It's not luck, it's intuition! As I was typing LEANY for my second guess, I was saying to myself "what a stupid guess, that's not even a word!" Yet, it had three green letters!! That's got to be intuition, don't you think?
Hmm ... maybe.
I've noticed that the Bot guesses wrong a lot of the time. It's just a bot. You give it far too much credit, serious!! 
It can be wrong on any given guess, but the whole point of a bot is it's not random, it's supposed to be as logical and correct as it's possible to be without actually knowing the answer. So it calculates what words were eliminated or are left over after each guess, then chooses subsequent guesses accordingly. In other words, after guessing CRANE it knows there are 478 or whatever words remaining that have an A in that particular spot and an E somewhere else in the word. It just doesn't know which of the 478 it is.
But if the bot is guessing words whose letters have been definitively eliminated by previous guesses, that's a wasted guess and not at all logical. In fact, it often scolds me for doing that very thing! At least when I do that, it's human error because I'm careless or rushed or simply can't think of any other words using the remaining letters. A bot doesn't get rushed, it shouldn't be careless and it can easily think of remaining words because it knows ALL the words -- it's been programmed to select from the entire supply from which Wordle chooses its solutions.
Paul's bot acted more like a bot should -- its second guess moved the E to a new position, which happened to be correct, so it stuck with that. Personally, I think it should have stuck with the green A from the first guess too, but sometimes it likes having a guess that it knows will be wrong but serves to eliminate more letters, which is a reasonable tactic. That's what I used to do when I typically guessed SHIRT and then DANCE, even if letters in SHIRT were green or yellow. Only recently have I started keeping the letters that have already been identified as correct.
But the biggest problem, of course, is that ostensibly Paul's and my bots should use the exact same guesses! Has the bot been hacked by a disgruntled player who got x/6?