theatres and eighteen years after a simple story was published in a magazine speaks volumes about the quality of art and the ongoing relevance of it's subject.
Thanks Bettermost.

Welcome, coyoteman.  :)
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1336 on: January 07, 2016, 11:39:34 pm »
Welcome coyoteman! There used to be a coyoteman here a long time ago, but I assume you are a new coyoteman. Want a cuppa coffee, don't ya? Piece a cherry cake?
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1337 on: January 08, 2016, 09:28:18 am »
Welcome to the forum!

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline BBM_victim

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1338 on: February 07, 2017, 03:50:28 am »
Hi there!
I strongly feel i need a support group after this movie, so here i am!

I knew Brokeback Mountain from it's initial release, had it at home, but somehow had not come to watch it all these years. Now, finally, came to it 2 weeks ago - with horrendous consequences of not being able to think of anything else anymore!!! I mean, i am a wife and a mother, working full time - i've got stuff to do, you know!! How can i get over this movie?? Hope maybe to do so by talking it all out!

I just can relate to so much in this movie... To Ennis' character - have known such people (including my own dad to some extent [not gay, but very repressed-feelings / everything-must-be-proper-hard-working-type]), to Jack's character = totally me (romantic-never-giving-up-type)! To the difficult situations they face there, how the characters are trapped within themselves...

I am extremely heartbroken over Jack. The way he ages and gets damaged more and more and how his light vanishes from his eyes  :'(. Sure, Ennis is suffering, too, but he is the "stronger" one, who can "stand it" longer, better.

While feeling very sad especially when watching the lake scene followed by dozy embrace and Jack's face 20 years later (*stab-in-the-heart*!), it is quite funny that i felt so much love after this movie... Love and passion and hope - and LOVE again! It's really funny how it works... I come home and hug my daughter and kiss my husband and am so full of loving feelings!... Quite an experience, this movie...  ::)

That's how come, uh. . .
me end up here

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #1339 on: February 07, 2017, 10:02:17 am »
Welcome to the forum!

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!