I'm gettin' tired of this goddam missing 
I don't know anything about yoga poses, but I feel like I could have gotten the purple ones 
Btw, is "stool pigeon" really correct in that context? According to my dictionary all four words mean strike breaker.
Sonja, what kind of crazy socialist dictionary do you have?
The stool pigeon words mean someone who gives away information against someone's else's wishes.
The Yoga Positions were the last option I got, because, like Sonja, I know nothing abut yoga.
A stool pigeon (like Paul said) is someone who tells information that should be kept secret. A rat, a fink (sometimes used together, as in "you're a rat fink!"), snitch and canary are all names given to people who tell secrets. Canary is often used like: "Oh, don't tell them that info, they'll sing like a canary!"