Author Topic: As women get bigger, models get smaller  (Read 94940 times)


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Re: As women get bigger, models get smaller
« Reply #80 on: June 23, 2012, 05:00:56 pm »

OMG, that picture is hilarious. It looks like two people in a chicken singles bar who've been out on the beach way too long.

One of my few Martha Stewart moments was apple juice concentrate chicken.  I don't have a set recipe for what to flavor roast chicken with, and once I just poured a 12-ounce can of frozen (thawed) apple juice concentrate over the birds and just added a little water when basting to keep the pan from cooking dry.  They had the most amazing reddish-mahogany color and were very tasty; no photo of them unfortunately.

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Re: As women get bigger, models get smaller
« Reply #81 on: June 23, 2012, 06:55:24 pm »

It's sometimes referred to by the mouth-watering term, "beer butt chicken."

O. M. G. ...  :-X

I guess now we know why the chicken crossed the road. ...

I'm afraid the favorite chicken recipe in the Wrangler family is just the one that's still on the box of Bisquick pancake mix. My dad and I would rather eat chicken prepared that way than just about any other way.
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Re: As women get bigger, models get smaller
« Reply #82 on: June 24, 2012, 10:44:03 am »
One, printed alongside a photo of the Russian beauty holding a tape measure across her rear, reads: 'Twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, she weighs 23% less.'

Going back to the original post by della, I'm not sure if models are getting smaller. I can't imagine anyone thinner than Twiggy, the supermodel of my era. The only thing large about her was her eyelashes. No, I just think it's more women getting larger.
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Re: As women get bigger, models get smaller
« Reply #83 on: June 24, 2012, 11:59:30 am »
Nope, they open the can and use it as a base onto which they push the upright chicken. Then they grill it. The theory is that as the beer heats and boils, the steam flavors, bastes and tenderizes the chicken from within, while the outside gets browned. Kitchen supply shops even sell holders for the beer can. Like so:

It's sometimes referred to by the mouth-watering term, "beer butt chicken."

OH YEAH!!! Beer butt chicken is not only delicious, but its good for you. Grilling cooks off much of the fat. Now, the same friend that does the beer butt chicken also used to deep fry a whole turkey for her annual birthday party every year in May. Hey, its only once a year.
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Re: As women get bigger, models get smaller
« Reply #84 on: June 24, 2012, 02:06:38 pm »
Going back to the original post by della, I'm not sure if models are getting smaller. I can't imagine anyone thinner than Twiggy, the supermodel of my era. The only thing large about her was her eyelashes. No, I just think it's more women getting larger.

Women are getting larger, there's no doubt about that. But Twiggy was an anomaly. That's why she was called Twiggy. Nowadays, models who are Twiggy's size just go by whatever their name is, because they aren't unusual.

Here's an ABC News article saying that plus size, once considered sizes 12 to 18, nowadays might include size 6.

The only time I've ever worn size 6 in my adult life was when I was at my very thinnest.

In The Devil Wears Prada, one running joke is that the dragon-lady NY magazine editor calls Anne Hathaway "the fat girl." She's said to be a size 6 (though I bet the real Anne Hathwaway is smaller than that).

In 1990's Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts was a size 6.

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Re: As women get bigger, models get smaller
« Reply #85 on: June 24, 2012, 03:16:44 pm »
Part of this may be due to the phenomenon of vanity sizing which is prevalent among women's clothing, especially in the United States where there is no standard sizing. I was reading that a woman with a 32-inch bust would have been a size 14 in 1937, a size 8 in 1967 and a size 0 today! Another example: before I had children I was wearing a size 7 and today I wear a size 8...I'm sure my body is larger than before I had children, much larger in some places. Among the more expensive lines of clothing I can easily wear a size 3, while at some places even the small size is swimming on me!
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Re: As women get bigger, models get smaller
« Reply #86 on: June 24, 2012, 04:31:37 pm »
When I was in my 20s (that's 1960s), there was a small clothing store chain called the 5-7-9 shop.  It was for women who wore the smallest sizes.  At that time, you'd have to do a lot of hunting for clothing below a size 5, although size 3s existed.