The dissimilarieties are bigger than the similiarities. An opera house is important, sure, but an abortion clinic provides an important service that is vital for women´s health.
You're talking about the function offered to the public. I'm talking about how the non-profit is run. I think my suggestions are sound in that regard, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some abortion clinics not only surviving, but thriving if they implemented some of the things I suggested, or something similar.
I think abortion should be available to low-income women who need them. I just don't think its the government's job to pay for it.
Still, the funding of wars can still be discussed, can´t it?
Yes. Congress decides whether or not to declare war. Congress also decides how much to spend on the military. And they discuss, and discuss, and discuss.
What is not up for discussion is where the money comes from. Government must fund the military.
Because the pro-life people often base their arguments in religion.
It really doesn't matter whether the voters get their ideas from science, or from religion, they still have the ability to elect Congressmen who will support their position.
As a matter of fact, there are some atheists out there who don't like abortion too. So religion is not the only motivator on that side of the fence.