Author Topic: Free Fall - Freier Fall  (Read 1265112 times)

Offline gattaca

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #500 on: May 23, 2014, 01:23:34 pm »
Everyone wanted Kay and Marc ending up together. Not only gay guys, the female viewers too. Isn't that strange? Bettina is the one with the baby. And everyone feels compassion for her, but nobody wants Marc to go back to her.
We want Marc have a chance at following his heart and maybe just maybe find happiness in life.  We want the same for Britina and Marc's son, hence the compassion. She's left alone with the newborn and it seems unfair. Marc and Britina realizes they cannot have an intimate relationship anymore after the shower scene  V
How do you hide when you are running from yourself?

Offline gattaca

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #501 on: May 23, 2014, 01:38:12 pm »
Depends on how you look at it. Another woman is like: what does she have that I don't. If it concerns another man, that's obvious. You don't have to worry about "being not good enough as a woman". As a woman you can't compete with another man. I think that's what bettina meant.

Get that physically but there more to it than that as we saw in the rejection of Marc's random pick up attempt failed.
Bettina had to realize this at some point it was not just physical as does Marc. He had fallen in love with another person who was male.  In that scene isn't Bretina trying to make this about her?  III cannot even be properly jealous.  If it is not physical, then her inference is incorrect....?  V
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 09:41:55 am by gattaca »
How do you hide when you are running from yourself?

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #502 on: May 23, 2014, 05:02:10 pm »
Great question.  Vincent said most straight guys would probably have punched Kay for that kiss.  So what did he see in Marc that led him to think it was ok?

Yes. And at that point (kiss-smoke moment) Kay couldn't be sure so he took the risk of being punched or Marc getting very mad. But something must have encouraged him to take that chance.
Do you think it was the "staring at each other" in the college room? Friends don't stare at each other like that. Friends should have smiled to each other or something like that.
Sometimes a short eye contact says more than words. You can't explain it but you feel it.

And Marc: when did he realize for the first time that something strange was going on?

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #503 on: May 23, 2014, 05:45:03 pm »
We want Marc have a chance at following his heart and maybe just maybe find happiness in life.  We want the same for Britina and Marc's son, hence the compassion. She's left alone with the newborn and it seems unfair. Marc and Britina realizes they cannot have an intimate relationship anymore after the shower scene  V

Yes exactly. If you watch the movie from a realistic point of view. We can see it happen: Marc falling in love, his intense feelings for Kay, his relationship with Bettina changes more and more and eventually we know: it's over.
But most people don't watch from a realistic point of view but from their own point of view..
To be honest: I didn't want it to work for Marc and Bettina, I wanted it to work for Marc and Kay. And that would be understandable if I was a gay guy. But I'm not, I am a female with kids (and of course I felt compassion for Bettina).
But...if Kay would have been another woman...I think it would be different for me and probably I would  have wanted Marc being happy with his family again. And the female Kay out of his life. Bye reality.

So my conclusion: for me it makes a difference, same gender is less threatening. Women don't want "the other woman", not in their own live and not in a movie. But it may just be me, curious what other women think.

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #504 on: May 23, 2014, 06:01:38 pm »
Hi Mariska,
Have you seen the TV movie "Blood Money"?  I don't know if German TV is shown in the Netherlands.

I copied this from google translate, so hope is all correct.

After a key role as the mysterious fisherman in the mystery thriller "Thou hast promised" plays Riemelt another exceptional starring in the award-winning drama "Free Fall" (2013) he impressed as a gay cop who begins a relationship with a married colleague. Positive reviews also got inspired by real events teleplay "Blood Money" in which Riemelt embodies a hemophiliac who become infected in the 1980s by a contaminated blood products with HIV

ETA the German version

Nach einer Schlüsselrolle als geheimnisvoller Fischer in dem Mysterythriller "Du hast es versprochen" spielt Riemelt eine weitere außergewöhnliche Hauptrolle: In dem preisgekrönten Drama "Freier Fall" (2013) beeindruckt er als schwuler Polizist, der eine Beziehung mit einem verheirateten Kollegen beginnt. Positive Kritiken erhielt auch das von realen Ereignissen inspirierte Fernsehspiel "Blutgeld", in dem Riemelt einen Bluter verkörpert, der sich in den 1980er Jahren durch eine verseuchte Blutkonserve mit HIV infiziert

Hi Nancy,
We can watch German TV in the Netherlands (not all channels) but I never watch German TV.
I haven't seen that movie yet, sounds very heavy. Maybe some day I will watch it.
Another one with Max I like to see very much is "Alleinflug, Elly Beinhorn". It's a TV movie and will be soon on German TV. So I hope I can watch (would be the first time I watch German TV), , otherwise I have to wait for the DVD.

Such a pity that Heiter bis Wolkig doesn't have English subtitles. I know you would love it.

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #505 on: May 23, 2014, 06:11:53 pm »
Positive reviews also got inspired by real events teleplay "Blood Money" in which Riemelt embodies a hemophiliac who become infected in the 1980s by a contaminated blood products with HIV[/i]

ETA the German version

Positive Kritiken erhielt auch das von realen Ereignissen inspirierte Fernsehspiel "Blutgeld", in dem Riemelt einen Bluter verkörpert, der sich in den 1980er Jahren durch eine verseuchte Blutkonserve mit HIV infiziert

I don't get the "inspired" thing. They just say that Blood Money (based on true story) got positive reviews too.

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #506 on: May 23, 2014, 06:17:27 pm »
Yeah, no.


I saw this in the movie yesterday, Max as an older man. I wouldn't recognize him if I didn't know it was him.

Offline mariska

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #507 on: May 23, 2014, 06:21:39 pm »
The longer hair makes him look very young.

I really don't like it  >:(.

Offline morrobay

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #508 on: May 23, 2014, 06:51:36 pm »
Yes. And at that point (kiss-smoke moment) Kay couldn't be sure so he took the risk of being punched or Marc getting very mad. But something must have encouraged him to take that chance.
Do you think it was the "staring at each other" in the college room? Friends don't stare at each other like that. Friends should have smiled to each other or something like that.
Sometimes a short eye contact says more than words. You can't explain it but you feel it.

And Marc: when did he realize for the first time that something strange was going on?

Yes, it started here, maybe even before this, in the pool.  But here Marc can't look away from Kay.  Marc does a double-take, they stare at each other, then Kay looks away; but Marc looks at him 2 more times before he forces himself to look down at his notebook.

"Do you mind if I smoke?"
"I don't care if you shoot up."

Offline morrobay

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Re: Free Fall - Freier Fall
« Reply #509 on: May 23, 2014, 06:53:23 pm »
Hi Nancy,
We can watch German TV in the Netherlands (not all channels) but I never watch German TV.
I haven't seen that movie yet, sounds very heavy. Maybe some day I will watch it.
Another one with Max I like to see very much is "Alleinflug, Elly Beinhorn". It's a TV movie and will be soon on German TV. So I hope I can watch (would be the first time I watch German TV), , otherwise I have to wait for the DVD.

Such a pity that Heiter bis Wolkig doesn't have English subtitles. I know you would love it.

yes, I would like to see it.  I know an engineer at work who is German, but I don't think he'd like to watch it with me and translate!  ;D
"Do you mind if I smoke?"
"I don't care if you shoot up."